two weeks of term break.
finally... i can have a little rest.
had marketing test today.. and it sucks.
i promise i will study harder for the next test. =)
looking forward to openhouse 07.. hope to meet the red campers again!
sometimes i really think i'm some wonderwoman.. hahahahaha..
gotta work, gotta study, got sph stuffs, got cca..
and i'm still happy and alive now! woooo.
but i am kinda sick of the life i have now. or rather tired.
it's either home, sch, ark or sph..
dont even have time to go shopping..
ok lah, cine is my 5th home. haha. always go there to catch movies.
though sick and tired, but i'm happy.
tmr is another night out.. farewell dinner for ly..
hey, if any of u happen to know ppl who work in sakura orchard branch...
PLS tell them to pick up calls can?!
i called so many times, BUT no one answer.
damn. wanted to make a reservation first.
gotta try calling them again tmr morning.
they better answer my call, if not when i reach there at night, they'll know.
movie night again! =D
been watching so many movies recently.
i need inspirations for my locvid what. haha. good excuse right.
went to some hongkong tea restaurant today for qing gong yan for funbao party.
ohyah, my damn lousy retard hp is screwed! whee.
suddenly i have 170 sms-es in my inbox, when only it's supposed to hold up to 120 msgs.
and there were so many repeated msgs lah.
worst still, the sender's name changed! hahaha.
it's like if u sent me a msg right, the sender name appear may be someone else.
tt's for the old msgs only... heng.
but it's quite funny to read them. hahahaha. i laughed till siao...
cuz those names that appeared right, these ppl will never ever send me those kinda msgs. haha.
my life is always so entertaining. even my hp entertains me. =_=''
i gotta learn hei ye guo hou guitar chords before this year ends!!
that's my biggest goal for year 2006. hahaha.
alright! i shall practice hard everyday!
need to do xmas shopping soon..
headache.. dunno what to buy leh..
this year's xmas will be spend in ark. =)
these two weeks alot of happenings. hope i still can get some rest before i chiong for 2nd half of sem! =D
i want good grades. i NEED good grades. sigh.
i still havent decide should i take a one month break from ark to really chiong for 2nd half of sem.
but not enough people also.. and i cant be so selfish.. everybody will be having final examinations.
things that gotta complete during the two weeks break
1. locvid adapted project submission
2. locvid final project shooting
3. medisoc interview
4. learn guitar chords of hygh
5. write redcamp and sliver wonders article.
6. webgraph milestone #2
7. marketing template #2
i wanna settle no.5 by tmr! hopefully~
important events happening in these two weeks!
1. xmas eve celebration @ ark cafe
2. MONster's 2nd anniversary on xmas day!
3. overnight kbox-ing.
4. catch death note 2!!
5. ly's departure to amercia.
6. countdown to 2007 @ ark cafe
tt's for now. =)
i wanna go sentosa leh. and i wanna go on a holiday!
alright gonna sleep liao!
finally.. i can have a sound sleep!
** happy~ cuz i saw someone today. wahahaha!! **
Wednesday, 13 December 2006
holidays mood
feel like it's holidays now. haha.
had webgraph test today and it sucked. damn it. i was so pissed. dont want to mention anymore.
something happy instead. =)
friday was the slivery wonders concert. went down to cover the event. thanks kaiwen for getting me the pass =)
yeah, char was great! so was tiffany, our NP idol!
something to praise.. jones's students sang well too, though can tell they were abit nervous.. but they were good, considering the fact that it was their first public performance!
the rest of the perfomers i wasnt too interested. sorry! =D
advertisement again. hahaha.
if u guys like singing and wanna polish ur skills,
join the
artchemist performing arts academy contact damon at 97491943 or email to info.artchemist@gmail.com
the flyer i posted on my previous entry before =)
sun we had farewell dinner with mr j.lo, our marketing lecturer..
he left school already. sigh, i'm seriously gonna miss marketing classes with him.
he's really a very very very very very very extremely extremely great teacher!
