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Sunday, 26 August 2007

exams OVER!
mooncake has been tiring but sort of fun lar.
lots of interesting things happening.
hahahaha.i'm getting to like working with this team of people too. :)

camp starts tmr.
4 days and my one IS module will be GONE.

ytd's concert was quite good, performance wise.
think sugie's band was GREAT. good job, dreamedge! :)

been two years and once again i see jianhua,guohao and jones back on stage together.
the feeling is indescribable la. just erm i never tot it wld happen again. haha.
from dunno who is jianhua and guohao, and used to call jianhua the black black one, until always dedicate him sing heiyeguohou everytime i work... HAHAHA.
two years. and the world is really really small. like sure got connections with this person or that person. everyone is all interlinked lar!
jones' was definitely no need to say one. HE WAS GOOD. so was damon, the director of artchemist music school. they shld have sang more songs, AND jianhua should have join in in the singing also! though abit sad for them.. and for the perfomers.. the crowd size was abit disappointing.

alrite. going off to catch some sleep first! =D

smiled at 11:35:00 pm

Wednesday, 22 August 2007

it's freaking 2.30am and i'm supposed to be studying now.
BUT.. here i am.
off from mooncake operations for 3 days to study for exams..
and i really need the break man. if not i will really die i tell u.
olala, but once i go back it would be damn fun! cuz the whole gang of NP ppl are going back tgt and plus flora,freda and yc will be working already too!
i'm looking forward to work for once.
at least there will a person to accompany me for lunch and dinner!
and yes! pls let me go roadshow!

why the hell do we have exams. baarrrrh!!
i still got alot to study. damn shit lar.

ohyeah, ahloy.. and i meant liangyu, is back in SIN!
wonder how that uncle is now haha.
we shall all meet up somedays!

hols, i'm officially coming!

and yea! SAT is coming SOON.

before i go, i still owe quite a number of ppl bday wishes!
22nd Aug.

21st Aug

17th Aug.
sweetie joyce & present and ex-schmate kenneth!

16th Aug.
hope u earn more $$$$$$!

15th Aug.
DADDY! & weizheng!

OMG LAR. so many ppl birthday's in aug..!!
october will be another month where i'll be broke again. =X

ah!! and i found a new libra friend! - KELDA!
ok.. not a new friend lar. old friend already.
but i really didnt know she's a libra too.
whee. libra people! let's have a bday chalet together man!

smiled at 2:21:00 am

Tuesday, 21 August 2007

i wanna rant, rant, RAN!
damn pissed. damn sian. damn dunno what.
please let 4 days pass quickly, please!
i need some entertainment.
cant wait to see great performances again.
but before that i got two exams to kill.

smiled at 12:21:00 am

Wednesday, 15 August 2007
mooncakes days.

quick updates!

back to the mooncakes days again! :D
this year is gonna be more fun cuz got my bunch of crazy poly friends and dear friends are working too! =D
but on a sad note, those who worked last year, alot not working this year already.
no more wendy, no more jenny, no more raymond, no more ricky and no more megan..
ahhh. but can i have some entertaining people at my booth PLEASE!

smiled at 11:16:00 pm

Friday, 10 August 2007

看了周杰伦的《不能说的秘密》,我只能用一个字来形容: 赞!
是一个我没预料到的故事内容… 还以为不就是周杰伦嘛..最多来个甜蜜凄惨的音乐爱情故事..
没想到这部电影是有深度的… 并不是说周杰伦写的故事会肤浅..
而故事真的很棒… (不只是故事棒,演技其实也不赖,拍摄角度也很棒..
画面感超赞的, 配乐更是不用说…周董的电影耶!)
这是一部好片,值得你去看… 看了后,你会对周杰伦另眼相看…
PS. 它比《头文字D》更赞!

smiled at 9:34:00 pm

Tuesday, 7 August 2007
We Love, We Care' Charity concert 2007

Announcement! Announcement!

There's an upcoming charity concert organised by team PJC for their Citibank-YMCA "Youth for causes 2007" project to raise funds for the Singapore Heart Foundation.

Date: 25th Aug 07 (sat)
Time: 7pm - 9pm
Venue: Singapore Poly's Auditorium

For those of you out there who is curious to find out why i keep saying Jones has damn powerful, nice and good vocals, here's a chance to hear it for yourself!

Artchemist and Jones will be performing for this concert! Other performers include:
  • Superband, G-force Jonathan(known as Jae)
  • Star idol, Garett
  • superband, Lucify and amber.
  • Project Superstars -Sugi, sun wen hai, dawn and chanel
and more...

Tickets at $12. Contact 91927405 for more details and the ordering of tickets!

it's for charity! it's for a good cause!
some more you get to watch fabulous performances! (well, at least i dare vouch that artchemist and jones wont be a disappointing one! haha! )

smiled at 12:12:00 am

Monday, 6 August 2007
-long long post.

hello world!

i'm finally back here again to blog normally, after like 2+ weeks. haha.
so many things happened during these 2+ weeks.
but first..


