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Tuesday, 29 April 2008

i'm back to blog more stuffs! (warning: please skip this entry. it's gonna be a long one! and boring one if you dont watch URTO. hahaha.)

wah. finally there's a day since apr i reached home before 11pm. 难得sia!

today.. was.. quite an alright day lor. except that i havent finish my URTO article which i wanted to finish today.. so i guess i will complete it after i blog this entry.

talking about URTO.. yes i got bloodly lots of things to share. HA HA HA. it's okay i share it here cause i dont think you guys watch the show anyway so you wont know much about it. so if i bitch u also wont know who i taking about. muahaha. yes. nobody knows who i am anw, except for the contestants themselves lah maybe. but haha. i dont care. this is my blog. i say what i want. i have the right to speak. aiyah, you guys just skip this post bah. sorry! :D

ytd was mr sunshine theme, and mr icaru won. i am happy for him lah. but honestly speaking i was abit upset that mr kang didnt emerged as the winner. my mum very cute. she called me ytd to ask me what time i'm knocking off and she said that i must be very dissapointed cause M4 didnt win. HAHAHA. mum understands me well. my supervisor also thought that jiaxi will win one lor. she was like.. huh.that cool guy win? not that chengxi's brother?.. she must be infected by the article i wrote previewing this theme..hahahah. i sound convincing huh? :)

yes. quite many i spoke to feel that mr louis should win. though i personally do not favour louis that much but i think he did an excellent job yesterday. i thought he was really sunshine lah. and from the start of the show he came out right, i already got a feeling that judges will like him one lor. and i was right. his indian dance was AWESOME lah. honestly. it was super entertaining! good job lah, louis!

and this was the first time i ever felt that..eh, is really got people watch this show and cast votes one leh!.. if not icaru wouldn't have won right. i was super shocked lah. really super shocked by the results until i forgot that i wanted to interview somebody. but at the same time i felt very happy for icaru cause i thought his 《浪花一朵朵》was really really good! it's like those sunshine beach boy, holding a guitar then happily singing from the bottom of his heart. i liked that performance alot! i'm slowly seeing that icaru isnt what he appears to be, a very cool person that you may think he's proud and has attitude problem, he's actually a very different person from his looks i feel. and after ytd's esp, i personally think that he has the potential to become an artiste. but i dunno if he can act anot lah! haha. well, but his attitude was not bad. or rather, it's considered as good. not like some people. he came to backstage to do the interview in just a few mintues though i thought he would take quite long and i'll have to go out and grab him or something or he would have forgotten. at least he has 'no air' lor and he's not proud.. and he will say hi. YES. i'm not transparent okay!

louis left me with a better impression yesterday. he's a very humourous person lah i would say. though i dont really like know him well. but he was quite okay about losing the competition.. didnt hide any unhappiness or what. is can tell one lah, when you interview people. no matter how hard they try to hide right, you'll be able to sense it. but ytd i didnt sense louis strong feel of unhappiness lah. he accepts the fact quite calmly. and that's what a sunshine boy should be right, be happy at all times no matter what. so okay lor. louis is sunshine boy #2. and he understands that i'm just doing my job, not purposely wanna ask those sensitive questions. finally somebody understands! thanks, louis. :)

i realised there are some people who are becoming nicer and nicer. HAHAHA. you all fakers! suddenly attitude become so good you think i never realise one meh. but i feel glad for you all lor. at least you finally realise you need to have a good attitude so that ur chances of winning is higher. it's still not too late to realise this lah. but you know sometimes, first impression really matters! so be ur true self and dont act, that's all i can say.. cause i'm not blind.. i have eyes and i OBSERVE. :D consider yourselves lucky to have meet me, i havent write any negative things yet.. but haven't doesnt mean WON'T. and i wont be apologetic, cause this is my job. i will thank you even more cause u provide me with things to write! ha ha ha.

video editor(VE) was helping me to edit my footages and newsroom hunk mr wu popped by. then together, me, yh, wy and him were talking about the prgm. mr wu also felt that louis desvered to win as he was very natural..and his smile is dashing. yh said he was too disgusted by the sexy babes esp that he never watch URTO again. hahaha. and wy very poor thing lah, she's my official URTO VE! she every week see until she also got nothing much to say. hahahaha. but i quite like the news we did today. can say is since the start of the show, the one that i liked the best! thanks to my cameraman ONG too!

i felt that it's unjustifiable lor. since when 南拳is considered as an sunshine boy activity?! isnt that more for like 猛男 or 酷男?! i just dont get it lor. it's so unfair to jiaxi. the performance doesnt allow him to smile.. so wipe away his famous smile then sunshine already gone half liao. next, see the costumes that he wears. i dont know why but i always feel that it's the ugliest among the rest of the contestants! and one thing i saw from footages today..he's not natural enough. even mr wu said so. i was telling wulei that he could have joined the competition. hahaha. and he was saying he dont mind to be M9! super funny lah he. and guess what. it's the first time ever since my 1.5mth there i've spoken to him. HAHAH. and yes, he's the only better looking one in newsroom. HOHOHO.

then we're discussing about zhenhuan also. wulei thought he was not bad. no doubt zhenhuan is pretty good looking and has quite a nice attitude too, but he just dont stands out strongly leh. sigh. i'm not gonna say i hope he wins the next round, cause i'm still rooting for jiaxi. HAHAHA. though i know that he really is.... almost gone case liao lah.. i heard abt what he's gonna perform for the next theme then i sian liao. but still! there's still chances! just look at this esp lor. hahahaha. hai. but i always believed that this kind of things right, is fated one lah. if you're fated to be an artiste, you will one lor. but honestly, it doesnt really bother to me who win anymore.. cause as long as you gimme news to do and i can finish my job perfectly that's it.

next week's theme is sporty girl. i hope it wont be another ''R(A)'' show lah! dont gimme extra things to do liao please! already super packed!

smiled at 11:38:00 pm

work work work


不是说不喜欢这份工作..只是...哎~没有人懂得啦..除非你的处境也跟我相同..14个小时的工作,你做过吗? 不到8个钟头的时间又要回公司..你体验过吗?

