it's term break. finally! really time to take a break before the hectic term2 starts! heard that it would be like hell.damn pissed with myself. cuz basically for the past 8weeks, i havent been studying and listening to lectures. damn it. why why why?! i'm gonna buck up during the holidays. i am. =)BUT as usual, holidays are always NOT holidays.ahh. really missed the period after "O"s where i did slack for like few weeks doing NOTHING but sleep, eat, watch TV and surf net. the pig me. =Pnow to think of it, though i missed those days, it's also a stupid way of spending holidays.
at least should do something more enriching lah. regretted not learning keyboard or guitar then, now i dont even have the time to learn =( *shake head*
two weeks of holidays and i'm quite packed already. or rather i am gonna make myself busy. haha. cause i dont wanna waste any time anymore. will just make sure i get sufficient sleep during my holidays, which is at least 8hours! woot. =D
camps fill up almost one week of my holidays. sigh.
projects and assignments are along the way too.
gotta catch up with schoolwork.
itchy hand me wanna complete some articles during holidays(which means more proposal writing, phonecalls, interviews,writing and editing.BLAH!) =D
plus gonna finish reading three books.
and plan to meet and catch up with my dear friends!!
intend to go watch artchemist, MONsters and mood inn performances also.
MUST try to at least go for MONsters. felt so bad that their first official nite at aqh i cant make it.
ahh.. i can foresee i will be spending quite a lot money. =(
MONEY MONEY drop from the sky pleassee~
there goes my 2 weeks sweet and short term break!
on a happier note, i finally found "The Alchemist" book again yesterday! *hooray to Nat'l Lib*
Actually read the book once already, but didnt get the very full picture and understanding of the book cuz i read it quite hurriedly, but the book was really good. So i planned to reread to get the full essence of the book!
And this time round,i even borrowed a chinese version of the book just in case, cause *ahem* some one said i read chinese books TOO MUCH so i wasnt able to get the full essence of the book in english. thanks lor, jones. I dont read chinese books. erm, secondary school textbooks and chinese literature books counted?
whatever, i'm gonna slowly read this book and suck out all the essence.
it's a really good and worth reading book.
if you like comics, go read Buddha by Osamu Tezuka...
Osamu Tezuka is the creator of Astro Boy!!
was doing some research on astro boy and found the name of the book familiar cuz remember reading somewhere that this Buddha series is highly recommended to read. =)
sleeeeeeply now!!!
the world is so small =D
busy week! but enriching and memorable week too :)
tons of stuffs to settle after coming back from PRE-U camp.
i really love my lecturers, thanks for postponing the deadlines! if not i'll be really DEAD.
thanks mr kwek for understanding my situation. not like some others. =X
i'm in the midst of rushing my website now... =(
i really suck at it lah. i'm so NOT IT savvy please.
but i'm gonna put in all my best. my other modules results sucks like shit.
hai. what's happening to me!!!!!!!
this week was super slack week in school, one day of lectures and one day of tutorial. call that school. if every week is like this, i'll be damn happy. why public holidays dont fall on every week.
wednesday had a pre-birthday celebration for jianhua, cum gathering cum steamboat eating session. =D
it's always so fun to hang out with this bunch of friends, they never fail to cheer up my day.
but too bad something spoil my mood after the steamboat, so didnt go for the KTV session =(
thursday was another busy day despite being a public holiday. and it was the day also where i met this damn talented person. i really felt like xray-ing his brain. how can he be so talented! spent 6 hours on an interview! the longest interview i ever done till now. thank god he was cooperative and affable. =D i was so tired after i reached home and didnt touch my website.. there goes my public holiday....
website!!! die...
i was doing some research just now and shockingly, i found out that my used to be junior is related to this person i'm doing my website on. the world is really small.
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smiled at 1:09:00 am