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Monday, 30 June 2008

decided to blog this post in chinese.. just felt like it :D

刚刚回到家不久..but 不是因为工作哦.. 好像是从三月以来我第一那么晚回家不是因为工作.. =) 所以特别开心!哈哈哈哈~ 不是啦..开心的原因一半也来自工作~


也许天平座的人比较容易和天平座的人交谈..觉得说今天的访问很轻松、很开心.. 只有开始时在问第一两道问题会比较紧张一些..之后访问变得很好玩..我很enjoy!!
and i'm very happy with the news i did today! more about kenji will be up soon.
the following will be in English cause it's faster to type in english. hahahha. :)

went down to ai qing hai to support monsters supposedly. BUT only two monsters came, the other two went for honeymoon liao.hahahhaah.
been really very long ever since i meet up with these awesome people. really missed the days we had tgt so much so much!

my phone reads: 50 new messages.
HAHAHA. guess what!! they are all photos lor! all 50 of them! freda toothed it to me. hahaha. according to her, all these 50 photos have me in it! and half of them are super unglam one. jialat ahhhh.

we went for dinner/supper after the performance ended. wahseh, suddenly missed those days when we'll go jianhua fishball noodles to eat, or go catch midnight movie! those were the days...

love my this bunch of cute and lovely friends many many! we are sort of discussing about an overseas trip tgt..i hope the plan will fall into place! :D
go check out airtickets price now..
very tired liao... tata! :D

smiled at 2:44:00 am

Saturday, 28 June 2008

whoa. 5 months just passed like that!!
before i knew it, sis is coming back home from taipei! :)
going to the airport in a while's time to fetch her.

replies to tag.

xiangwei: i haven't email in bbt's questions yet. hahahaha. i'll do one more article on them before my IAP ends! btw, who are u supporting in superband? u got friend who got in? :D i'm most probably gonna cover either the coming wk or the following week :)
and i was tied up with work, so didn't make it for mobbers =(

weiting: yup.. missed those days alot! are u in 实践剧场 helping out now? shall devote into drama again soon!

nikk: omg.ur hanyu pinyin sucks. HAHAHA. u didn't ask mah, so i nv tell u. anw, u dont read chinese what. HAAHAH. and.. i'm a good and nice friend! :D

jiaxi: i forgot to record the replay to see if they changed it! haha. i'm just gonna use the footage with the wrong name one..maybe you really 得罪 the production team ha!

freda: i wanna go taiwan!!!!!! smuggle me in! i miss the foooood. there's a very shiok steamboat place that u guys MUST go! hopefully i'll see u guys at AQH tmr! so long nv hear u rude already. HAHAHA.

passerby/candy: will blog about it soon. :)

weiqi: no wonder i saw someone tt looks like her on the website. she didn't tell me she went for audition!

smiled at 9:58:00 pm

人要知足长乐 :)

累是一定会累啦.. 不过开心比任何事都重要。


很喜欢我这个‘极’的同事们..他们都很可爱、很nice! basically在我眼中的新闻室分成了南极和北极..哈哈哈..

还没有回tagboard. 明天再回..

smiled at 2:02:00 am

Wednesday, 25 June 2008

yeeheng told me today that 景祥其实来头不小...
and he showed me an article..


我很喜欢他的这句话... :)

一直以来很担心说到底有没有人在看我的报道... 我不期望读者看了能得到什么启发..毕竟娱乐新闻...有什么可以启发的拉... 不过有时也许你会因为看到别人这么做,别人这么说,而影响你对一些事情的看法和态度等..