1) Final Radio Assignment
I got an A! PHEW~ many many thanks to Jones and mr kwek. thanks to mr kwek for being a nice and understanding tutor. He's the nicest tutor i'd ever met since i got into np. i'll miss radio days alot. and then Jones. THANK YOU! Thanks for being an awesome interviewee! despite his busy schedule, he still agreed to be my interviewee. Without him, i wouldnt have gotten my A. =P

For the first time, i forgot that i'm doing a test. honestly. talked until too engrossed and shuang already. hahahaha. really dont know how to thank him enough for coming down.

and people, he's NOT 'dao' ok! HE IS DAMN NICE. aiyah u all dont believe me i also cant be bothered already. he's not those sort of people who will put on a a fake smile and act friendly to everyo
ne just because he wanna get support.

this movie is really cool. i liked the way they started the movie. the angles were good. and yah, it really scare me quite a lot. so dont watch it alone! watched with cheryl and joyce at 1.35am on a saturday morning.(YES. we're
three bravest girls!). Had amb dinner before that and the rest chose to watch The Simpsons. Been some time since i met them up, and my dear guys are still that funny and hyper ever.
left: 'whatever' cheryl with bimbo jason. mauahaha. right: grace, aniszah, me and jason. muahaha!my face is small.

JASON made my day! He was damn funny lar!!! =D

3) Web Design Final Project
I didnt sleep for FOUR nights because of this
damn final project. so did amelia and elaine. Am really glad to get such good teammates! i had fun doing the project with you gals. Heehee, sorry that you gals gotta withstand my craziness during the nights. :D hope we'll get a decent grade man, for all the efforts and hard work we put in.

Also thanks thanks lots to jinhui for ur comments and help, t
hough u had a test the next day. really thanks lots!

4) New York New York
After 5 freaking days and nights working on the website, finally handed in the website! Meet flora and freda at New york new york for dinner. Freda insisted to go there though the queue was damn long. The
greedy us ordered food for 4 people. well, the food there was quite nice lar, except for the chicken.. dont have taste at all! Celebrated flora's bday that day too. we gave her a surprised, and she was really shocked. i've got an innocent and blur friend. heeheehee.

finally met with my dear bunch of friends! been so long since everyone met up. i missed the days wher
e we'll go for late night supper and midnight movie after show. glad to know that everyone is still doing fine now...

And dear flora,
HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU!! it's really nice to know you!! hope u did make proper and good bday wishes this year and they will all come true! love you! =D

[Photos will be up later!]

5) Qiang Mai Finals
Finally... it's OVER. OVER! this year's one compared to last year , the response and atmosphere wise wasnt that good, but this year we had gotten better and qualified judges. WHICH got me abit pissed also, cause i was told that i shouldnt have invited jones cause he brought the level of the competition up. Wasn't that supposed to be better? whatever lar, i cant care much about it.

if my motive of inviting him to come down was just because i wanna see him then in the first place why did i go invite him and waste his time? i wont even bother to waste his time. PLEASE la, i invited him cuz he is most qualified to judge for others in singing wise k. and the only one in panel. sorry for being rude here, but what i said is a FACT.

at least he released an album before, had many performing experiences and
relevant knowledge in singing and music, and now he's teaching vocals.. and he wrote songs and composes too. doesnt all these qualifications make him a good and professional judge? and now u say he brought up the level of competition. so it meant that our contestants were not worth enough for him to judge lar? i dont think so. i dare say at least 2 of them deserved to have qualified judge to give them constructive comments to improve.

this is so not supposed to let 'outsiders' know but i cant bear that piss-ness in my heart so i just wanna burp it out.
but overall,had quite a pleasant time organising the event.. though i still love last year's one better. the first times are always the best times.

anyway, once again.. thank loads jones for coming down! :D
and damon for coming down to watch too.. ARGH, i know the sound system was lousy too. cant be helped. =X
a photo of the shuaiest and very qualified judge for QM =P. thanks darwis for the photo!

6) Newspaper project
the very last project for this semester! hoorayyy! but i can predict more sleepless nights upcoming when the date line is closer. pray all goes well for the last project! and then there's two more exams to kill and i'm done with this terrible semester! HOLIDAYS~ i'm coming! =D

it's been a long post! hahaha. that's the result for not posting for 2 over weeks!

smiled at 6:33:00 pm

Friday, 3 August 2007

elaine, amelia and i are superwomen!
cuz we didnt sleep much for FOUR nights thanks to web d.
and rite now, amelia is at my house doing web d.
long story! so many things to blog.
shall come back when i hand up the damn ass web d.
rush off now to do!

smiled at 1:01:00 am