(yah, from the many 'verys' i used, u can tell how great he really is! and i'm not exaggerating.)
he treated us instead.. felt so bad.
me and char went raffles hotel to buy cake for geri and also mr lo.. cheesecake! yumyum!
and we saw uncle raymond, so we got 50% discount. haha.
thanks raymond! he looked good in his uniform.
totally different from mooncake period. hahaah.
kinda miss raffles hotel. miss working there. miss the people there too.
sat nite went down to ark to replenish stock.
wanted to watch cinderalla but it the end nv..=(
nvm, we shall catch it agn somedays!
went pastamania for supper and chatted till 2+am.
i'm always very happy when i'm with the rest of my colleagues..
haha. somehow they have magic to spice up my day. hahaha. =D
thanks guys~~!!
though i used to complain tt i gotta work many days sometimes, but i'm still happy to be able to work there..
it's gonna be a week before i'm back there again..
gotta study for ct, so not working this week le.
sorry guys for covering me up!!
i wanna go shopping next week..
need to buy xmas presents for so many people!!
i have no idea what to buy for them, tt's the worst part. sigh.
but i guess it's gonna be a fun xmas this year =)
like i'd said, if u have nothing to do, or u wanna enjoy ur xmas nite
come down to ark cafe and listen to MONsters. they are reallly reallly very good!
i'm off to study!
-thanks for brightening up my day.-
smiled at 1:16:00 am
fuming mad
apparently, it wasnt a good day that i tot what it wld be.
i'm quite pissed off with
somebody who said those words.
hello~ we can jolly well survive without you too ok.
no doubt that he's good, but his attitude was dissapointing. REALLY dissapointed.
i think i'll go tmr night. haha. reporting on the event =P
but provided i can finish the first draft of my bauhaus in the morning.
shall see how first.
nothing much for today.. went filming in school in the morning..
and yah, recently met a scary person. what the. i got nothing to say.. this person STALKS other people. EEKS.
alrite, going off to do bauhaus now. -_-'
smiled at 12:37:00 am
Thursday, 7 December 2006
An alternative idea on how to spend ur xmas! MON-ster (ahdu,jianhua,ximei,meilian) of Ark Cafe is celebrating their 2nd anniversary on 25th dec 06!
it's gonna be a great night, i promise. so do come down if you're free kkae.
the performance will be real good, trust me! =)

contact me if u're interested.. drop me a msg or a call!
help spread the words around too! thanks!
smiled at 2:14:00 am
quick update =)
alright! i'm REAL busy. super tired. just a quick update.
monday nite went filming at celine jessandra music school.. the place is nice! very cosy=)
thanks to all the people who helped us out:
mervyn, sean, christine, zhangyun, yanting, fabian.
i love my locvid grpmates man, char,nic,geri and sara!!
shall work on final proj tgt! =D
reached home at 12am.. rushed marketing slides.. i slept for 2 pathetic hours only.
well, i think it's the worst presentation i've ever done.. i wasnt prepared at all and did the slides so last min!
but it turned out quite well and it's a miracle that i wasnt nervous when i presented. but i did stumbled as usual lah.hahaha.
last minute work works. hahaha.
didnt work on tues for once. went to watch Open Season with ahdu,jiahao,yc and ximei.. such a humourous movie!
guys, must go watch also.
i was laughing so loudly.. haha. destress man!
ohyah! and i wanna watch the " i have a big head" movie too! must support ahdu's 'friend'! wahahaha.
no CATS class on wed.. went school for S&W. was damn tired lah, dont even feel like dancing.
later went to work. actually i'd tics to watch the ABC concert.. the one with mayday, pin guan and chen shen.
mayday leh! damn high lah. BUT, wanna see today's dang.. they only singing twice this mth.. and i'm working on the both days they singing! like the dang more and more each time i see them. haha. good job guys! =)
but if today it's jones who is singing.. then i
SURE will go man! hahaha.
rushing the damn graphcomm asg now. i'm not even halfway thru. see how i'm gonna die man.
ohyah, friday gonna be a great night! but havent decide if i should go not.
he's coming, but he's not singing, only playing the guitar.. hmmmm. well. see first bah.
sat gonna have meeting at sph then later the night going down to ark to see NRB.
sun nite having class dinner! =D
weekly schedule all written here already. DAMN IT BUSY.
tmr is marko's dang! yeah! looking very forward.. but hope i dont get irritating customers.
filming agn in the morning; then going for amb's duty.
though no lesson, another day gone just like that.
i'm gonna do bauhaus now. or rather TRY to.
damn it sian.
one last thing,
i'm happy =)
thanks for brightening up my day. yah, u know who u are. =D
smiled at 12:25:00 am
sat was the last day of RED Camp3.
finally everything ended!
my team visited school of ICT. the stuffs they learn there are quite fun actually!
