interesting day.
happy yet a lil being annoyed day.
sometimes i just can't understand why people are just so irritating and like to misinterpret others' words. so damn annoyed. but i know i'm at work.. i can't show much displeasure though i'm already filled with annoyance in my heart. then to think of it, i shouldn't waste my youth and time to be annoyed with these brainless people.
why spend 60 secs being angry when you can have 60 secs of happiness instead? :D
i'm happy for many reasons. hahaha.
I HAVE FINALLY COMPLETED ALL MY URTO ARTICLES!! i finished the last one today. and it's like PHEW~ finally over liao!! anyway, today marks the one month anniversary when a whole lot of burden is being cleared off my shoulders. hahahaha. :)
secondly. the last chengxi's article was finally published. (okay lah.. actually it was being published ytd liao.. hahaha.) i'm very proud of my that series of articles k! haaa. i spent quite some effort in it, plus somemore it was really an assignment i enjoyed a lot. considering it was a very last minute and a lil impromptu interview, i'm quite pleased with my performance. HA!
thirdly. qingning just called and told me excitedly that iweekly took one of the quotes from my article headline. WOOO. i dont care if maybe paige said the same things to other reporters, but the fact that i rephrased the sentence and what they wrote is exactly the same word for word, so i just take it as they took from LALALA. :D
fourthly. tagged along qingning for nat ho's food assignment to be the photographer. wah. nat ho is one interesting person seriously. nice person to talk to and very good-natured. he'd left me a very good impression ever since the first interview i did with him. first impression really matters. anyway, i was understudying qingning today and wah, she's really damn zai. pei fu her. she can just strike off a chat and just go on and on... it's really like more of a chitchat session than an interview. which is what a supposedly an interview should be like.
i actually dont like to conduct very formal interviews. like you know you sit in front of the interviewee then start asking questions off a list and everything is like very restricted kind. and the worst thing will be ur interviewee is those kind of super boring one and doesn't talk much. wah i tell you i will sit in my chair and pray that i can disappear right at the moment.
on the contrast, chitchats over food are more interesting and i feel that there's more things to talk about and it's not so constrained. more relaxed and the interviewee is more comfortable and more himself/herself. but i think this also depends on the character of the interviewee also lah. like how much he/she wanna share.
nat is one person that is quite pleasant and easy to talk to and he's willing to share. one cute thing is we all communicated in english despite that we're partly doing it for cause nat is more comfortable speaking english. but okay lah. we're effectively bilingual! HAHAHA. no lah. just thought it's really quite funny at first cause a bit not used to it. anyway i think the chitchat session was great.. everything turns to be well. good job qingning and nat! i am very excited to show u all some photos, BUT it's all in my office computer.. and i dont think i can show it b4 the article is published. i see how bah..
anticipate the article, people! cause after you read it, i think u'll see nat ho in a different light. i have faith in my colleague that she will write the article damn well. muahahaha. :D
honestly speaking, if let say today i'm the one alone going out on this kind of assignment, i think i may die. ha! though i'm quite noisy and talkative, but sometimes when it comes to meeting new people and talking to them over lunch.. i think i won't be able to do it. i'm quite humji. HAHAHA. and i wont feel comfortable lo. but then again, if i'm being thrown into this kind of situation, i die die will find a way out and make things work. hahaa. that's the very cool part about me! woooo. but actually it is also very much dependable on the other person. it it's the correct person then i can really talk about anything under the sun. if not, i die. haaaa.
