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Wednesday, 27 February 2008
happppy! :D

today is a happy day!
extremely happy day. woolala.

got back the results for AD campaign.
hahahaha. very very satisfied!
work so hard for it... it's one of my most memorable projects in NP.
love my dearest groupmates! :)

the day started out well with principal's treat at swissotel merchant court.
the fooood was not bad! the desserts were HEAVEN lah!!!
chocolate fondue! cheesecake! and lots more!! :)
and eating with awesome seniors and juniors just make the food taste better.
thanks mr chia!
more detailed updates will be up on a later date. :)

after that had korean club meeting. new comm this year. hope everything will work out well! :)

then...met up with quinn and rastus at swensens to treat them.. arghh. but quinn arh, still insisted to pay! tsk tsk tsk. i really never never met such a niceeeee person before! once again, if any of you need a magician, tell me k! :) there's a super good and nice magician out here for you! jean (quinn's wife) came also.. the two of them really very compatible and cute and they are the nicest couple on earth. heh heh.
rasmus came too. sometimes i really envy twins lah! they can do many things together, share clothes, everything also can share, and they can exchange ONE SHOE to have a pair of shoes with one different color on each side..which is what the ras twins like to do. creative huh. hahaha. but it's like fun to have a twin! okay but i cant imaging myself having a twin. think it's quite cool to have a twin, like the life will be more interesting and exciting. hahaaaa. tt's just me maybe. :D
was too concentrated on burning the DVDs that i forgot to take photos! =(
wahseh. doing the editing was like a whole lot of difficulties gone through which i dont wanna explain. hahhaha. but but THANKS ELAINE SO MUCH. she was trying hard to digitise the tape when i was enjoying my fabulous lunch. hahahaha. i love you always, you know it! :D PS: thank amelah for 'saving' elaine hahahaha.
oh, and rastus did a magic trick. he made the pepper container vanished through the table! no baddd ah. I AM IMPRESSED. okay lah, i was seriously. considering that the magic trick WORKED. hahahaha. well, but if you need a magician, Quinn is still the BEST CHOICE. :D
singing wise, and maybe hosting.. you can try rastus.

am glad to know these people who had really contributed alot to the success of my project. i think i'm really blessed.

a happy day! photos up soon :)

smiled at 11:16:00 pm

Tuesday, 26 February 2008
i suddenly realise...

i'll change my blogskin soon. yes :)

just a sudden realisation that though i'm always seen as a person with many friends(which actually i dont think i am..hahahahha), but actually when i think about it, my true friends can be counted using my fingers only.

some people they can be super nice to you on the surface, but behind your back, you dont know what the hell they are doing. to these people, sorry, you can just get out of my sight.

but well, this world is like that. what to do?
but then again, am i glad to have true friends, even though it's only a few:)
you people are loved. :)

smiled at 5:05:00 pm

Saturday, 23 February 2008
the decision.

went for thailand trip briefing today..
i still can't decide to go or not to go.
it's not like qingdao trip. (yes, though i know i can't compare cuz it's two different trips as the purpose is different)
i think i'm more suited for YEP? i'm a kind and nice person you see. HAHAHA.
though i wanted to go very much from the start, but now i need to decide rationally.

did nothing much today.
i really need to start my editing and write my article.
and, yes. change a new blog skin.

smiled at 1:26:00 am

Friday, 22 February 2008


i've been busy watching dramas since advert exam ended.
super long never watch a full series already! SHIOKK.
that's why didnt blog yet.
time for me to change blog skin.
i think this blogskin doesnt suit me anymore. haha.
alrightey. shall blog more after i change the skin..

it's time to get some work done.
my demo show editing and need to write an article also.
plus some photoshop-ing of photos and printing them out! :D

smiled at 12:05:00 am

Tuesday, 19 February 2008

i'm still alive,
well almost dead due to studying for advert.
it's just ONE DAY left before i can fly like bird.HOHOHO.


isn't that GREAT?!
but i'm confused now.
should i go or not?
somemore the pre and post activities dates clashed with effie and IAP.
and if i go, that means 2 months of my sing&play school fees gone.


smiled at 1:42:00 pm

Friday, 15 February 2008

super cool ad:


i may go into advertising next time.
advertising is fun.
but i dont think i have the creative brain juices. sadded.
well, i can always go for the media planning part!