但很感激遇到了很好的同事..每次都会很好心地帮我,就算他们有工作在身..谢谢QN今天帮我了一个大忙..不然我看我真的是死得很难看!还因为我而挨 “讲”..这种好的同事哪里找啊!上天就是公平的吧,它不会故意去折磨一个人..还是会把一些好的东西留给她..还好我都有在积德!哈哈..




本来今天的心情应该是好的..因为还蛮期待这一天的..但是...哎~就是发生了一点小事啦..让我很纳闷!我真的不是神好不好!我不可能在没有人教导的情况下什么都自通ok!我没有那么厉害hor,不好意思. 真的是生气啦!


今天又是去做《唯我独尊》的东西啦.. as usual lor!每个星期一都是这样的啦..
袁帅又夺冠军..我为他开心啦! 虽然说成绩很出乎预料,因为三个回合都是louis赢嘛。but he deserves it lah.今天一看到他时就觉得他很sunshine..有sunny boy的感觉..和上一期很不一样!赞啦~毕竟优频道的新脸孔要形象可以多变的吧...而且他的态度还算不错啦 :)

但还是有点失望啦..毕竟看好的clement和佳熹都没有赢~哎~难过啊!我刚说上天是公平的..但我突然又觉得老天不公平!为什么有人那么拼命,那么努力,但是就是没有受到肯定呢?!这就是人生吧.. 但我还是很挺我一直在支持的人!hohoho. 因为我觉得我是不会看走眼的!相信自己! :)



smiled at 2:24:00 am

Sunday, 27 April 2008
mayday concert

i tell you....
五月天 simply ROCKS!
the concert was GREAT LAH!
super high!!!!!

stage design, lightings and visuals were fabulous man!
the sequence of songs were nicely arranged too.

considered as the best ever concert i've seen in indoor stadium!! yes, even better than ahmei's one!!! ohmannn. 五月天 is AWESOME lah!!! 超级的赞啊!!!!!真的是值回票价!(虽然说我拿的是complimentary 的啦 :D)

it's so cool to see almost every single person already standing up during the first song!! and 8000 people singing in chorus and doing the "LOVE" actions! 身为观众的我都感动咯!何况是五月天本身啦!

it's thousands and millions time better than david tao's concert!! 下次五月天来开演唱会,我一定会再去看!

thanks to gladys for the tickets man! :)

high完,开心完后,就真的回到地球表面,回到现实生活中...!啊~多么希望它是一场never ending 的concert.. 现在苦恼要写稿..
bye! 写稿去了!

smiled at 12:51:00 am

Friday, 25 April 2008

it's my off day but guess what! i went back to office to work. HAHAHA.
yes, i'm a workaholic :)
it's just that i dont like things to be done halfway.
no one is rushing me lah, but then i just want things to be done lo.

at least i dont detest doing the story lah. that's why i will wanna go back to office to complete it even though it's my off day!

i missed ambs RD. sigh. thanks to work!
but it's okay. next friday i promised i'll be back!!! misses school life. sigh.

have this love-hate relationship with work.
i finally realised i really tend to think a lot. a lot.a lot.a lot. so what joseph had told me before it's true..
i tend to think if people are really truly nice or faking nice. it makes my life so tiring just thinking about this. so i've decided, i believe that human beings is born with a streak of niceness within. so i choose to believe people are nice by nature. even ahbengs, sometimes you see them giving seats to the elderly on bus! so why think of negative things when there's a positive side right! but then of course, those fake nice people, i'm good at detecting that. HAHAHA. my hm-radar is experienced kk :D

met up with shake to bitch about work. HAHAHA. We both came to a conclusion that entertainment reporter job is not that glamourous after all and it may not be what we wanna pursue in the future. YC came after work just to cab me home. HAHAHA. so nice right! it's good to have friends in the same industry who understand what u're undergoing and be there to SHARE (call it bitch if you want) about own experiences. it's a blissful thing to have friends whom you can talk on the phone to about everything and anything for many hours. i guess in the world, if you have no friends, you seriously lead a very sad life. i'm glad to have a few friends who really understand me well enough. :)

monday is URTO again, and i'm as usual, looking very forward to it. i mean i have to right! haha. it's also a love-hate relationship with URTO also.. sigh. lazy to explain now lah.
anyway, the most important thing is.. jiaxi better win mr sunshine!!!

tmr is off day too! and... i'm going to mayday's concert!! WOOO.
but sighhhhhh. i havent finish CX article! been dragging for 2 weeks liao leh =(

smiled at 11:59:00 pm

Thursday, 24 April 2008

才刚到家不久... yes! look at what time is it now?!

但今天or rather 是昨天很有成就感...