i really believed in 'clique' or 'dont clique'... there's people i meet that i really can't clique with them at all, but there's also come that it's very easy clique with them even though it's the first time we met. luckily so far all my interviewees still okay.
and then there are some people who just gives out an aurora like hinting me to stay away from them. !!!
wah super tired more tmr about today! tmr off day! WOOO :D
malacca here i come!
overseas. overseas. overseas.
WOO! malaysia also considered overseas okay! :D
malacca here i come!!!
i hope everything goes well as planned!
finally all of us decided on a destination and a date!
though not gonna take airplane liao cause we all are very busy people with tight schedule, BUT we're still going on a trip tgt. muahahaha.
when excitement comes, efficiency comes.
i like my this statement. HAHAHA :D
i'm even checking out hotel prices during lunch break hour in office. you can tell how excited i really am.
cause it's really time to take a break, have an awesome time with great company and RELAX and EAT like crazieeeeee!! oh, and take many many photos! hahaha!
我是超兴奋的!! :D
smiled at 12:05:00 am
very last minute actually..cause uncle ly msged us at like 3plus.. but all of decided to go down :D
特别将一首歌..《Kiss Goodbye》吧..
我想起了当时ambs interview的时候..其中一个问题就是唱歌!and then..我敢敢的去唱了这首歌...哈哈哈...
然后,这首歌也让我想起刚刚进mass comm时那种慌张跟害怕的感觉...因为这首歌出来的时候,刚好是刚进poly的时候...然后每一次搭巴士去学校都会听这首歌..那时的感觉是..哇!能听到华语歌的感觉很棒..就当时很奇怪的感觉啦...
还有,这首歌是当时moodinn的customers常点的,uncle yeo也常唱的..所以让我想起了moodinn的人... 想起了木船..想起了很多事...
最后当然让我想起了URTO! 哈哈哈哈... 想起了gavriil演唱这首歌的时候(是还蛮好听的lor!)..想起了佳熹模仿gavriill唱这首歌...
好多好多的回忆哦...都在一首歌内能找回来... :)
smiled at 11:18:00 pm
gary chaw's concert.
i was looking super forward to it actually.
but i guess 期望越大、失望就越大...
it was gary chaw's first concert after he was awarded the best male singer.. so i thought it would be a super shiok and damn high concert... however.............
well, it wasn't really disappointing lah..
just that i felt it wasn't really that good..
maybe gary chaw don't feel high enough. the fans weren't that high in the first place though.
so it's not really his fault..cause he said before, if the fans are high, he'll be high.
songs, vocals, lightnings, props, dancers, special effects were awesome.. but i felt that it's just lack of the something. i think it's the atmosphere. the atmosphere weren't like high enough..
and gary didnt wear boxers to sing though he'd said he would to iweekly and that's another disappointment! HA!
i think if yang zong wei was invited onstage to sing, it may lift up the atmosphere by a little bit. He was here, BUT just to watch. well...if he was the special guest, i think it would have been much more better lah!
cannot blame the audience for not being so high also.. cause like 30% of the tickets were complimentary one. you get what i mean if you get it. ha ha ha. and another sad thing also, the seats weren't filled up lor. i thought after he won the best male singer, it would be a full-house show. luckily there were quite a number of complimentary tickets.. if not seats empty empty i bet the singer sing also not very happy. hahahahaha. they should give out more complimentary tickets when they know it won't be a full house. at least the venue won't be so 不好看 with so many empty seats. give more complimentary tickets lah, at least got people come see better than no people come see lor. 真的不知道有些人是什么想的. even though it may be a complimentary ticket, but the complimentary tix may serve as something important lor. it may make the people fall in love with the singer after the concert and he/she will start supporting the singer and the friends around will be influenced also. or in exchange, it may be a wonderful concert review done which brings positive publicity.
我真的觉得我应该去当PR. HAHAHAAH.
still like ahmei's and jay chou's concert the best. oh! and not forgtting mayday! :D
gary's concert ratings: 3.5/5
(the 0.5 additional is cause he can really sing. power sia! )
smiled at 2:40:00 am