and yes yes yes. Effie awards, i so wanna go!

advert is so loved.

smiled at 6:33:00 pm


mrm exam OVER!

i shall take a little break before i chiong for advert. :D

went shopping for food for tmr's steamboat.
many many food in my fridge now.

mahjiong tonight. yayness.

smiled at 4:46:00 pm

Wednesday, 13 February 2008

chocolates and sweets! :D
in advance! :)

smiled at 8:11:00 pm

Monday, 11 February 2008
wandering around.

i just cant sit still and start studying.


smiled at 8:18:00 pm

Thursday, 7 February 2008

it's the first day of cny and guess what!
i'm starting my revision for mrm cause i'm just too bored.
mrm = media research methods.
sounds interesting right?
well... i shall let you see my notes next time and you decide for yourself...

I WANNA GO THAILAND. but no one i know wanna go.=/

smiled at 10:37:00 pm


happy lunar new year! :D

smiled at 9:12:00 pm

Wednesday, 6 February 2008

i'm bored. and therefore i'm here again.
saw something interesting on PL's blog..

1. Subject: Emergency!
The Emergency Number worldwide for any Mobile is
112. If you find yourself out of coverage area of your mobile network and there is an
emergency, dial 112 and the mobile will search any existing network to establish the emergency number for you, and interestingly this number 112 can be dialed even if the keypad is locked.

2. Subject: Have you locked your keys in the car? Does you car have remote keys?
his may come in handy someday. Good reason to own a cell phone:
If you lock your keys in the car and the spare keys are at home, call someone at home on their cell phone from your cell phone.
Hold your cell phone about a foot from your car door and have the person at your home press the unlock button, holding it near the mobile phone on their end. Your car will unlock. Saves someone from having to drive your keys to you. Distance is no object. You could be hundreds of miles away, and if you can reach someone who has the other ‘remote’ for your car, you can unlock the doors (or the trunk).
Editor’s Note: It works fine! We tried it out and it unlocked our car over a cell phone!

3. Subject: Hidden Battery power
Imagine your cell battery is very low , you are expecting an important call and you don’t have a charger. Nokia
instrument comes with a reserve battery. To activate, press the keys *3370#. Your cell will restart with this reserve and the instrument will show a 50% increase in battery. This reserve will get charged when you charge your cell next time.

4. Subject: How to disable a STOLEN mobile phone?
To check your Mobile phone’s serial number, key in the following digits on your phone: *#06#
. A 15 digit code will appear on the screen. This number is unique to your handset.
Write it down and keep it somewhere safe. when your phone get stolen, you can phone your service provider and give them this code.

They will then be able to block your handset so even if the thief changes the SIM card, your phone will be totally useless.
You probably won’t get your phone back, but at least you know that whoever stole it can’t use/sell it either.
If everybody does this, there would be no point in people stealing mobile phones.

smiled at 10:37:00 pm

too free.

that's the problem when projects are over.
too free. nothing to do.

you see the extreme of my life.
i can be so busy until i blog once a MONTH
or i can be so free that i blog daily.

supposed to start studying for MRM now..
BUT. it's cny eve! so i decided to give myself a little break.

cny is gonna be fun, despite having two exam papers. baahh.
time to meet up with alot of ppl! WOO :D

sister is leaving in 9 days for taiwan for few months to study.
i also wanna go taiwan lah! =( too bad no OIAP positions there.

i can foresee there will be many changes and exciting things coming along my way this year.
i hope it's gonna be a good year.

i'm free but i'm lazy to upload photos.

time to edit limelight :D
i bet i'll finish editing before exams end. hohoho.
shall search for a nice place to treat quinn and rastus.

happy cny!
eat more mandarin oranges and be a sweeter person.
ok. i'm lame. :D

smiled at 9:28:00 pm

it's over! :D

everything is over.
well, not exactly everything.
there's still two more papers to conquer.

projects are FINALLY over.
phew. i survived this hell sem. I DID IT.
and i just realised, it also means that T202'o7/08 is gonna be a history.
i love this class alot. i meet new friends and make some good friends.
i like this class cause the people are all nice. well, majority are.
i am gonna miss this class. i am gonna miss my project mates like crazy.
they are wonderful people: amelia, elaine, wendy, steph, nikk.
i love doing projects with them. and also there are others whom i didn't really work that much with, but they are awesome people too. :)

there's a study trip to thailand. i wanna go. but seems like nobody i know is interested in going. WHY?! it's such a good opportunity.I really wanna take a break and inhale other country's air before i start the horrendous 20 weeks of IAP that has NO LEAVE at all.

