just saw the news that taiwanese actress xu wei lun left the world at 7.37pm today.
she met an car accident on the 26th and has been in coma after since.
the doctor said that they would have to keep her in observation for about two weeks before carrying out an operation.
but she'd gone.
life is so unpredictable.
no doubt she's a very good actress.
rest in peace.
god bless.
she is not someone i know, not someone that i idolise or what..
but this news really hit hard on me. she's only 28 years old!
ok, maybe she's an actress that's why the news is covering tmr's papers on entertainment section will be a tribute to her.
it's really depressing, come to think of it that there may be many people who died at a young age.. just that we dont know cuz the news dont cover as they are not public figures.
at that moment when i saw the news.. i really told myself.. i must treasure everything i have now.. and do everything i wanna do before it's too late.. cuz u dont know when ur day will come.
ah, a bit depressing.. but that's the thoughts i had.
on a happier note, i completed the video. final version of 7749.
just before i saw the news.
and now.. i really gotta say..
friends, i love u lots..
if one day.. one of us.. just pass away lydat.. (CHOY! touch wood. ok. the day can come.. but about 60years after pls.)
if i were to look back at this video.. i think i'll cry till siao.
the whole process we've gone thru..the funny moments during filming.. i really miss the days.
memories are the only thing that no one can ever snatch from anyone.
i'm sincerely thankful to all of u that has been part of my memories..
like my secondary school friends, although we seldom contact each other now.. but sometimes, all of a sudden i seriously miss everyone... our noisy classroom.. how we'd angered ms tan.. and to the Point 8 gang( i still rmbed the name ok!), the 'fun and happy' times we had that i dont think anyone will believe even if we told them about it. haha. ok, maybe except derek. hoho. shall keep it as a secret forever. haha.
some are good, some are bad.
but i choose to keep the good one.
life is unpredictable and may be short too...
so just be happy.
quote from jones: i wanna live my life like i've never live before..
love u, my friends out there.
take care.
-- i wanna live every second of my life like i've never live before --
Saturday, 27 January 2007
late night shopping.
supposedly there is late night shopping today.
Singapore tourism board introduced this every last fri of the month the late night shopping along orchard road.
but apparently their LATE night mean till 11pm i guess.
went to orchard after work with flora and freda and not much shops were open. so pathetic lah. argh.
didnt go to school today, stayed at home to finish the paperwork for locvid instead. freak lah still got quite a lot to draw for storyboard.
went to work and today's dang can be describe using a word: FABULOUS.
so impressed!! damn powerful lah.. esp. weiyang's magical fingers on the guitar!
when will the day come when i can play like him?! no. the day will never come. hoho.
and his guitar is damn nice also lah. next time take photo show u all.
alrite, i'm damn sleepy now.
bye peeps.
smile =)
smiled at 2:17:00 am
Thursday, 25 January 2007
Happy birthday to my sec two deskmate Qian Yi!!
Happy birthday to darren aka 159. hope u have grown taller! =P
back to work after a week of break.
And today.. there’s no customers.
It’s very saddening, cuz today’s dang actually not bad.
thanks esp to Eugene and hanyang for the entertainment! =)
u guys really cheered up my so screwed-up day. thanks..
don’t be discourage guys.. somedays ur music will reach out to a lot of people..
and then u guys can really have ur indoor stadium concert liao!
finally TWO modules done, graphcomm and CATS.
next week two more modules down~ yeahyeah.
I’ll survive.
thanks to my graphcomm grpmates. think we did a not so bad job today. haha.
yes yisong~ we’ll get B. hohoho.
life hasn’t been that well compared to the first two weeks of Jan.
so many things happened this two weeks.
suddenly got no more feelings toward the place.
maybe.. it’s really gonna be my last day next tues.
really reminisce the days where some of them will pop by and say hi and chat for awhile.. but recently, the place is so un-lively at all.. and dust even gathered on jhua’s cup. haha. WHY WHY! why has it become this state?
will the days ever be back again?
colleague leaving for attachment in America next mon. FINALLY! haha. quite cool eh~ attachment in America. But still I die die also want my attachment to be in Hype Records leh.
I’m tried.
tried of everything.
smiled at 11:39:00 pm
it's 6.07am now.
woke up at freaking 4am to do graphcomm.
hopefully we'll score.
later working. haha. been a week since i last work.
anticipating tonite's dang.
planned to finish the final edit by tonight but seems like impossible, cuz i lack of something!!
alrite. go sleep now. and wake up in an hour time. boo.
smiled at 6:06:00 am
Wednesday, 24 January 2007
HATE graphcomm.
why we gotta take this module?!
THANKS jerry. and sorry. =X
tmr graphcomm presentation.
next monday gotta hand in final edit of 7749 and marketing report.
tues webgraph final presentation. BIG HEADACHE.
ytd the OLG met up finally after so long.
thks guys for being there for me.
though in the end i have decided just stick with what i have.
and thanks for the comments, though some of them hurts, but yea.. like i say i welcome bad point so i can edit it better.
but still.. thanks alot guys. =)
hate irresponsible people.
hate people who dont reply to sms.
is it so difficult to press the reply button and just type in a few words?
dunno take hp for what.
smiled at 11:39:00 pm
Vote for Daren!
a great discovery! (slow maybe. haha)
project superstar two male finalist daren tan sze wei is a graduate from
Ngee Ann Poly - School of BA !
np pple! vote for daren yea!! =)

smiled at 7:32:00 pm
i want this snake!