很怀念 当时我们无里头的谈话...
很怀念 当时我们的单纯(okay. 那时候应该是比现在单纯一点。哈哈哈)
一转眼 三年就快过去了...
我们会不会为升大学的事 又在一起苦恼呢?
smiled at 12:14:00 am
《赤壁》is worth watching!
quite a nice show overall except for some parts that's really like........i'm scratching my head why they are so'one-man-show'. hahaha. okay if you havent see you wont know what i'm saying..
wars are scary lor. so many blood shed. lucky i'm not born in that era!! anyway, those fighting scenes were really well filmed. the angle and everything all super nice sia! and it's not a boring show.. the fighting scenes are engaging and there are small surprises along the way. and there are some funny parts in the show too.
and.. takeshi is really good. i'm impressed by his acting. wooo! tony leung still okok lor.. lin zhi ling not really good as compared to zhao wei whom i personally thought did quite well.. but since it's her debut movie.. i think she did quite okay le lah.. her 眼神拿捏的不错.. the rest of those main casts that i dont really know their names were good too!
after i watched this movie, i realised people at that era is smart lor! esp that zhu ge liang. super damn damn intelligent! the movie makes me see history in a different light. i shall go read 三国志 during holidays!
ratings: 4 out of 5 stars!
oh! and lin zhi ling is a really real beauty! really the prefect woman in the world lo! i saw her in person for few seconds hahaha. and before the screening starts, saw mediacorp artistes also.
WENDY! I saw both your beloved elvin ng and kang cheng xi. hahahahaha. too bad when u're back in town i'm no longer attached to mediacorp.. if not if i got passes i'll bring u along! HAHA! anw, the actors were like animals (pardon me for using this word.. but it's the most suitable liao) in an enclosure for people to view and take photos. hahaha. but they popular sia..there're so many people crowding around waiting to take photos with them... wanted to go and disturb chengxi act as fan requesting for photo though..cause 难得he was quite well-dressed up today..HAHAHAHA.. but in the end never cause firstly yc say better hurry go chop seats first and secondly cause he's too popular and people are waiting to take photos with him! now i abit regret sia. 因为这种机会应该不会再有了lor. hahaha. but it's okay! 还好不是周杰伦! 不然我遗憾终生!hahaha!
k now need go write log liao. LAST LOG! WOOOOOOOO. :D
smiled at 1:10:00 am
i really dunno. =
i'm in a dilemma right now...
what should i do?!?!?
sometimes going into a new environment isn't a bad thing afterall. u get to learn more things and meet more people this way. but then again, stepping out of your comfort zone isn't an easy thing and leaving ur friends behind hurts too much.
i don't know. i really dont know. :(
why must i make a choice? or perhaps i should choose neither?
sigh. someone give me advice pls. :(
smiled at 12:44:00 am
oh, btw i met aik tiao there too! just happened that the event was managed by the company he's attached too. haha. what a coincidence!
waiting for ahhua and ahda to come back from taiwan so we can plan our trip! WOO :D
by right i should be sleeping cause i need to report to work at 10am later!
but 没有那种要睡觉的feel leh..
anyway, 今天和radio的人一起去吃午餐..
it's not that 我这边不好啦..因为我的direct colleagues是super funny and nice and cute (okay.. wadever positive vocab u can think of all fits them lah. hahahahhaah.)
也很nice~ 而且还敢开老板的玩笑and老板一点都不生气咯!他们的老板真的是有够可爱!哈哈~
and we proved that 他的车是power的咯!尽然可以载7个人!!
too tired liao... go sleep le!
smiled at 1:51:00 am
我看我有太多个特别的日子要记了啦! :)
一个人在房间了 望着电脑荧幕 手指不停地在键盘上忙碌地动着...
偶尔咬一口subway的cookie.. 听着萧敬腾的CD.....
白天的喧哗、紧蹦的心情 都被黑夜赶走了
一个人静下来 开始想了很多东西...
但有时候又会想说 想这么多有什么用?
想过去? 都是过去了,还想什么?
想未来? 想了又怎样?想了好像只会给自己带来更多压力..
smiled at 12:26:00 am
when care bear meets tailung....
when Care Bear meets Tai Lung....

