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Wednesday, 5 September 2007
happy busy-ing!

i finally has got some time to blog..
i like being busy though! hahaha.

camp last week was simply AWESOME.
i went there with the thought in mind that it's gonna be another boring and retard camp that teach nonsense, but i was proved wrong. totally.
actually i decided to go cuz i didnt wanna do IS next semester. that was the main reason.
yes, i'm cunning. HAHAH. but then, i really learnt alot. it was totally different from the other leadership camp i attended. maybe partly cuz my crazy classmates were there. HAHA. opps.
AND YAY! once again, i conquered the HIGH WALL.
i shall post the picture up when i get it and u guys will sure be amazed how we did that. =D
TEAM TITANS rocks lar. =D and once again, partly cuz half of the team was made up of mass commers. HAHAHA. but yeah, i love my group :D
the place we bunk in rite, was damn COOL lar. it's like those bangala workers work site container kinda thingy. SHIOK man. life time experience. haha. AND we got wash our own utensils ourselves also.
gimme more of this kinda camps. it's fun man~ =D

FINALLY! i'm on roadshow team! =D
doesnt mean that i dont like the booths lar, just wanted to try out something new this year.
i like to work in new environment. =D
and roadshow is indeed fun. provided u have fun ppl in your team.
today's one was quite fun lar. maybe it's my first time doing roadshow that's why i find it fun. hahaha.
work is really tiring and a drain of energy.. but then again, it's fun and exciting.
change team next week pls. shorties shall all be in a team! =D
today at premas was damn fun. All the roadshow teams went tgt and it was really a very different working environment. Time passed very quickly also.

ratatouille was damn nice. funny yet touching!
finally the four of us watched a movie tgt ytd after such a long time lar.
we used to watch movie tgt very often last time when we're still at ark..
reminisce those days man.

lack of sleep!
gonna sleep now!
tmr is gonna be an exciting day!
but sad thing is i wont be at premas tmr. =(
teams splitting up. damn saddening lar.
charlie will be ALONE =(
but luckily i got addie in my team to accompany me!
hope tmr will be a good day!
nites all my dear friends!

smiled at 11:44:00 pm