因为你不能预知未来会发生什么事..搞不好这个艺人或是参赛者在现阶段并不红,但也许在机缘巧合下,有人就是那么刚巧看到有关他们的报道,觉得他们有潜力,然后决定签下他们让他们大红大紫.. 你的报道可以帮助到别人,只是你不知道而已...因为无数的可能性存在着,所以我都认真做我的每一篇报道..因为你的一个小报道,也许会是别人人生中的转捩点!:)

smiled at 4:03:00 pm

Tuesday, 24 June 2008

dunno why suddenly like a lot of emotions. hahahaha.
no lah, not PMS.. just felt that after stepping into the media world i really think a lot more. and i mean.. A LOT.
it's both good and bad lah..
cause u know u are a reporter.. you have to hold a neutral stand.. you cannot be too emotional in ur article or share ur own thoughts and feelings in the article. you just have to be.... emotionless?
but human beings are filled with so many emotions.. and i'm a human being! HAHAHA. therefore 有想法,不吐不快! and tt's the purpose of having a blog i guess. :D

went to interview mr victor wong aka 品冠 today. he's here for his new album 〈那些女孩教我的事〉.. the album is not bad i would say.. there's a number of touching songs in the album and the lyrics are really well-written. next time if there's time i shall slowly post them up.

i think i'm a weirdo. i bet many teenagers will like to interview those super popular artistes like 飞轮海、棒棒堂、S.H.E、Jolin.. etc etc.. but actually honestly speaking.. i'm happier when i get to interview those 资深歌手.. or rather those that have been in the ent industry for quite some time. okay lah. i did 埋怨 a little when i was researching on mr wong's info.. hahahaha.. 因为说真的..他没有什么interesting 的东西好写啦... BUT he's really one sincere interviewee. and he will provide additional information or self initiate a topic for reporters one. very the cute. hahahaha.


娱乐圈..很多艺人其实都很假的.. but 品冠 is one genuine guy. there's no tension or stress when interviewing him.. just like really a small chat with him.. and he can be super lame at times and cracks jokes at very unexpected moment. but he'll also be very serious in his answers when it comes to a more serious question. 这种艺人我喜欢.

no doubt cause he has been in the industry for thirteen years, he knows how to deal with the media. but know how to deal with media is one thing.. the more important thing is whether you are true to the reporters. pin guan is. 101% guarantee!

我跟你们说..记者绝对不是笨蛋咯.. 在我们面前演戏扮好人 we all can tell one.. but we'll try not to 拆穿, cause 大家都是为了工作what.

mr gary chaw said this before: “记者问什么,我答什么。我们都是为了工作,要给上层一个交代。”

因为他的这句话.. 我挺曹格!

anw, it was supposedly to be a 30mins interview with victor, budden the media roundtable dragged on cause he got too much to share liao.. hhahhaa. so my interview was cut short to like 10 minutes only... quite sad leh! cause i got many questions haven't ask yet.. and pin guan is really a nice person to chat with! 我觉得要是要访他一整个下午都没有问题咯. 遗憾啊~~~

but jialat leh.. i think i like older guys. HAHAHAHA. i thought 品冠 is quite charming in his own way though. heh heh heh!

今天在回家的路上..想了很多很多... looking back.. it's been almost 4 months since i stepped into the hill. 刚开始时,我是超级的害怕.. you won't know how worried and scared i was. i knew for myself that i'm lack of confidence. but confidence isn't what you can build up over one night. the first few times i went out for interview, i was scared shit. but as time goes by.. i think my confidence level went up a lil (:

还是等离开时在发表我的感言吧! 哈哈哈哈..

i said ytd that i'm gonna blog about something that angered me today. though i'm in quite a happy mood now..but still i shall post this. muahahha.

alright. it goes like this. image u're in this scenario..

you wrote an article and you're very contented with the article as you spent many time and effort developing the story and putting it into words. you did the interview for this story during one of your off days as you're really passionate about getting this thing done and you dont mind spending your personal time for work. the interviewees are people you felt that they were quite sincere and nice.. and the story got something to do with your ala mater.

and then....... someone (i actually wanted to use the word 'monster' but well. i shall be nice.) translated your article and it turned out like S.H.I.T. and i really mean SHIT. the sentences don't make sense, grammar and vocab errors are everywhere, whole story doesn't have a flow and the best part ---- the basic facts are WRONG. HELLO. it's BASIC FACT OK! and the person still can get it wrong. i really dont wanna scold.. but like it just WTF.