3点打包回来的supposedly to be 午餐,晚上8点才吃!
but 还好啦,那位受访者很nice 啦...



but 我是超人! 所以还是可以的!

work is still as ever busy as usual. even more hectic nowadays!
workload is piling up like crazy and i just got home not long ago!
look at the time now! HAHA.

super worn out already but yes, i'm still gonna blog a little.
felt so accomplished today!
conducted an interview which i just arranged yesterday midnight,
did a phoner interview,
updated 8 entertainment news,
wrote 2 and a half article!
WOOO. sense of accomplishment man!

hai. timing is not enough lah!
i'm so busy till i have no time to eat!
bought rice back at 3plus pm which was supposedly to be my lunch, but i ended up eating it at 8pm! hahaha. how cool right.
i even had to let my interviewee wait for me lor, which i seriously felt bad! but at least my interviewee is nice enough. how i wish i get this kind of interviewee all the time!

i think i'm not suitable to be a reporter. i'm way too nice! haha. eh, but really it's true. i wont wanna ask negative questions or gossipy questions when i meet nice interviewees. sigh sigh sigh! not all artistes will understand that you actually mean no harm, cause it's just for job purpose!!!

workload and the kind of hours i work are inhumane man!
but it's okay, cause i'm a superwoman! and i will survive!! :)

smiled at 1:18:00 am

Wednesday, 23 April 2008

finally.. finally..finally..

something good happened! :D

23th apr is always a good day. a day being blessed. :)

i like 23th apr!

(and i am nervous i dont know why!!!!)

smiled at 2:10:00 am





smiled at 12:13:00 am

Tuesday, 22 April 2008

after an irritated post, comes a happy post! :D

i'm a happy person by nature.. just that some people pissed me off. okay, it's A PERSON. HAHAHA. i'm always the happy me.. unless you irritate me.. then you beware!!!!!

my new blogskin is almost done.. but i'm waiting to change it on a memorable date. so anticipate! hahaha.

work is still as busy as usual, or even busier.. cause colleagues either leaving or being transfered.
if you asked me i like the work there anot, i can tell you honestly:
yes, BUT sometimes work is just too much!

and it's my cousin's wedding and i can't get that day off. damn it! though i understand that they really needed people lah.. so i also never complain lor. sigh. what to do! this is work!!!

but i'm still quite glad to be attached there(workload aside and off days aside)... i really learnt alot lah.. and i got the chances to meet people whom i dont even dare to dream of to meet. (Ok lah, is got dream of wanna meet. hahahaha) and i'm happy to have super nice and patient colleagues whom i can really talk and bitch to. HAHAHA. they're very encouraging and will always help me when i needed help.. so yes, i do love my colleagues! :D

someone or rather some*two* (HAHAH OK LAME~) have been very nice to me.. so as my philosophy goes..you be nice to me, i be nice to you... i'll be very nice to them. sometimes i will doubt the sincerity of those nice people, whether they are TRYING to be nice, or they are really nice by character.. i know i think too much, but can't help it cause i'm in the media industry and i studied PR! but i can tell they are really nice by nature, i hope i dont judge wrongly! and i'm ever super thankful to them.

as usual, covered URTO today.. well well well, yes i think shiqian deserved to win lah! she's really SO SWEET LAH! i'd guessed one of the twins will win..and i'm right!!! :D yc accompanied me today. hohoho. is shuang de lor! at least i got somebody to talk with... thanks yc! (and i know u will read this.. so stop saying they not shuai lah. really is got some shuai one right! and super nice and friendly one.. u know who i'm referring to! *GRINS* )

anw, it's Mr Sunshine theme next week! the theme i'm looking very forward to..
and i really really really really really pray hard and hope that Mr Kang Jiaxi will emerge as the champion! Vote for M4!!!!!
Clement is not bad too lah, but.... i really do hope jiaxi will win this..! senior what. must support! :D

smiled at 1:31:00 am




你给我的第一印象....已经是GONE CASE...


but it's okay,我还是公私分明。哈哈哈。 but this is 公事!

smiled at 1:03:00 am

Sunday, 20 April 2008


i am screaming crazily inside my heart. it's late now i know. BUT I AM TOO OVERJOYED! that letter really made my day! and the rest of the entire week. entire month. entire YEAR even! HAHAHAHA.

it seems like things have been going well since last week. I guess LIFE has really been good to me. many things happened unexpectedly for the past week..good things lah of course! please let more good things happen to me! :D

i found a new blogskin! YAYNESS. but it's late now and in a few hours time i need to work. so i'll change tmr! :D anyway, david tao's concert was BORING to me. dont really like it leh. looking forward to mayday's one! OH! ONE GREAT DISCOVERY! Jianhua's sister is now my colleague! the world is SMALL lah! HAHA. yc and i were super super shocked when she told us that she's jianhua's sister! we're like....WHAT?!?!!?!?!?!

just back not long ago after the supper with shake, yc and bel. Interns gathering! hahahaha. waseh! we walked from geylang lorong 9 to lorong 27 ok! just to eat yonghe doujiang, which turned out to be super disappointing!!!!! no more yonghe next time!

i suddenly missed the days where the muchuan gang will have supper during late nights.. and our movie session. sigh~ everyone is so busy nowadays.. no time to meet up.. =(
but i still miss you guys okay!

