spent my weekends with mooncakes. hahaha.
suddenly realised one year just passed like that. so fast.
last year's mooncake operation was a hell lot of FUN. seriously.
spent my day today cutting mooncakes for roadshow sampling. and i cut my finger. WAHAHA. but it's okay. not a very deep cut. i'm not like those very gu-niang girls will scream and cry at little cuts or when they see blood. :P work.. bound to have some accidents at time.
i think i cut like 15boxes of mooncakes? tt rounds up to 120 mooncakes. WOO. i can be the official mooncake cutter already.
i still miss last year's operation. miss my ex-colleagues who're not working this year already..
first up is charlene lin.. a damn nice and cute chef. :) now no longer work at raffles liao. but she's working somewhere she'll pop by and help cut mooncakes.

some people say i look like her. i think abit lah. wahahah. when our hair is bun up. i still rmb she will give me good food to eat... sushi and lobster meat or sth :D she nv fail to entertain me. hahaa. and then this lady is now married! so happy for her. :)
mooncake operation this year doesn't have flora and freda too. damn sad. no more khakis to accompany me go home.

these people made my mooncake 07 experience a better one. (well. perhaps i shld exclude the guy in the front, mr jonathan. MUAHAHAA.)
and then these are the lovely people that made my mooncake 07 fun and enjoyable!

but no more isabelle (the girl on the left) and no more my buddy yc(on the right) working this year too. sigh. :(
and this is part of the team drinking champange, celebrating the end of the operation last year.

i so miss uncle lawrence... and also my cute brother from vietnam, Minh. that guy is damn cocky, but very nice and funny. haahah. he went back to vietnam few weeks after the operation ended and it's been quite some time since i hear from him. hope he's doing fine!

*charlene happened to pop by and just nice the picture was snapped in time with her inside. hahaha.
i used to not really like him at the start of the operation. i thought he's from china and is trying to be cool cause he always speak english. wahahaha. but i realised he's quite a nice person to talk to, after i was 'trapped' with him at Cad's Alley for a few days.

in the back of bloody cold truck on our way to credit sussie for roadshow. wah. i really miss him. hahahahaha. cause nobody to let me bully and kaobei at this year liao! hahaha!
but the good thing is.. team shorties is back tgt again. woo.

i swear i grew taller! i'm taller than addie this year. wahahaha. and shawn, we're so gonna take a picture with you too this year, cause u're a member of team shorties too. admit it. wahaha.
work is still work. you dont always meet nice colleagues. i know that.. so i'm already very thankful that i still have some nice friends and colleagues working with me this year. that's already enough :) i'll make new friends this year again, i hoped! anyway, i've met quite a few new colleagues who are quite nice lah.
alright. that's all about mooncakes today. if you wanna buy raffles mooncakes, do come down and visit me at Raffles Hotels okay! waahahaha. :D
talking about a year passed so quickly..
few days ago, ahdu was saying time really passed damn fast and it's been a year plus since we went to KL together...

missed those days too. although it was just a short trip but it's definitely one of the most memorable holidays i had. just plainly eating,relaxing and having fun with great company. we all just look so happy in the photo.. haaha. when can we all still go on a holiday together? malacca trip is off cause everyone has different schedules. sigh.. and i know.. if we dont go on a trip tgt this year.. the chances of us going on a trip tgt will be damn slim in the few years to come. everyone will be working then and some may even start their own families (HAHAHA. or perhaps not really so soon lah.) or some may go overseas and nv be back again. really really wanna go overseas with these people cause i know it's gonna be damn damn fun and will be a very memorable it it's only 2D1N. shall see if we can arrange one! i'm sure there must a way out! hahaha. yes. i'm very determined to go overseas with these people!
baah. it's a long post today. suddenly feel very emo. wahaa. i need to sleep NOW! tmr or rather in few hours time it's back to school for meetings..(yes. with the 's'... i dunno how i can survive. bahhh.) and then to work.. ohyay. roadshow at citibank. happy! :)
after spending almost two hours compiling email replies and sending emails.. i'm finally DONE! WOO. redcamp 5. i am so looking forward!!!
did nothing much today.. off day again. woo.
went for physician's appointment...and got my third (and hopefully the last!) bandage. my little foot is healing well.. i hope!
before that went down to raffles to place mooncake orders and met peilin,shawn and addie for lunch.
i like mcdonalds happy meals. haha. i think i said before why i like it :)
anw, ytd was the first mooncake roadshow for me. was abit sian but quite fun lah. this year no more my favourite cashiering machine.. change to micros liao. damn high class can. HAHAHA.
i miss mooncake 2007. it was fun. really fun. and all of us really work damn hard. the spirit was there, the mood was there, the teamwork was there, the friendship was there..everything was just perfectly right. but this year.. it seems to be slightly different. or maybe it's a huge difference? i dunno. i just wanna be positive and look on the bright side. at least i have my very dear team shorties, aunty joelle, christine, elaine and my polymates working with me.. so it's not really that bad. i hope things will change for the better. :) given my personality, i think i can make a difference. WAHAHAHA. i'll be friends with everyone. hohoho.
but first. respect me and my team shorties and be nice to us. we'll then respect you and be nice to you too. causal labour is not really that
causal i tell you. we really work our asses off for raffles. WE ARE SPECIAL. and most imptly, we're EXPERIENCED. want your bonus, better treat us well lo. hahahaa. at least we make contribution okay! :D
woo. hooray to team shorties and evil sisters. we reunite again! mooncake 2008 will soon be over in a flash.... who knows i may miss mooncake 2008 too? HAHA.
smiled at 11:56:00 pm
new blog!
smiled at 12:19:00 am
Wednesday, 20 August 2008
Today is a cool day!
Cause.. it's 20.08.2008!
Once in a lifetime man!!
but i spent my day rotting at home today lah... leg being bandaged..can't go to work.
anyway... introducing to you my PIG FOOT...

