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Friday, 21 March 2008

attachment has been great so far i would say.

yes, no doubt i work many many hours (and trust me, it's really not those 9-5pm job!) but i'm still loving it.

went out to cover news on wed and thurs and the feeling was GREAT. i finally understand how a newsroom, a TV newsroom, works. This is very different from SPH in my own opinion. More challenging, more exciting and scarier also, cause u're really running against time. I guess only Heather will understand what i meant. hahaha. she seems to be doing quite well in CNA also. :) and like me, she works more than 8 hours a day. It's just consoling to know that there is a friend who is working as hard as you are :)

also, CHS people are starting their attachment next week and there are 3 more friends coming to mediacorp! though they'll be at the radio building.. but still can lunch together! hehe. so glad that yuchih will be still in mediacorp. super haapppppy about that. wooo.

life as a journalist can be described in 3 words: exciting, fun, stressful.

i can already feel that stress is channeling in. WOO. but it's okay. i'll endure and make the very best out of this 5 months! :)

next week there's already 3 assignments for me. and yes, it's on entertainment! i'm happy about it :)

sleepover at wendy's house later! YAY.

smiled at 10:02:00 pm

Wednesday, 19 March 2008

great discovery! :)
i'm so amazed. haha.
the world is SMALL.
okay. elaine says Spore is small. i agree.

randomly looking at friendster.
just realised mark replied a comment. haha. that ahbeng keyboardist ah...used to be from my poly too. seems like talented person i know can be somehow related to me. either my school's senior or friend's friend or cousin's friend. HAHAHA.

dont know why, but i suddenly misses all my ark friends so much.
looking at all the photos..memories just flooded back.
may not be in touch with some of the singers anymore, but still miss them loads.
the colors they have added to my life, the joy they had brought to me..
how they always made my day happier. (well, some of them! haha)
when can we ever have a big gathering again?
i miss their singing. i miss the guitar strums. i miss the drums beats. i miss the cold jokes. i miss the cheerful faces. i miss jianhua's robin cup. i even miss making hot tea for yingying, cold milo for sugi and forever refilling jiewei's water. i miss the new invention of drink that we called it the waitress drink we made for mark. i miss everything.
friendster is a good thing to have. in a way, can keep up with their lives.

huiyi's married and i guess she's leading a very bliss and happy life now and i'm super happy for her.
mark - i dunno what you're doing, but then yes, i'm sure one day you'll be a very popular and well-known composer. :)
aunty meimei and meilian are so busy with their new jobs, hope they are doing well and enjoying what they do!
jianhua has got a new job for quite some time(ok, so it's actually not new anymore) and i guess you're enjoying it since it's what you like also. somedays teach me diving!
jiehao has just established a tuition center and become a boss. and still forever cold and lame. but yea, that's jiehao :) all the best for ur tuition center.
hanyang - i dunno where you've disappeared to, but guess u're going to army soon. or are you already in army? jianhua fishball noodles is waiting for us! :D
ahdu - happily earning money now. minus the extra tiring part.
yingying - when are you getting married?!
rongting - no idea how are you now. hope u're doing fine :)
jiewei the waterpail when are you getting married and be a father? heeheehee
sugi, you've made it to chao ji xin guang da dao - ALL THE BEST! JIAYOU! am so proud of this super lame guy who always try to tell long jokes.
liangwen - no idea are you are now. are you still alive anot?! hope you're still surviving in army hahaha
rina,juwind,jean,victor,eugene - long time no contact. hope you guys are doing well!
micheal, ahseng, weiyang please do consider to continue this band and keep sharing your music with people!

did i miss out anyone? i dont think so.

misses all of these people damn lots.
i dont think i miss out anyone whom i miss.

smiled at 1:57:00 am

Tuesday, 18 March 2008
attachment day 2

2nd day of attachment
i'll write a short entry to keep you my dear friends updated! :)

first two days went well, despite getting a bit lost the first day. the place is huge! and all the doors and corridors look similar! i'm enjoying my work now, it's what i like :)

work can be super busy (which is unavoidable) as it's news! but i like being busy though. the busier i am, the happier i am. okay. i'm weird. hehe. and yes, i like challenges too! WOO.
learn so many new things in just this two days!

it's definitely a new environment i'm in, but i think i'm adapting quite well with the help of a some super nice colleagues! each day, i meet new colleagues. and they are interesting people. haha. i've yet to know many of my colleagues cause the newsroom is so BIG! there's like 30 of us there? but it's okay! i'm sure by the end of my attachment i'll get to know all, if not majority, of them!

i've assignments lining up already! so happy! :)

hope you guys are doing well for your attachment too!

smiled at 11:55:00 pm

Monday, 17 March 2008

IAP is starting in 8 hours time! :)
mediacorp - here i come!

to all my mcm mates : have fun with IAP! oh.. and IBP too!

smiled at 1:54:00 am

Friday, 14 March 2008

there're so many things to blog about for the last few days.
but right now, there's a euphoric sense of achievement and accomplishment.
with my results.
the feeling of hard work being paid off is just so GREAT. and sleepless nights were all worth it.
even though i may not have the best results of the cohort, i dont care. i'm just way too happy for my own little achievement. heh heh.

mugging does helps. but having friends who are constantly supportive and encouraging helps way lot too. plus the panicking together. hahaha. love you girls.