the above scenario happened to me. i really can't tolerate people 'destroying' and ruin my article and all my efforts! HELLO. please respect my work and also my interviewees okay! and.. have some pride in your work! if you think u're not capable of it, just don't do it. stop flushing ppl effort and hard work down the drain. wait till one fine day you experience this yourself, you'll know how it really feels.

yes. i'm angry. but i'm actually more upset than angry. =(

smiled at 10:49:00 pm


超级high! 因为...
三月 and 杂叭琅 got into the next round of superband!

not because they are gonna get popular somedays so i'm trying to pull strings or what.
it's always nice to see ur friends or people u know pursuing their dreams, doing something they like and enjoy.. (:

i've rmbed saying this before.. 有一天Mark一定会是一个很成功的音乐人.. 他应该在更大的舞台上表演.. i really hope his band will do well and conquer Singapore Indoor Stadium's stage!

他弹keyboard的技巧...is god.
one of the best (ahbeng) keyboardist in the comp! heh heh.

on a sadder tone.. it's been two mondays since URTO ended.. 今天去theatre,感觉非常熟悉但是又陌生。很难形容当时的心情.. 这也是我第一次在theatre里坐下来看show.. 当然会很想念urto的日子啦... 因为有些参赛者真的是很可爱、很搞笑的!


今天的后台..是一个holding area..一个很吵很杂的地方(有多过30个参赛者what..)

以前的后台..是我的地盘!哈哈哈。每次都会在那里进行访问.. 参赛者都会知道说我会在那里等他们接受访问..

but things have to move on. 旧的不去,新的不来嘛!我不可能cover《唯我独尊》一辈子啊!呵呵呵

i've got something angry that i wanna blog about..but i dont wanna end this post in an angry tone..hahaha. so i'll be back tmr!!

**sigh. need to go read mr victor wong's news now liao. gonna have a chat with him for 3o mintues! arghh!!

smiled at 12:17:00 am

Monday, 23 June 2008

i have a new friend by the name "smiley"!
i hope she's a trust-worthy and reliable friend....


smiley is my 320GB external hard disk!

shiok right. 320 GB leh! it's like 5 of my laptop! woohoo.
the only bad thing is that it's not really portable in a sense that it needs power supply.
but it doesn't really bother me much cause i've already got a 8GB thumbdrive to carry around with me. i just need a big storage space for all schoolwork, photos and songs.
smiley MUST not die on me..!!

i actually aimed to sleep at 12midnight.. but well, it's already 12.3oam. cause i'm transferring stuffs into smiley.. need to clear some space off my lappy cause i'm working on a big project soon. heh heh heh.

i know smiley is a very spastic name.. but i can't think of a better name for her. i shall keep the name smiley for now till i think of a new one.


smiled at 12:25:00 am

Sunday, 22 June 2008

thurs was a super hectic for me... but a day that was well spent and fulfilling. and a day where my passion for drama revived.

went for this PA Concert media showcase in the morning and it's really really cool. it's worth watching this drama called <12>...it's in celebration with the racial harmony month and will be staged at the esplanade on 5th and 6th of July. George Chan is one of the main cast. he's the judge for the dancefloor. I WAS SO HAPPY TO MEET HIM! :D he's really one good stage actor. another main cast is this sweet lady by the name of Elena Wang. she's really good too. I can really feel and see the passion for drama in them...


drama has always been something i like. i don't know why. it's just 不知不觉、无形中的喜欢...
perhaps it's cause i've been asked to participate in story telling comps since primary school.. and somehow my interest developed.. and by drama, i mean chinese drama! haha. i've always regretted not being able to get into HCJC for first three months and participate in 《黄城》.. BUT the fact that i've stepped onto Esplanade's stage before (and i did have two lines to say!) has sorta let me fulfilled my dream. muahahaha. i'm very easily contented. I won't say that acting is my passion; my passion lies more in scripting and directing and all those backstage stuffs.

