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Sunday, 18 March 2007
off to china

bye ppl!
i'm off to china!
cya guys in two weeks time!
dont miss me yea =P

smiled at 9:37:00 pm

Friday, 16 March 2007

damn suay lah. down with serious flu and i'm going to china in 2 days time!!!!

this week was real HECTIC. i also dunno what i'm busy about. i dont even know what i'm doing lah.
online meetings, TDP meetings, china trip meeting, txy yingxin, work.
can die lah.

tonight will be my official last nite in ark cafe.
and it's weiyang dang. which brings a good ending for me. haha.

pictures again. taken on my last second nite.

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jean~ ms nice lecturer!! =D
but i always feel tat she's like a student. look so young lo! haha.

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uncle eugene. TMD. so tall for WHAT?!
gonna miss the cold jokes and suans by him.
thks for the "shi jie wei yi de ni". I DID RECORD. too bad. haha.

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i like this picture =)

will miss you guys lots.

off to do more preparation work for china trip.

smiled at 2:06:00 am

Wednesday, 14 March 2007

went back to sec school cca's camp just now.. honestly speaking i was abit disappointed.
had a sudden urge to go back and help.. cdc was once so so so good.
not to say that it's not good now.. but things had changed drastically.
really saddening.
been like 1 year ever since i stepped back into cdc. last year went over to thailand for hols so didnt have to chance to go for the camp, only went to watch the performance. therefore, this year die die also must go back though it was so last minute.
sorry to flora cuz we wanted to go ms to shop actually. shopping! ah!
but really been a long time since i meet up the old comm and the juniors.
happy to see my dear juniors, some have really grow up! =D
and it's really nice to hear zhongtao calling me 'dajie'.. nobody had called me that for one year already. haha. though it sounds OLD.
everyone seems to be doing very well now, which is good.

finally met up with my dear dear comm mates, though only 5 of us.. but brought back alot of good old sweet memories. really great to see you guys.
the days of rehearses, the 05camp days, the day where we all got dressed up in black to go watch huangcheng and before that we went to take neoprints, the significant 23april 2005, sitting in huisuo meeting.. everything.. memories just flushed into my mind.
of cuz not forgetting the tears lah. but then, it's still good memories. though even till now, i am still filled with compunction for that thing that i dont think i'll be able to forget. but anyway, everything looks fine for him now, so not too bad. haha. i'm still a good senior kk!
really havent been touching drama after i left cchms.
most of my comm are still in touch with drama, which i really feel happy for them.
our batch dear president is now the president of TJC's drama club. good for him man.

things really changed. but some people are still as subborn and irritating as ever. i just dont know why they dont get the point that THEY ARE JUST NOBODY. HELLO~ PLS STOP BOTHERING THE COMM PPLE. it's not that you have no say and they should respect u guys as seniors BUT do you even say the correct things to gain their respect?
really feel like punching u two bloody hells. just scram please. dont let me see you again.
seldom get so irritated, but you two are getting on my nerves.
wanna settle, just settle with us can? dont go bother the juniors, it's non of their business, get it?
we're a good cca, so please dont corrode our cca can?

once again, thanks to my dearest comm 04/05:
though some of us seldom contact anymore already, though there're some unhappiness, but
if there's ever still a chance, i'll wanna work on production with all of you guys again.
love you guys lots.

counting down: 4 days to china.
learnt mass dance today! haha. quite fun! =D

smiled at 1:00:00 am

Monday, 12 March 2007
quick one..

just a very quick post..
happy yet busy weekends.
composing a long post but not ready yet. haha.
it's in chinese that's why lah.. takes a longer time.
thinking cuz i'm going to china real soon, time for me to brush up my chinese.
tmr is gonna be a so dead day. arghh.


smiled at 12:58:00 am

Saturday, 10 March 2007
8 more days to china!

okie folks,
finally an update on my china trip =)

had meetings for the passed few days for preparatory work to china.
i'm gonna deal with kids for 7 days. i hope i can survive!
but it seems like it's gonna be fun after sarah and i planned out the teaching stuffs. =D
ohyeah. i'm getting abit excited. hahaha.
but we got to do ALOT work before embarking on our journey!
am really glad to have my four other classmates coming along with me.
suddenly quite sad that we may not be in the same class next year. will miss T110 lots.

it's freaking 2.30am now and i'm revising the proposal for chinese publication.
meeting the editors early morning to pitch the ideas. hope they approve all our ideas!
they BETTER approve!
argh. need to wake up at 7.30am lah.
getting more excited when we discussed about shanghai... really gonna shop till i drop. hahaha.
think i'm in quite a fun team =) hope everyone work well together!
and sarahhhhhh! i'll be with you for 24hours x 15 days (minus the bathing time)!! hahaha.
u gotta withstand my craziness. wahah.

sincerely thankful to flora and freda for
1) accompanying me to shop for my china trip stuffs
2) borrowing me whatever stuffs that you can lend me for my china trip
i promised to buy u guys lots lots things back. =D

looking forward to the trip!

back to edit proposal again.
wanna finish editing it asap and then sleep!
tmr it's gonna be a long long day at SPH and at work.

cheers =D

smiled at 2:24:00 am

Friday, 9 March 2007
a slight tinge of sadness

last time working on jiewei's singing day.. well, bit sad ah..
am gonna miss this funny 183cm gonna-become uncle but still thinks he's young guy.. haha..a long name man..
ohyah, cum 水桶 (water bucket) somemore..
everytime sing huh, confirm needs at least 2 cups of water!!