they can still be friends! :)
okay. tt's random! anyway, care bear and tai lung both have a totally different character, but what i'm trying to say is that.. people with different or even opposite character can click well too :)
well, i got tai lung from MACS happy meal yesterday. i didn't know tai lung is an evil character! honest! i didnt watch kungfu panda lah. just tot that it's quite cute lor.. at least better looking than a snake.
i will buy happy meal for two reasons. first will be cause i'm really damn happy at the moment OR i'm upset and needs something to cheer me up. secondly will cause the toy will always be kept as a memory for that day's happening or for me to remember something.
yesterday was indeed a good day. 不可思议的事发生了..我看我最近说的很话都很灵、会实现!所以还是不谁随便说话好 :)
qinging brought this carebear to work today..

it's called the good luck bear.
i didnt know that each color presents different meaning! yes, i'm super slow. cause in my world there's only winnie the pooh bear. k lah, though last in sec school, got many ppl keep saying i look like a care bear. muahahaha. must be the face same like care bear lor. round round one!
they say i'm like pink and purple carebear. i didn't know that colors do represent something until qn told me today. hahaha. i went to wiki.. and pink is cheer bear and purple is share bear.
heh heh. seems like i felt a good impression in ppl's mind hor. muahahaha.
carebears are cute. :)
shall blog more about it when i have the time.
right now i'm so dead tired and just wanna sleep! tata!
smiled at 3:54:00 am
khakis trip!

(uncle loy is missing in action!)
but 我们要不要你跟着来,是另外一回事!
哈哈哈 :D
seems like our trip will be really taking place! WOOO :D
loudie是开心的~ :D
smiled at 11:45:00 pm
just feel like sharing some funny photos. muahahaha.
introducing my beloved sister..

that's me on the computer screen.

well. call myself lucky to have such a sister??
that was taken when she was in taiwan. she misses me too much, i know. muahahaha.
ah taiwan!!! freda and flora must be enjoying in taiwan now lor. i bet they are at some night markets happily eating and shopping! ohman.. 4 weeks before at this time i'm shopping for shoes at shilin. 1 month 就这么快过去了!
i wanna go back to taiwan.. SOON!
wendy tagged me to post 20 random things about myself. but i very lazy to think now. muahahaa. so i shall post it up some days when my brain feels like functioning. :D
shall do some cleaning up of desktop then go sleeeeeeep. haiyah. felt so not accomplished these two days and i supposedly wanted to do all the transcript for the interviews i had done.. which is like 8 of them! muahaha. BUT. i only managed to complete two articles. =( but then again, it's my off days!! i should be relaxing and slacking right. woohooo. me and my excuses. hahaha. 30 more days and i'll bid goodbye to the hill. dunno to be happy or sad! just wanna finish all the articles i have on hand asap. tt's why gonna sleep early and go to work super early tmr.
talk about sleeping.. i've been dreaming quite a lot these two days. maybe cause it's my off days tt's why i get quality sleep and my brain decided run wild. they are really weird dreams seriously. hahaha. but happy dreams lah :D i'm not gonna share cause..... it's really weird. MUAHAHA.
okay! sleeping and dreaming time! :)
bye folks!
smiled at 10:26:00 pm
an old photo.
heh heh heh.. i finally managed to dig out this photo... :D
it was never shown before okay!
but after such a long post ytd, i felt i shld post this photo up to complete that post:)

taken on 1st july 2005.
i know i looked aunty at that time!
everyone changed so much lah!!
and yes. that's jones in the middle. heh heh.
he looks different now trust me.
alright. then this was taken on 12th Apr 2008 during CCHMS bazzar.
see the great changes?? :D

okay. one thing that didnt change.. is the height difference! I'm forever one head shorter than jones. HAHAHA.
3 years ah. 3 years. seems like everyone 都老了! hahaha. 3 years ago we all looked so young, so innocent and so sweet. HAHAHA. 3 years later..... okay well, i leave it to you guys to comment.
if there's a chance, i shall go take a photo with him again 3 years later. MUAHAHA.
wah. then by then i'll already be over 20 years ago..and my dear senior would have already stepped into his thirties! HAHAHAHA.
ending this post with my favourite photo! :D

and this was taken last year when i did a fathers' day DIY presents story on him. 难得Jones少了一脸的严肃! hahahaa. :D
smiled at 10:24:00 pm
就青年节咯.. 还有什么?
我记得当时我还狠狠的加上一句:他很normal lor.
JONES 学长(前艺名石康军)
smiled at 3:55:00 am