but then, i still perfer my own course. haha.
though projects are a big headache! esp GRAPHCOMM.
any one has any idea what is bauhaus?!?!?
i'm so dead. deadline is only 6 days away and i havent have a single dot on my InDesign. (which i dont even know how to use it!)
tonight we're gonna film! =)
hope we're able to film within 4hrs.
just wanna get it done asap; then gotta study for CT. sian.
working on 3days this two weeks. need to study!!
but then after this two tideous week,9 comes the term break!!
quite packed also; many days booked already.
i'm specially looking forward to 28th, gonna go overnite kbox again! yayyay.
hope there will be sneak preview for death note2; if not maybe ly cant join us to watch already. *SO SAD*. haha.
next tues school ends at 3pm, wed- no school! this thurs no school too! =D
i really need time to complete all my assignments man.
wanted to finish graphcomm ytd, but apparently i didnt.
went down to ark to decorate for xmas.
the place is so xmas-sy now! haha.
it's gonna be a memorable xmas this year too!
argh, but before that... gotta suffer first...projs and tests AGAIN. but nvm, at least there's something i'm looking forward too.
digrest again. haha.
ok back to red camp.
the camp finale was damn funny. good job,ambs! teoxu n adam is SO SEXY. =)
didnt really interact with all the campers.. so many of them! but talked to some of them.
i'm sorry i cant remember their names.. opps. and there're these 3 guys whom i tot will pon on the 3rd day, but they stayed thruout the camp. alrite, honestly i didnt even ask for their names.dont know what sch they are from too. ha.ha. but they were interesting people. =P
there're also these five girls that i ACTUALLY rmbed their names, but they went off after lunch on the very first day!
ok, lunch break now!
blog more later =D
smiled at 11:57:00 pm
RED camp! =D
two days of waking up at 6am and sleeping at 2am.
really cant tahan already, supposed to have duty till 10pm.. but i went home after todays' class.
just woke up from my nap.
was tired and not feeling well. gotta forgo the jam and hop. sigh.
basically, i'm like a red camper too. haha. touring the schools and amazed and amused by the courses. hahaha.
some interesting facts i saw today when touring the Health Sciences building!
our brian stop growing when we're 15 years old!
its take 17 muscles to smile but 43 muscles to frown!! so frens, SMILE more than u frown kk! =D =D
the ECH prog was fun. i liked it too.
FMS tour- we went to places that i've not even been there before! what a shame being a masscommer. haha.
i honestly didnt know who is shah, or rather who the person demo-ing at the 48 console room is..
no wonder my campers wanna take pictures with him. he's the top 5 of the suria's talent quest thingy. i think.
he's very friendly and nice. my campers were so happy. thanks to me. hahaha. cuz they managed to take pics with him. grabbed him to take pics with them when i really have not a single idea who he was and i dont even know him!
my campers then told me he took part in the anugerah skrin. seriously have no idea he's some idol. no wonder people are taking pics with him.
oklah, at least i did render some help to my campers. i feel happy too! haha=)
ytd went to this alpha center to see robots,some SOE stuffs. i missed the aerospace hub and LSCT tour.
tmr going for ICT tour. yisong said they're doing very similar things like mcm, but more fun.
maybe i shouldn't follow them, if not i may wanna change course. haha!
ohyah, i STILL havent start on my bauhaus. DIE.
sun actually planning to go down ark to deco for xmas, but now must see if i can complete my graphcomm first.
last day of RED camp tmr. i am not feeling well, but i'll still go. really a big scale event and i'm impressed by how the corpcomms,SDAR and the committee planned and organised everything. i have to admit though not everything went smoothly, like the CCA fiesta ytd due to the rain, and there were some mess ups; but it's a camp for about
1000 students, i think we did very well already!! i get to know my fellow NPs school mates and potential NP students too.
alright, gonna do some schwrk now.
but before i go, here's sthing..
i managed to catch the sniplets of all the PSS2 contestants performing when i reached home.
wasnt in time to catch the whole prog cuz of RED camp! argh!! must watch the repeat on sun.
i gotta say:
xingrong looked and sounded great on TV. =)
he wasnt the one with lowest marks, yet he was eliminated.
abit sad lah. cuz i really like his voice.
but competitions are never fair.
nvm, hope he'll make it big some days.
"basha fighting!"
signing off!
i hate projects!
smiled at 9:07:00 pm