*koped from choonwei's blog=P*
YES!! i want this green snake from IKEA.
have been eyeing for it since 1 year + ago. haha. but it's quite EX at that time, so nv buy.
but aunty choonwei bought it for
$1.90 only! how can this be?!
holidays pls come quick! so i can go down to tampines ikea to get my snake!!!
smiled at 6:49:00 pm

i wanna watch this movie!!
yah, it's called 生日快乐 by rene liu and louis koo. shuai ge lah!
think it's gonna be a real nice and touching!
anyone wanna watch with me? haha.

smiled at 5:46:00 pm
难忘的一餐 =)

超好吃!!!! 虽然说颜色看起来不怎样啦..哈~
11个人耶~感觉好像提早吃团圆饭... 哈哈
谢谢阿杜! =P
很喜欢多多人聚在一起的感觉..尤其是吃顿饭..最好是在家吃~ 多温馨啊...!!
smiled at 1:15:00 am
back in action!
finally~ after 3 days of being damn sick,
hui mei is back in action again!
these few days been busy welcoming vistors for Ngee Ann's Open House ^^
met some of the red campers too. =)
fun but abit tiring though.
alright.. more about it some other time..
just a short update...
really no time ah!!
need to recharge energy!
ohyah.. lastly..
woohoo~ mr jones is turing.....28. haha. =D
my dear sprout. * sprinker water* =P
smile! =)
smiled at 10:22:00 pm
buzzing around.
checking out my blog frequently. hahaha.
to see if my tagboard is working =P
yah that's why u'll see i reply to tags very quicky. ha.
hey i damn happy that i got that tagboard onto my blog.took me the whole afternoon to figure out k!
yah i know i'm not HTML inclined lah.
happy birthday DARWIS! =)
almost done with my editing. woolala~~
but i still need some baby photos..
must complete CATS presentation slides by tonite.
it's gonna be a tiring day again........
but still..
I'M HAPPY! it turns out to be quite a nice film. waahhaa. =)
smiled at 12:53:00 am
doing CATS now.
such a fun module man. hahaha.
headache ah.
still gotta design a poster later and try to save my website design.
NO IDEA how to do it!! argh.
will be shifting all the old posts over here as soon as i got the time to do so!
cheers =)
smiled at 2:33:00 pm
random words..
just got back frm cine..
had BK for dinner cum supper..
went down to listen to MONsters before that..
happy that all the tables were occupied..
enjoyed the dang as usual =)
but felt a bit weird.. dunno why..
like everything there wont be the same anymore..
but i've never regret stepping into this place..
cuz like i'd said before..i knew alot of nice and great friends..
hope that the friendship still stays even if we decide to leave..
love you guys lots!! ^^
smiled at 2:43:00 am
Saturday, 13 January 2007
7 7 4 9
done with my location video final project shooting on 7 jan!
we're so so so relieved when the last shot was done..
there were ups and downs.. a little bit of unhappiness.. but more joy and fun.
i had 3 sleepless nights lah..most of the time worrying...
but anyway, it's OVER!! and i missed the days.. sort of.. haha..
my dear project mates
producer geri, camerawoman char, director nic

lights sarah, ast. director me, soundman yisong
sara missing in the picture. oh.

we're filming.. cool rite! my poooor table though..haha..

producer and ast director decide to slack =Pp.
geri's shades is cool! yahlah, it's not mine.

producer geri who didnt buy insurances for my talents! heng nothing happened to them. haha.

no comments. haaha.

headless yisonggg!!!!!!!

we broke a bowl.. or rather i was the one who got to smash it. SHUANG lah. =D

and we stuck the pieces back! =Pp
and now... presenting my very talented actor!!!
not only talented in music, but in acting also!!
ohyeah. that's my lousy guitar. hahaha.

at the ark.
my lousy guitar again, but then no matter how lousy the guitar is, it sounds damn good cuz it's on a very talented guitar's hand!! =)
the full crew/helpers and casts
SERIOUSLY LOVE ALL OF YOU GUYS!!the crew and helpers geraldine
ohyah. and my sis for keeping quiet. hahaha.
and my dear actors and actressliangwen
my parents! ohyeah. =Pp
and also
Alicia for lending us to film in Ark Cafe =)
thanks to my bedroom and my guitar too. hahahah!
sincerely wanna thank
liangwenfor helping out in the midst of his busy schedule!!
and thanks to kenneth for being our photographer for the day.
uh-hem.. though i know u got hidden motive. hahaha.
so much for now...
actually i'm done editing the clips, but still wanna 'polish' them =D
before i go.....
one last thing!!
7749 ROCKS
smiled at 10:29:00 pm
30th jan 2007 - a nite u'll never forget!
wonder what to do on a boring tuesday night?
no plans made for 30th of jan yet?
Well, come down to The Ark Cafe! =D
it's gonna be a night full of surprises, fun, entertainment and most importantly, great music!
Mood Inn ( jiehao, rongting, yingying, huiyi, liangwen) will be celebrating their 3rd year anniversary on 30th jan, from 8pm onwards till late night.
Ticket at $18 each, inclusive of a drink, lucky draw, goodie bags, etc...
SO do come down!
can contact me for more info also yea =)
must come lah, cuz i'm working on that day! hahaha.
been working for this dang for about 9mths already~~
a very entertaining dang =Pp
confirm plus guarantee *chop chop*.. it's really gonna be a great nite!
do come down kk! can buy tics from me first =)

smiled at 9:20:00 pm
test. test.
i'm new to blogger =)
smiled at 5:20:00 pm