and i missed my mooncake supper kaki-s too! missed the days where we chiong like mad till 11plus.. then we'll go across the street to have supper.. or even lavender food center! shall meet up soon and the evil sisters shall bitch again! HAHAHA.

yes. i'm still happy! i'm not getting emo. haha. thinking back of these memorable days make me happy too... and i seriously need to meet up with these people SOON!

lalala. :D

smiled at 1:56:00 am

Saturday, 19 April 2008

i really wanted to change my blogskin!
BUT after looking through over 2000+ skins, i kinda gave up.
no skins that i like leh. ARGH.
i was so determined to change it yesterday!

i shall continue looking......!

smiled at 3:16:00 pm

Thursday, 17 April 2008

wednesday was a haapppy day for me.

firstly, it was spongebob who made my day :)

seeing this spastic character even though how vexed and sian i was made me broke into a tiny smile. how you know what you should get for me to make me happpy. HAHA.

wednesday didnt started well actually, thanks to the previous night of GREAT DISCOVERY and tons of work waiting to be done. went out to cover a tv news on potato cooking class in the afternoon. the camera crew i went with were super funny and nice! they made my day man. and i saw spongebob on the van!

staring out the windows thinking about things that have been happening recently on my way back. i guess i've been too emo in my 'disgusted post'. well, has been a long time since i get so worked up. HAHAHA. hormones raging you see.
but anw i have thought through lah.. and true enough some things if you aint the person himself/herself, you wont understand the picture clearly.. so i am in no stand to place any judgment! hohoho.
but that post... isnt referring to one person only. HAHAHA. i am STILL very disgusted by the other person. lalala. :D

Secondly, when i got back to the office i received an email from someone whom i was shocked to receive the email from. It was kind of unexpected lah.. okay.. VERY unexpected. i even double checked to see if my eyes were playing a trick on me. hahaha.
but the feeling was so ever great lah. it was another thing that made my day a happier one.
it feels so good because you know that there's at least someone who appreciates what you have done. thank you email sender. and i'm gonna help you even more in any ways that i can help! :)
hope whatever i said will really come true!

Thirdly, YC managed to help me borrow the 8days i was looking frantically for! :D kudos to that dept! the photocopying machine went mad in my office and it photocopied 20 copies when i keyed in 1 copy lah! ohman. even photocopying machine likes them so much! hahahaha. 红了啦,chengxi and jiaxi! HAHAHA.

Fourthly, i saw Gavriil when i went to return the mag to YC.. when you see gavriil's friendly smile, straight away will also brighten your day lah! hahhaha :D

Lastly, went for a movie gala! thanks to YC and 97.2fm. okay lah, not really a gala for us cause we're at the other halls where all the 'stars' where at another hall. i saw mr foo and CTV crew.. and also wu jia hui! the movie was super funny lah. btw, it's the forbidden kingdom by jet li and jacky chan and this angmoh guy called michael who is only 21 this year! but it was a terrible experience for us cause we were seated at the very first row lah!!

smiled at 12:12:00 am

Wednesday, 16 April 2008

so many people made my day a happier one today :)

i am working now,but then can't help but blog! haha

i love mediacorp! 

smiled at 6:05:00 pm

i feel so..... disgusted now.
walao. can't hold my emotions anymore and i decided to blog to let it out.
anyway, yes. the feeling of disgust is boiling in my blood now.
but the fact that i didn't lose my good sight of judgment of people makes me happy! HA HA HA.
cause i sort of guessed from the start what kind of person you may be.
and glad to say, though also a little bit sad to say, i'm RIGHT. :D

well anyway, you do your job, i do my job. be cooperative and i wont say anything terrible about you or do anything bad to you. HAHA. cause somehow i still respect you a little. yea.

我是公私分明的! :D

smiled at 2:04:00 am

Tuesday, 15 April 2008

Part 3: ex-students back in campus!

Although bazaar had already ended for 3 days, i'm still in the bazaar mood. HAHA. cant help but share my excitement with yuchih and bel over lunch today. sorry girls, you girls will have to hear me ramble on and on until i got sick and tired of it. MUAHAHA.

many graduates went back to support the bazaar! and out of the many ex-students, a few of them had made a name for themselves and were invited back to perform. chungcheng actually has quite a few artistes okay! :D ohman. so proud of chungcheng. muaahhaha. i always remember this motto: 今日我以中正为荣,他日中正以我为荣!
and i'm sure chungcheng is really proud of these students! (muahahah, am i included too?! )
and i'm proud of my seniors too! like jones! :D

rare occasion for ex-students to gather and play a part for the fund-raising event... of course must take photo together right!

this is the favourite photo of the year, i swear!

from left:
Javin from campus superstar 2 (same batch as me too!)
Fredrick the DJ gonna-be (my sec one classmate!)
Chengxi from Star Idol, now a mediacorp artiste!
ME! (no need to explain. hohoho)
Yuchih the student correspondent of SPH
Jeremy from Project Superstar 2

missing from the photo..
Jones ahhh Jones!
if not it would have been one of the best photo in my entire life. hahahaha.

well, like i said in my previous post.. in case you're too lazy to read cause it's all in chinese.. i'll tell you once again :D i'm nice lah you see.

the fact that we're students from chungcheng makes everyone has a kind of connectivity and bond within us, even though we may not be from the same batch and we may not even meet each other in our secondary school life before! but the fact that we share the same campus, we wear the same uniform, we sing the same school song makes all chungcheng students one big family. and yes, i seriously love this family lots!

i miss my chungcheng days and i terribly miss my classmates and especially my CDC mates lots! =(

eh... part 4, which is also the last part won't be up so soon.. surprises are hidden inside part 4! :)

smiled at 11:45:00 pm

no subject

saw wu jia hui today when i was reporting for work. well, guess he came to give the album personally to my boss. quite sincere sia! :) he said hi to me too. muahhha. from my short interaction with him, although it's just short la!, but i can tell he's really a very simple guy who is very persistent in music and that's it! so of course must support him! :D

covered URTO today as usual. i felt a bit sad lah, for some of the contestants. like they work so hard right, but they didnt get any recognisation. and i'm disappointed too.. not that yuan shuai was crowned MR COOL (which he really deserves it lah!) disappointed with some contestants who didnt performed that well!