一直有一个梦想..希望有一天能有自己的戏... 不过其实这个梦想也算是实现了.. 永远记得《纸飞机》...现在就想拍一部短片... (:

在中正戏剧的那一段日子是我最最最怀念 也最最最难忘的.. 那种为了一出完美的演出而大家都一起拼了命、任劳任怨的付出,至今还让我深深的无法忘记...

i'll be back.

went for raffles mooncake tasting in the evening. i missed my mooncake days too. really. those were the days where 'drive' really hit hard on me. HAHAHA. i'll go all the way out to sell the mooncakies. i was so so so so so happy to see aunty joelle again that i forgot that i'm representing the hill and i just uhh...screamed. well, it wasn't a 'scream' scream, but u can image how it is like when i get excited. heh heh. char was there too and it's really great to meet ur schoolmate and friend at such occasion! met chef chuifong too, who was the host for the day...and also mr deva! AIYAH. forgot to take photos ah!! =( really must find time to have a gathering with my mooncake khakis soon! oh, and raffles mooncake is still ever so nice!!

after that, it was straight plunging down to bugis where soda green aka 苏打绿 had their autograph session. and i really mean running all the way down. they are really a great band and i can guarantee you, they are 真材实料! i interviewed them for news... and IT WAS SHIOK. cause i did it on the stage and there're like 600 pairs of eyes staring when i was conducting the interview. luckily no fans decided to like throw bottles or stuffs up to attack me! hahaha. it was a great satisfaction lah.. like there're so many people who wished that they were in ur position, but they can't and u're the only one who has that. 是爽的咯!hahahah :)

blog alot today liao. shall sleep early tonight! (:

smiled at 12:05:00 am

Saturday, 21 June 2008

忍不住要来POST. 真的是太好笑了!!

真的是不知要笑还是要懊恼好. 哈哈哈.


smiled at 5:04:00 pm

i can't wait to go back to school. honest.
it always felt so good to be able to step into campus ever since IAP started.
human beings are just sick in their mind. hahahaha. i bet when i return to school, i'll start to miss the hill. but well, maybe not. cause i know i'll be busy with stuffs and i like that! WOO.

i'm gonna hold my URTO post until i finish all the related articles. there're still quite a few coming along the way. quite sad lah, cause this week is gonna end soon and i havent publish a single one yet. really is dont have the time!! went for 3 outdoor assignments this week leh. sigh. and trust me, i have really A LOT to blog about URTO. please don't anticipate. HAHAHA. but there's one thing i need to clarify now as my blood has been boiling for sometime already. There are some ppl who keep saying i was the one who leaked out 'secrets' of URTO to WANBAO and provide them information and everything. WAHSEH. if i'm so powerful i might as well go take part in the show also right. i'm just a NOBODY. who will listen to me man! yes, no doubt i'm the 'official' reporter from the hill to cover this show, but it doesn't mean that i know everything single thing okay. i'm NOT a contestant, just a nice reporter! All the information or whatever shit you read from WANBAO is NOT provided by me. if i've known all these things, i would have used it for my own article right! 有些人真的就是很奇怪。我为什么要为我没说过的话负责呢?哈哈哈。seriously, i have my reporter's ethics ok. i've known the contestants for quite some time and witnessed how much effort all of them really put in... i wont do or say anything bad to hurt them ok.. what's the point right. i was quite shocked when i found out about the whole incident too. but for me, as long as i didnt see it or hear it myself, i'm on a neutral stand. so don't ask me whether is it true anot. just treat WANBAO as an entertainment supplement lah.. 看了就算啦。是真是假就看你信不信咯。反正娱乐圈就是这样子的啦..这种新闻司空见惯,何必大惊小怪?