I hope i wont have such a hard time in mediacorp news. i think i'll enjoy. ok. i WILL enjoy :)

cny is in two days time, but i'm not in the mood yet though. must be thanks to all those projects and sleepless nights. i havent finish buying new clothes too! arggh.

went to chinatown just now. it's always interesting to see how the stall owners 'advertise' their products and come up with 'cool' rap and scream into the loudhailer to attract attention.

off to sleep, FINALLY i can have a good sleep!

smiled at 12:58:00 am


everything is over.
well, not exactly everything.
there's still two more papers to conquer.

projects are FINALLY over.
phew. i survived this hell sem. I DID IT.
and i just realised, it also means that T202'08 is gonna be a history.
i love this class alot. i meet new friends and make some good friends.
i like this class cause the people are all nice. well, majority are.
i am gonna miss this class. i am gonna miss my project mates like crazy.
they are wonderful people: amelia, elaine, wendy, steph, nikk.
i love doing projects with them. and also there are others whom i dont really work that much with, but they are awesome people too. :)

there's a study trip to thailand. i wanna go. but seems like nobody i know is interested in going. WHY?! it's such a good opportunity.I really wanna take a break and suck in other country's air before i start the horrendous 20 weeks of IAP that has NO LEAVE at all?

smiled at 12:02:00 am

Friday, 1 February 2008
good things, bad things.

i believed that when you're into something totally, there'll be things that you have to scarifies.
you gain something, but you lose something too.

i never ever felt so so so messed up in my studying years until this week.
like what the hell. deadlines are so so tight.. one after another. and it's all like major projects.
i can only blame myself for not managing my time well and i overlooked some projects.
but then again, i felt proud of my TV group. ok, i'm happy with myself that the show didnt turn out that bad. sometimes being persistent isn't that bad after all. just gotta stand on your feet and trust your friend that he can do it, he WILL do it. okay, maybe i'm consoling myself but the show was really okay. maybe it was not really ok cause i suck in directing. i'm sorry but i really dont have the experience in directing a live show. IT WAS SCARY. REALLY SCARY. but at the same time it was fun. i felt so so so accomplished after the show was over. AND IT ENDED EXACTLY ON TIME! WOO.


seriously, he rocks. i never met such a nice person who is willing to help out someone he didn't even know at all. he's super super helpful and accommodating and even spent alot of time helping us to rehearse the show and thinking of the rundown. oh wait. QUINN IS A MAGICIAN. i forgot to mention that. :D he's really really good. need a magician for your event, let me know or visit this website. haha. okay abit random. but he deserves some advertising from me. :)
part of my tv prod team. will quinn the magician in the center. more to come! but later. i need to photoshop. haha. and i bet elaine and wendy will kill me for putting this photo up. hohoho.

alright, moving away from tvprod,here comes advertising! AND I WANNA SAY: I LOVE MY ADVERTISING GROUP. WE WERE GREAT. though we're like constantly working on our project, but we stayed up the whole night before the presentation to perfect everything. super rush. super scary that we may not make. you know it's really bad if you didnt sleep for one whole night and you have a 30% presentation going in a few hours. but i guess dozing off unglamly on the NEL helped me abit to give a okay presentation. i'm HAPPY cause i think i was quite good. self-praises. hahahaha.

so that's the two major projects that i'm happy and contented with.

next come two projects that i felt disappointed in. not so much for MRM cuz we managed to make SPSS work in ONE NIGHT. okay, not one night but few hours. HOHOHO. but the presentation SUCKS. i was sucky. i dont even know what the hell i'm talking about.
and MM was WORST...... dont want to say anymore. no more about school work. BOO.


only feature is left and i'm determined to make the magazine a super good one! I NEED MY GRADES! =( make sure i sub until no errors. hahahaa.


smiled at 11:32:00 am