EH! jiaxi never win. sigh sigh sigh! i tot he stood a high chance to emerge as MR COOL MAN! but anw, continue to support M4 Kang Jia Xi! i have very high hopes in him to win MR SUNSHINE! but jiaxi, seriously, you shld wave good bye to your long hair and perhaps you will look even more sunshine! :D

smiled at 1:08:00 am

Part 2 : Jones back in school!

说真的,我很惊讶jones他真的pop-by!去audi前找damon跟他,看到他的那一刹那,突然心中有一种莫名的感动... 2年半前,就是在这个地方第一次见到他.. 2年半了,大家又回来了这个地方,但大家同时是以校友的身份回来!是中正,让我和毓芝认识了他。是中正,让我们有缘见面。而2年半前,他就是一个陌生人,但2年半后的今天,他对我来说已不算是陌生人了。2年半断断续续都有跟jones偶尔联络...而看到他的那一刹那间觉得不可思议...不可思议两年半的时间里,大家有保持偶尔联络,毕竟当时的jones他是个歌手啊!一个我超级欣赏,超级挺的歌手。对,就因为他是中正的,而且他真的是有实力的! 这两年半也发生了蛮多事,大家也都改变不少!jones是变帅了,但可以看的出,他也渐渐的步入30岁。哈哈哈。(注意,我没有用“老”这个字!)但没有改变的,还是jones的一鼓决心。

两年半前,我记得我曾经问他,你到现在为此有没有什么后悔的事?而他回答:在我的字典里没有后悔这两个字。路是你自己选的,不管怎么样都一定要走下去,没有回头的。因为他的这句话,改变了我的人生不少。我记得在义安的第一年,我其实过的很辛苦。本来就没有很喜欢英文,英文也很烂,但是mass comm什么东西都是用英文的。那时我在想,早知道就乖乖的进中文系,时不时会有放弃的念头。但是jones的这句话每次都会提醒我不能放弃,毕竟要进mass comm是我自己的选择,没有人逼我的。(现在!我过得很好!)所以现在你们知道为什么我那么挺他。很不想把这个东西讲出来,因为你们一定会觉得说我那么疯他因为他是明星,其实不是这样的,一直以来我都把jones当成一个我很以他为傲,很感激的学长。

是,他当时固然是歌手,但那时访问他时,他给我的感觉不象是在访一个歌手,反而是学长在和两个一点经验都还没有的学妹通讯员交流,一点架子都没有!所以每次我都会很骄傲地说:jones是中正的leh!他唱歌真的很棒,人很好!你们要support! 就算现在他当了歌唱老师,也开了自己的歌唱学校,但在我心里他还是我很尊敬的学长。而现在我当然就会说:Jones开了学校。他是一个很好的老师,你们要学音乐可以去那里学!背后这个两年前的小故事没有人懂,但此时此刻,我觉得说既然有缘在中正又碰面,我想和大家分享一下我的感动。





smiled at 1:02:00 am

wu jia hui






smiled at 12:53:00 am

Monday, 14 April 2008
support jiaxi

sorry, this is not part 2, but a little advertorial. HAHA! part 2 and 3 will be posted when i'm back tonight!
i realised after the bazaar, there're some cchms people visiting my blog. hoho. thanks :)
PS: if jiaxi wins MR COOL, i'll share with you guys about the encounter with chengxi tonight. i promised! so VOTE! :)

Channel U - U ARE THE ONE
Chungcheng students, please vote for your senior, Jia Xi! :)

support M4 Jiang Jia Xi
CALL 1900-114-7004
SMS M4 to 71199

smiled at 5:03:00 pm

back to school- 1

i wanted to blog this entry in chinese. but then considering the fact that you guys are mostly english readers so yah lor the nice me will blog in english! sorry ah. english deteriorating slowly everyday as i'm writing chinese, breathing in chinese air, conversing in chinese almost everyday! (but muahaha. i'm loving it! )

sorry, i wanted to blog on sat's night.. but but i was too excited and i scared i cannot withhold my excitement then i'll start blabbering rubbish. HAHA. but also partly because i was super tired lah.
Part 1: Back to schools day!

12th April 2008 marks one of the most memorable day in my life. The day will never ever be forgotten as long as i lived. Despite working till almost 1am on the 12th, and despite that 12th is my only OFF DAY for this week, i woke up at 7am to prepare for my first ever meeting as a P with my dear ambassadors. It's just so nice to be back in ngee ann. Now i understand why the adults keep telling us to treasure our schooling life.