i'm so gonna miss my dear T202 classmates. i think a lot of us excelled this semester! AND, WE SURVIVED,PEOPLE! =)

half of my results are credited to awesome project mates that i'm blessed to have worked with them - ameliaaaa, elaaaaine, weeeendy, nikkkkk and steeeeph. and also my magazine group. :)

i dont want to change class next year! =(

smiled at 9:23:00 am

Tuesday, 11 March 2008
i need to blog.

it's 4am now. WHOA.
few more hours and it's gonna be another exciting day! :)

step up 2 the streets was a nice movie. liked both the main actor and actress and that 'Alexander the third' guy. they can really dance man! and it's really really cool moves!
rate it 3.8 out of 5. go catch it! it's worth the ticket price.

today, opps, i mean yesterday, was supposed to be a group 3 outing. but it became a random group outing. hahaha. well, it was super fun though and i enjoyed the time spent with my dear fellow ambs - nikk, joyce, edmund, sammie and davis. nikk and i sort of pyscho-ed joyce and edmund down. and we succeeded! HA HA HA.

we finally used the gloria jeans vouchers today! so shiok. and the coffee is really effective since i'm still awake at this hour.

had fun chatting with them. they are really wonderful people. more outings to come!

am really loving my life right now.
wendy, amelia and elaine, dont worry. you girls are not forgotten okay! :)

and so do flora and freda!
ahda, hoped you had a great first day at work! and ahhua, hoped ur interview went well!

so blessed to be surrounded with a great bunch of friends. and they are really friends, if you get what i mean. :)

i am happy! woo.

and peter pan - i'll see you in few hours time! HAHAHA.

smiled at 3:55:00 am

Monday, 10 March 2008
peter pan

peter pan! i like :)

sat was one whole day of working for disney on ice.
i watched 3 shows in a day. woohoo.
i'm slowly becoming to be young at heart again! :)
i enjoyed the show much more today. the skaters are really marvelous.
and yes. i still like peter pan! the guy who acted as him is gooooood looking.
although lydia strongly disagrees. BUT i feel so can already. :D
the boy who acted as michael is super cute too!
i feel like learning to ice-skate. the skaters are like enjoying themselves so much.
but kenny said behind this glamour, they actually endure hardship. hardship in practising (which is unavoidable) and also hardship in living. apparently they dont really earn that much. they will do other things like selling things to other etc to make extra money. and tada. they also helped in setting up technical stuffs like lights and everything.
i really respect them alot.
one thing quite sad is that the audience are not really that hyped up and responsive. i feel so sad for the performers and i wanna clap really loud and cheer for them, but i'm working. so i can't.
met some very nice patrons and kids who really brightened up my day. man, it was a tiring day. from 9.30am to 10.30pm. but i enjoyed it lah. some of the kids who came are really really cute. :D

if you havent catch it, i think it's worth the price for you to catch it. re-live in your childhood again! it really makes people happy after watching it.

though i can remember the full sequence of the show and all the routines of the performers, i'm still looking forward to work on tuesday! :)

peter pan, i'll see you on tues! heehee.

smiled at 1:31:00 am

Friday, 7 March 2008
many many things.

accomplished many things the past few days :)

shall blog on it on sunday. my only free day. :D

worked for the first disney on ice show today.
i was kinda excited before that cause it has been like 8 years since i watched disney live show.
but maybe i'm not longer a little kid, the show didn't really interest me that much. I GREW OLDER. SHIT. i'm not even young at heart! =X
well i guess it's cause i'm working lah.. cant really enjoy the whole show. but anyway, the special effects and props and the performers were damn good. oh. and the peter pan is good looking! hahaha.

i felt that suddenly i'm closer to people whom i never thought i would even talk much to. it's a good thing and i'm loving everything that's happening now and i'm treasuring it. :)

another happy thing!
I AM FINALLY GOING OVERSEAS. okay. but not before my attachment starts. and it's just a neighbouring country. and it's just a one day thing. BUT still, it's considered as overseas! :D
ambs are going to malaysia for a one day food trail. super looking forward and excited about it!
FOOD LEH. YUMMMMY. and i wanna take lots of photos. suddenly love taking photos. maybe i can venture into photography next time. wahahaha.

okay. as you can read from my post, i'm super hyper. i also dont know why. but i'm actually tired. i'm contradicting myself. hahaha. okay. i'm turning abit siao siao already. better go off now before i start blabbering rubbish!

tmr it's a full day at work for disney on ice! need to report at 9.30am! OHNO. SLEEP AH.

smiled at 11:56:00 pm

Wednesday, 5 March 2008
thank you cheryl hoon

still havent find a blogskin that i liked. =(
therefore photos wont be up yet.

the past week had been awesome and i see new challenges ahead.
i like challenges. hello challenges, here i come! :D

handed group 2's email account over to Kim,Anizsah and Janani. kinda sad.
i didnt know an email account can bring such sadness! hahahaha.

the following is specially dedicated to cheryl hoon although i know she'll never read my blog! hahaha.

thank you for believing in me. for your confidence in me.
for guiding me along the way. for everything.
you have taught me alot without yourself knowing.
i've stayed strong this year and will continue to do so.
i will do you proud again. :)

and to all of you who believed in me,
(joyce, marv, cat, clarence,timo, junwei,uncle adrian and many many more!)
i will never let you guys down! :)

suddenly felt that love is in the air. woot. :)

smiled at 2:08:00 am

Monday, 3 March 2008

thanks for the hugs and handshakes. :)

smiled at 2:25:00 am