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still rmb the very first time i worked on his singing day, this pretty girl was here to support him already.. and everytime after that i'll cfm see her when it's jiewei's day.. hahaha.. tt's why must take photo tgt!!
introducing -- she's mrs jiang! =)

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this is angeline.. a damn nice singer! watched her from auditions till becoming a singer.. another signficant memory.. haha..
she's very hardworking.. very humble!! and become more and more outspoken and 'cold' already.. will be missing all her fish leong's songs!

seeing the pics make me feel abit sad already.. sigh.. but then once i made a decision i'll just carry out.
no point to drag and drag already, really hate being wishy-washy.

something more happy!!


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flora,freda and i went to eat at central after jones's event.. very colourful rite, the picture!
credits to flora's phone! you guys shld know i got a lousy hp that cant possibly produce this standard of pic.. haha..

monday met aunty choonwei and flora and they accompany me to buy belt and also change money..
damn, got a china guy mistook me for a china girl!! he tot i changed money to go back to homeland. DAMN. ARGH.
anw, thanks ahdu for introducing me the money changer, they're very nice. taught me how to prevent from being cheated in china =D
alrite, we had dinner at honglim hawker center.. and aunty ordered this very special food. it's supposed to be chicken chee cheong fun.. but!! it doesn't looks like it!
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it tasted nice though!

so much for now..
working on qingdao trip things..gotta rush!!
update on qingdao trip soon!!

smile! =D

smiled at 12:43:00 am

Wednesday, 7 March 2007
crazy fingers

received a very cute and funny email from flora.. decided to share with you guys to brighten up ur day!
也特別獻給阿釦~ 在拍戲空擋,你要是無聊沒事做,可能可以學學以下的東西!哈哈哈.. =)

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smiled at 1:21:00 am

Sunday, 4 March 2007

recapped on the few events i'd attended recently..

last tues went to interview this person from MOM and also the dean of SMU biz school..
quite interesting when i went to look back at the notes i took and think more about the issue..
well, it's quite a good exposure.
just that the truth is, i really dont like this kind of interviews cuz some of these type of arranged interviews, they'll be able to look thru the qns beforehand and provide 'well-thought' and politically right answers.

fri nite went to see gary cao ge's campus concert at NTU. he was good. real good. damn good. haha.
how can this kind of person be living in the world?!?! his vocals was damn shiok lah!!!
ohyeahh~ and i got a poster from him. wahahaha. =D

sat was amb retreat camp..i dont know how did it went at nite.. hopefully it was ok..
for the games thing.. i think we all did our best in 'entertaining' them and making them enthu.. haha. claps for grp 2 =D
and thanks to zhikai who poured the pail of water over me and tammy's and my phone got drenched in water, luckily they both fine now. i'm ok with it when u wanna play around with me.. but pls,not when i'm holding a phone!! worst till, i'm holding other ppl's phone. tt's really bad!! but i'm not angry or what,since i know you u guys just wanted to have fun lah.. budden i'll feel really bad if tammy's phone didnt recover! to the person who understands what i'm sayingt: thanks for ur trust and confidence, i'll stay strong, do my very best and wont let you down!!

today, went for jones's special vocal workshop event. alrite, my dear senior is still as shuai. hahaha..
but i feel quite bad not going up to say hi.. haha.. just dont have the face to lah,after so many things happening in the place..
i dont even feel like letting him know i'm from there, but i guessed he shld had known cuz the stupid me went to help out. DAMN. spoil my image. argh. whatever lah. he shld have known it's me.. maybe he thinks i stalk him again. ahaha.
his vocals is still good.. though i perfer him singing his own songs.. haha.. but maybe it's been a long time since i've seen him performing or maybe he havent been performing on stage for so long, somehow, i felt that he was not as charming as before already.. though still very COLD as last time. and some words and lines are still the same as two years ago.. nv change one leh!
ahhhh, i still regret not approaching him to hala.. dunno when will be the next time to meet him again.. hopefully it's during autograph session. but i'm an awake and rational fan, i KNOW the facts. and i dont deny he still needs a great improvement for guitar.
and to the bloody hell who keeps thinking i'm crazy and nuts over him: hello~ though yes,i'm a number one jones's fan, BUT i dont rant and rant blindly how good he is, i do see the points he got to improve on also can. so damn you stop saying as if you know me very well and that i'm totally crazy over him till even if it's bad things, i'll say it's good things.
but anyway -
jiayou, jones! your poster is still sticking firmly on my walls. haha. =)

----- to believe or not to believe, it's totally up to you-----

smiled at 11:46:00 am

final 再见.






love you guys lot, really.


smiled at 3:17:00 am