It was also cchms bazzar that day! so it was like back to SCHOOLS day on the 12th! it was pouring like mad when i cabbed down to cchms (and btw, cchms stands for chung cheng high (main) school) and i think the cab driver was super annoyed with me cause i kept calling different people and was talking i think slightly loudly (HAHA) on the cab. cchms there flood sia! HAHA. i still rmb there was once back in sec 4, it rained super heavily also. and you know our school uniform is white mah.. i was at the bus stop and a bloody car just zoomed passed me and SPLASH! i was drenched. WHITE uniform and the material very thin. can you imagine! so malu please. heng that day got PE i bought PE shirt along.

was super rushed for time and i kept asking uncle to drive as fast as possible cause teacher said that chengxi and jiaxi would be performing at 1pm and i dont wanna missed it. need to do article leh! yes lah, it's supposedly to be my off day, but then i decided to volunteer to cover this event featuring our dear seniors mr kang cheng xi and mr kang jia xi for xin.sg. BUT when i reached right, first disappointment, jia xi already left! and then chengxi only started to perform at like 2plus. so i was pissed. with myself. cause i kept calling to ask if jiaxi's there anot. then everyone tell me yes yes yes. (and so i thought they performing at 1pm. so i rushed down. if not could have lunch with ambs! ) bahhhh. but okay lah, at least still got chengxi then not so bad. and chengxi was really super cooperative. more about chengxi in the upcoming post.

it just felt so good to be back in cchms... i havent been there for like almost 2 years already! seeing all my juniors grow up already..(zhi heng become so tall already!) saw some old schoolmates and know that they're doing fine now.. saw some teachers and they still remembered me! but i was quite sad at the same time lah.. didnt get to meet up with people i wanted to meet up.. didnt get to talk much with my ex-classmates..FORGOT TO TAKE PHOTOS!.. and no time to really go through the whole bazaar....cause i'm back there for WORK.. though it's like only rest day of the week! big heave of sigh. but it's okay. i still enjoyed it very much and honestly speaking, it's my first time i ever felt so shiok covering an event! HA HA HA.

many ex-students came back. to play a part for the fund raising. the feeling is just indescribable beyond words. i volunteered to come back to cover the event, cause i felt that chung cheng had really given me a lot of things and many good memories.. i wanna make a little contribution to the school with whatever that are within my limits.

fredrick was back to be the host for the program, me and yuchih were back as reporters..the three of us were from the same batch and i felt so so so happy for the three of us that we can do something for the school! the feeling is just so good! it's like old friends coming back together for the one and only same reason. :) and yes, mr fredrick lai, i think u seriously make a super good DJ and host!

presenting.... mr ufm 1003 DJ - lai yan zhi :D

coming up...
Part 2: Jones back in cchms!

smiled at 1:51:00 pm

Saturday, 12 April 2008

went back to chungcheng today!
exciting day!

blog more tonight! :D

smiled at 7:56:00 pm

Tuesday, 8 April 2008



我真的是没有idea了。但这也才不过是第二集耶! =(

I dont know why.. just feel so not me today when i was doing news just now.
totally dont know what to do. no interesting story angle for me to cover, nothing special and exciting. tell me, like that how can i write a good news story?!

3 weeks of my internship and i never felt so lost until just now. seriously dont know what to write and i just stared into the computer screen for like 5 minutes. suddenly mental blocked. i'm not prepared enough? No. i'm very prepared. i did my homework! but someone changed something last minute and there goes my news story. Well, it's partly my fault cause i didn't think of another to back up, but really, who would expect this to happen! =( i will prepare more things next time.

i think i'm still not thick-skinned enough. i need to be more thick-skinned. and i need to be kiasu. and yes, i still need to be friendly like always. HAHA. (i just practically ignored someone whom i know actually! OHMAN. i should have be nice and chat with him. i'm sorry! cause i couldnt really recognise. )

i think i lost my concentration today. i just cant seems to concentrate. there's just too many things for me to take care of. i need to concentrate and learn how to multi-task things well.

i think i'm just not in the right mood today. i dont know why. still, i did get my job done. but i dont think it's well done enough. (must be that 'HELO' lah! or is it 'HI'? haha. made libing,amelia and i so excited!)

i think... i need a good sleep. tomorrow will be a better day. :)

smiled at 12:44:00 am

Monday, 7 April 2008
u are the one....

it's 3.48am and guess what?!
i'm reading people's blogs...
well.. they aint random people though.. they are the 16 contestants from channel's U show U ARE THE ONE.
yahlah.. many will think this is yet another stupid show.. hmm, i wont make any comments on this though. just wanted to say the contestants are working very hard and you can try watching this show lah. really is got some babes and some hunks. hahaha.
i guess their blogs will be my 'entertainment' once every few nights when i'm bored. need to do 'homework'.. cannot everything also dunno then go there and anyhow ask questions mah.
at least some of their blogs are interesting to read..

anyway, last week was the first episode of U ARE THE ONE and the theme for that day was MR HUNK. it was my first time at mediacorp's theatre's backstage..(i'm overwhelmed just by the fact that.. i'm at backstage! it's like you always watch those LIVE show in front of the TV..and you never thought that one day.. you'll be at the backstage watching the show. internship really gave me goood exposure! :D ) honestly, felt a bit lost and dont know what to do. HAHA. it was my first time, cant blame me lahhh! Gavrill was crowned MR HUNK.. and yes, he's really a hunk i tell you. and he's super nice i would say. he should pick up mandarin fast.. if not i'll always have to spend time translating!