ending this post with something someone told me and i totally agreed.
PASSION is the secret to success. (:

smiled at 12:21:00 am

Friday, 20 June 2008

george chan. raffles hotel mooncake. champange. soda green. 600 pairs of eyes.

what a cool day (:

smiled at 12:48:00 am

Tuesday, 17 June 2008

had a super long sleep.
i slept for 10 hours! woohoo!
shiok ah!

but so many things to do after this power sleep.
first thing first, i need to seriously go and write my log and hand up by today.
it's overdue for 4 days liao. i'm so dead. SIGH.

k. i got many things to blog. will be back once i finished my log.

till then. :)

smiled at 6:36:00 pm

Saturday, 14 June 2008
the loft


it's 3.06am now and at the LOFT!
the loft is such a cool cool place.. it's like a hotel lah!
i shall upload the photos soon.

i'm finally back to school. felt so SHUANG and happy!
it's TNB and i finally get to see all my ambassadors! WOOHOOOOO! :)
seeing them really make my day. despite it's friday the thirteen, but it's still a good day.
but sad thing, i need to go back to work in few hours time... sigh. didnt even get to know the names of all the newbies. sigh.
i really wanna end attachment soon and come back to school! i miss school life alot alot.. and i've been missing alot of ambs stuffs which i feel very bad about it..

真的很不想去做工... 很想继续留在camp..
but.. sigh. i have no choice. =(

the room is quiet now cause all of them are asleep and i'm the only sole survivor. hahahah. alright, need to go finish my log already...and many other stuffs to be done also..


smiled at 3:05:00 am

Friday, 13 June 2008


- a super irritated huimei.

smiled at 2:31:00 am

Tuesday, 10 June 2008

Taiwan practically ROCKS!

How i wish i could extend my stay there!! but if i really did so, i'll grow fatter and fatter and become poorer and poorer! Taipei is really a food and shopping heaven. night markets (夜市) rocks a big time too!

back to reality. sigh. plenty of things for me to complete and follow up! :(

shall go get a good sleep now and blog more when i'm free!

smiled at 1:44:00 am

Sunday, 8 June 2008








smiled at 7:51:00 am

Thursday, 5 June 2008


leaving for the airport in few minutes time!!

TAIWAN!! HERE I COME!!!!!!!!!!!!

though yesterday night a bit no mood liao, cause a contestant just kindly told me that there's URTO live show on the 9th ( but few weeks ago, prdt side ppl keep assuring me that 9th no live show! tt's why i arranged my holidays to be at this period!)


但是不管了啦!我要尽情地relax,尽情的玩,尽情的吃,尽情的购物!! :D

thanks QN for covering up my duties!!! i'll buy u something good! muahahaha.



smiled at 8:36:00 am

Tuesday, 3 June 2008

big project was carried out successfully today! :D many thanks to qingning and liting for the brainstorming and the execution! and also.. my dear 4 very co-operative interviewees.

went for dinner/supper with qn at around 1am..
presenting adam's road 大虾面:


a super tired qingning. food doesn't seems to make her high.
i dunno what to put as caption for this photo la. hahahaha.

and then a super happy me! food makes me happy and high! WOOO.
this photo has the very dreamy feel hor..like i'm in some wonderland like that.
is 没有经过photoshop处理的咯! it's original! :D
cause office too cold.. my camera len got mist sia!

long day tmr!
2 more days to taiwan!!! WWHEEEEEE!
要什么就跟我讲咯, 不用客气...
but aiyah, you all should know i'm miss nice! :)

smiled at 2:43:00 am

Monday, 2 June 2008

work is hectic, stressful but FUN. :D

It's qingning's one year anniversary on the hill on 27th May. It's her off day that day, so the ultra nice me celebrated the anniversary for her on the 28th. :D and also celebrated my 73rd day of internship for no special reasons. HAHAHHA.

my super entertaining colleague who claims that she's more entertaining than zhang dong liang. MUAHAHAHA.