Interviewed 3 contestants..and they were friendly lah..i mean you wont dare to be unfriendly in front of camera right! HAHAHA. zhen huan was the very first person i approached..he won the first round.and yes! he's really good-looking. it was super rush for him.. and i felt apologetic for pulling him out halfway through the competition to interview..and then...worst thing! i didnt use the footage. =X but anw, he's still quite nice.

presenting mr christopher lee look-alike, M2 Zhang Zhen Huan.

*credits to penny and xin.sg*

personally.. and i really mean personally.. i super support jiang jia xi. well, even if i'm not covering this event, i'll still watch the show for jiang jia xi! HAHA. jiaxi received a not-so-nice comment from judge addy saying that his body is short, his legs are short... of course must interview him about this right! HENG AH. he provided me with half of the story for news... if not i dont know what to write liao man. but really, i look at him for quite some time.. he where got legs short body short?! even my colleague agreed! but anyway, jiaxi is very positive about the comment and he said he's working even harder to let the judges acknowledge his efforts. WAY TO GO!! :D

*credits to xin.sg and channel u news*
(i specially look through the clips slowly to get a super nice photo of him! well, in my own opinion i think this one is very nice! ohman. with his charming and sweet smile, really can smitten girls lah! and i personally think he has the chance to win MR SUNSHINE, though he says he's a bit old for that. hahaha. but just look at his smile and that super positive attitude aura he gives off. just like those next-to-door sunshine boy! hmmm, but zhen huan and jianfeng are very strong competitor also! but then but then but then, i still think jia xi stands a chance! perform well man, dude!)

tonight 8 female contestants will be competing for the title of sexist babe! it's gonna be an exciting show!

tune in to channel U every mondays at 8pm!
U ARE THE ONE, who'll be the one?

smiled at 3:48:00 am

cchms bazaar by the lake


Chung Cheng High School (Main)

Bazaar by the lake 2008
Date: 12th Apr 08 (Sat)
Time: 10am - 4pm
Venue: CCHMS 40-56 Goodman Road
(nearest MRT station Paya Lebar)
Hotline: 63441393 ext 843 (Mdm Rosa Choo)
it's just 10bucks per ticket! there are over 50 food stalls and games stalls and even a mini supermarket!

Guest performers:
Jiang Cheng Xi (Star Idol)
Jeremy Kwan (Project Superstar 2)
Javin They(not coming), Keely Wee (CSS 2) *TBC*
Jasmine Tye (Singapore Idol)
Agnes (CSS2) *TBC*
Evelyn Tan (ex-mediacorp artiste) *TBC*

YES! YES! YES! CHENGXI is coming back to cchms! Hopefully Jiang Jia Xi (U ARE THE ONE) will come back too....! and jones too! it's gonna be a fun and exciting day. :D loooking very forward!

*Jiaxi is coming back to cchms too. and he's gonna SING SONG! jones cant make it during the bazzar but he may pop by!*

-edited on 8 apr 1.09am-

smiled at 1:18:00 am

Saturday, 5 April 2008

yay. off day tmr! :)

met up with elaineee on thursday to 'shop' for clothes. hahaha.
it was a last minute decision. hurhur.
ok the truth is..we went to forever 21 to try for the sizes as we're ordering the clothes online.
HAHAHA. eh, order online more cheap can!

work this week has been more relaxed than last week.. no celebs coming.. not much interviews. only went for zoe tay's press conference for some endorsement thingy this week..and! i met nadia yacob there! and also yanhong's boss, the editor of ping healthmag. he's a nice guy :) and he graduated from NP mass comm too! WOO.

nadia and i on our way back to mediacorp... it's just so nice to meet someone you know at press conferences or events!

this pink panter accompanied us back also. it's on one of mediacorp's van. even got spongebob leh! but i didnt take a photo of it.. next time i will!

finally published all my aska's articles. shiok! and yes! i met chengyao~~~~ and annabel at aska's autograph session and the showcase too! NP interns mini gathering. HAHAHA. it's really really a nice thing to meet ur fellow interns at events. :)

bel, shake and i at backstage! behind the black curtain, aska is signing albums! HAHA :D

hmmm.. aska has been quite a nice person to interview. i read articles from singapore reporters that he's
1) too nice till an extent that is has become fakeness
2)answers given are too politically correct.

well, for the politically correct i agreed too lah.. no surprises, no shockness. i guess it's more of too self conscious and protective of himself. which is not really a bad thing actually lah. but then the industry people will find him too normal and it's not a good thing for him then cause we will just dont write too much on him since there's no news worthy value. hoho.

for the part being fake... i will just not want to use the word fake lah. at least i felt the sincerity, a tiny weeny bit. hahahha. yes. he's too nice. that i totally agreed. whatever question you asked, he'll answer. even though his answers were like 4 words or just a sentence. he's super highly cooperative and when you pop a request, he'll just happily agree straight away. which is good and i liked that kind of attitude.

overall my personal comment about him is that he's really trying very hard to be who he is but he's afraid of making mistakes that's why he gives politically correct answers. a very cooperative interviewee but too overprotective of himself at times. other than that, a nice and friendly person i would say. and he's quite funny and innocent(i wanted to use the word childish, but then..he's already 30! HAHA) at times. that's a different side of aska and i think he should show more of this side! :) should be more relaxed and confident of himself and learn how to drop some surprises in his answers when dealing with the media.