73rd day on the hill and i'm still alive and kicking!
yes, and the cake is a strawberry cake which can relate to me very well. :D

qingning has got good cam whoring skills!

i swear qingning can 自拍really well! middle is gillian, another intern in xin.sg.. a super innocent and cute little girl. though we're same age, i always feel that i'm much more older than her lah. really is 心境 becoming older and older.. sigh! =(

oh! and the above was taken on 3oth where there was a ADAM celebration.. (well, ADAM is a system! not a person..hohohoho.) and we got FREE dinner! whoooohooo! see the amount of food we took. muahahahaha. but dont be mistaken! i didnt finish everything in the picture by myself hor!

smiled at 2:00:00 am

Sunday, 1 June 2008

back from angela zhang's concert.. well, the concert is ok-ok lah. not too bad yet nothing that really makes me go "WOW". i guess i've gotten over those days whereby when i see artistes, i'll get super excited. 怎么说明星也是人啦.. it's just that they're the luckier ones to get discovered and hold a 'glamorous' job. yesterday was nicholas teo concert.. didnt watch the full concert though.. went with crew to shoot 3 songs then went back.. cause.. it didnt seem interesting to me at all. hahaahhaa. not even a single bit. MUAHAHA. still think amei, jaychou and mayday were the best concerts i've been to.

when i was on my way home, bumped into qingning. so coincidental lah! i was walking and at the same time thinking about tomorrow's stuffs and she came into my mind.. and then the next second, she appeared in front of me!! 真的是太巧了啦.. tomorrow is gonna be super exciting. heh heh. i hope everything will turn out to be okay man. we're carrying out a big big plan tmr. *winks*

now gotta go do some research and stuffs..i'm gonna end this post with many photos! :D

This was mine and Qingning's dinner cum supper yesterday! when to carrefour to get them since i was at suntect covering mr prince (shrugs.) concert. oh!! and i met a super nice freelance cameraman yesterday who shared with me many stuffs . damn damn nice la him. and his car is super comfortable to sit leh. spacious and comfy. heh heh.

we're attacking the chicken!! :D

and ms little chicken drumstick is happy. she's trying to impersonate one of her childhood photos. really is almost the same lah just that the face no longer that cute liao. HAHAHAHA.

these were taken during daniel's last day:

introducing mr daniel ang, who is my super senior senior! i just knew it two days ago. waseh. the world is super small lah. he was from chungcheng too! but he graduated way before i was even in cchms. i think when he graduated i was in kindergarden! HAHAHA. but yay! another senior whom i'm really proud of also! he's my 学习的榜样咯.

introducing another colleague of mine, mr ng lian chong. dont see him super serious on TV, he's a very humourous guy actually lor!! i think he was the first TV reporter i spoke to..

qingning and daniel acting cute! see, my sunflower comes in so handy!

daniel is so troubled by the question i asked!

i am so irritated to have him as an interviewee

he then decided to give me a sunflower and i was shocked by his 'proposal'!

HAHAHHAHAA. nice photos with nice descriptions right!! we didnt take the photos with a storyline in mind though. they were just for fun and memories. i seriously think both of us can go into acting if we're fired as reporters. muahahahaha.


YES! this is the olympics torch!! are you jealous that i gotta hold that!??!?! i know you are! muahahah. and it's thanks to mr patwan singh, the guy on the left, that the newsroom people have a chance to touch this thingy! Patwan was the only representative from s'pore media as a relay runner.. he's a sports reporter from CNA. how cool is that right!!! :D

smiled at 11:45:00 pm

i've got a new friend called “酸”莓...(yes, i purposely write this 莓 one..)

anw, there're really many photos waiting to be uploaded. so i'm gonna keep this post really short cause now got the 'feel' to do my URTO articles. woohooo!

trying to use iMovie to edit the clips.. hopefully it works lah huh.

busy but fun week!

4 more days to taiwan!! WOOHOOOO.

ps. i'm high cause i drank coke just now. muahahaha.

smiled at 2:42:00 am