vocal wise, yes really can sing! he's a very lucky one cause he's got a huge group of die hard supporters who believed in him. not like 'errrhhhemmm'.. can sing, got looks.. but no luck. that one is a sad case. =(

well, anyway i believed this wont be the last time you hear of aska yang zong wei, i bet he'll have more albums coming along the way! (please prove me wrong that i bring curse to newbie singers! HAHA)

since i shared about aska yang, shall share about li sheng jie also. li sheng jie is a nice nice nice guy. confident,sincere, funny and cooperative. well, he knows how to handle the media well lah.. this should summarise everything..haha..he's been in the industry for so many years! oh and he can also sing very well LIVE. super like singers who sing LIVE very well :)

come on! more interviews for me please! i wanna meet many many people! WOOHOO.

smiled at 11:33:00 pm

Tuesday, 1 April 2008
random photos.

suddenly feel like posting some photos up. haha. just a few first though :)

this was open house 08.
majority of the facility tour people.
love this picture. SUPER NICE!
love the people. miss the days.

this was ambassdors' retreat 08. at harbourfront breeks.
on the left with me are my two beloved cute juniors.
and on my right are the most fabulous people i've ever met!

this is wendy and amelia, my two lovely girl friends.
the night where we went out to MOS.
not to club! but to attend some launch party. which was boring. hoho.

it's a pity you're in chinnnnaaa. if not i could have help you get tickets to watch the show.
but i'll send ur love to him when i see him again. heh heh. and yes, i will meet chengxi soon i guess! MUAHAHA. i'll post his picture soon when i get from my office's computer. hohoho.

that's elaine on the left and ME!
we were crazy. it was the night where we finished exams.
lovveeee this picture.
credits to ameliaaa the photographer who snap this photo in time. :)

and yes, that is my another lovely girlfriend, elaine.
she loves to camwhore. HEH HEH HEH.

i still rmb this was after the mock up final advert presentation.
happily enjoying bishan library's brownies.
that's our favourite. wendy, we shall go there again when you're back!

at jeff chang's concert. a very memorable one.
it's my FIRST media pass concert! many thanks to amelia. :D
but my article is still not out yet! booo.
urbanwire, what are you guys doing ahhhh.

and lastly,

the first autograph session i covered alone.
and i'm hooked on this guy's voice.
seriously can sing damn well.
currently listening to his album.
if you also like him, do check out xin.sg for many of his news!
yes, an exclusive interview with him is coming up! :D

freda rudie poh! and flora ahfooo! i realised we long time no take photos tgt liao. :(
*PS flora: i'll send you ur JJ photos by this weekend. heh heh, gonna watch his yuan lai wo bu shuai soon. :D

ciaos. :)

smiled at 11:31:00 pm


If i tell you i'm not tired from my attachment, it's just because today is April fool day!

HAHA. work is tiring. super tiring at times. But then, there are times where i had fun and enjoyed a lot.

In just 10 days, i've covered 4 TV news, went to 2 press conferences, conducted 2 one-to-one interviews, covered 3 autograph sessions, 1 music showcase... and just few hours ago, i went to cover Channel's U -- U ARE THE ONE for TV news tmr. Yes, yes, yes, work is hectic. But work is fun. However, there's always a price to pay for all the fun and enjoyment. Like canceling my malaysia trip with ambs last minute! =(
I've met nice colleagues, nice PRs, nice cam crew.. and some nice interviewees.

In just 10 days, i've seen and met quite a number of celebs... Singapore's veteran actors, stage dancers, mediacorp artistes, and taiwan singers who can really sing.. Li Sheng Jie, Aska Yang and David Tao. Well, i guess the one celeb that left me a strong impression will be Aska Yang Zong Wei. That guy from the taiwan singing show《超级星光大道》who is said to have a voice that will touches the hearts of many. I was complaining at the start that thanks to this guy i have to miss my malaysia trip, but then at least he proved to me that he's worth it for me to miss the trip. Ohwell, one thing i can vouch, it's really true that he can sing superbly well. Wait till i have time, i'll slowly update on my close encounter with all these people. hehhehheh. but it will be a long wait i guess. HOHO.

but yes, now add one more singer to the list of singers i admire - ASKA YANG!

however behind all these of what some may envy -- meeting celebs, a lot of work has to be done or was did... which includes carrying a video camera and tripod stand all by yourself.. conducting the interview and at the same time film.. doing 'homework' and researching on the celebs, listening to their albums.. rushing here and there.. and working on the story till late..

but well, i can undertake all these workload quite well. HOHOHO. filming has always been what i liked anyway! :D

so when you're free.. please visit xin.sg to show me your support! :D (sorry though, it's in Chinese. heh heh)


Super thankful to all my fellow amb exco who have putting so much effort and helping me while the poor me is tied up with attachment. THANK YOU GUYS! i will be back soooon!

havent have the time to meet up with my classmates and some friends. sighhhh. work life sucks some times! =(

and.. i cant change my blogskin cause MAC refuses to give me the script for the blogskin that i liked. MAC sucks in this way.

one last note....
i personally support Jiang Jia Xi for U ARE THE ONE ! heh heh. VOTE FOR HIM! (i dunno what's the number though. oppps. wait till i find out. hahaha)
quite a nice and friendly guy.. and i seriously think he's NOT FAT
and yes....... Gavrill is really good looking and quite nice!

smiled at 1:09:00 am