i received my first ever foot bandage on 16.08.08. what a nice date also.

the chinese physician that i visited at kovan there.
it was really a hell experience during my first visit.
pain until my tears flowed out. really damn pain! but the physician is super power lah. my foot did heal a little.
went back there ytd.. wasn't as painful as the first time..

my second bandage.
really is pig foot.
anyway.. anyway!!
most of you would have known that i'm selling Raffles Hotel Mooncakes now.. :)
so!! come down to raffles and visit me when u're free okay! i give you many samplings. hahahah! also.... if you wanna buy RH mooncakes, let me know by this friday 12noon! *winks* there's a reason to be early bird! you get it then you get it. muahahahaa.
(btw, is just place your order only, not asking you to eat mooncakes at such an early time. :P)
PS. raffles mooncakes are really good!! i'm not saying cause i'm working for it. you know i dont lie.
need to sleep now!
roadshow at 8am tmr. -.-''
smiled at 11:06:00 pm
Quick update on my foot.
thanks for all the concern on my poor little (well, not really little.) foot.
it's still in pain but it's not as swollen anymore.
had an
unforgettable experience at a chinese physician clinic yesterday.
wanted to post some pictures but lappy's bluetooth is not working. post tmr. :)
need to sleep now. tmr is first day of work at mooncake for me.
dunno to be happy or sad. sigh.
poor foot. please heal soon!!
smiled at 12:48:00 am
i sort of miss my reporter life...
and because of that..i'm considering to take up online journalism as one of my electives..HAHAHA.
but then again, it's gonna be in english. argh! i really need to brush up my sucky english writing skills! maybe i shall reconsider.... hmmmm..
supposed to start work today.. but.. my foot is still in pain.. gotta wait till it's fully heal then i can start work..
had meetings today instead.. wooooo. i'm so looking forward to redcamp 5!! :D
ranking electives is really giving me a huge headache... i dunno what to choose... the modules are all like very interesting.. yet i dunno if i really want to do them anot. i need to choose some not so taxing modules.. if not i'll really have a damn tough semester ahead. baaaa. but it's okay! i can handle it! (hopefully. wahahaha!)
i'm really being random today. okay. bye! :D
smiled at 1:21:00 am
smiled at 9:28:00 pm
08.08.08 i'm lame.
what a
NICE day for me.
i sprained my ankle. OUCH.
it's the first time i sprained my ankle in my nineteen years on this universe.
the pain is really unbearable. =(
and today is also the first time in my life receiving acupuncture treatment.
well, it isn't that pain as i thought it would be.

dont think you can really see the needles.. but there's 3 needles on my poor foot anw..
and yes. my ankle is damn swollen now.
so much for all that excitement and happiness for handling up the final report finally.
i was getting down the bus and was like "OHYAY! i reached school!! after i'm done handing up my report i'll be freeeeeeee." and then the next moment, i sprained my foot. i think i missed a step or something. damn. so paiseh can! for the next few seconds my right foot can't feel anything at all. i thought i dislocated it or something.. but i could still walk.. so it's not really thaaaaat bad.
thinking back, i think i'm quite good in enduring pain. i climbed the overhead bridge, walked all the way up to FMS, walked down all the way to the bus stop.. then went to SPH.. it's the first time that i use the traffic lights to cross to SPH lor.. if not i always dash across the road one. haaa.
then really cannot tahan liao..when to opposite SPH to look for doctor. after that went to F.I.R concert. the stupid escalator decided to break down today and i had to climb so many steps up and down. ARGHHH. P-A-I-N!
what a suay day lah. really.
but then to think of it again, how many people can get their foot sprained for the first time in their life on 08/08/08?!
WAHHAHHAHA. okay. i'm just consoling myself. let me be. hahhahaha. think on the brighter mah. :D
my foot still hurts and i can't walk properly. but i dont care. i'll bear the pain and meet my ahteng tmr! yaaay! =)
smiled at 11:59:00 pm
I AM DONE WITH MY REPORT.after like 4 days of continuous writing.and i killed many trees....I'M SORRY! =Xyou can't image how thick my final report is. muahahaha.
i shall keep you in suspense and show you a photo of it soon.
went to
hotpot yesterday with
my super entertaining colleagues.. or rather i shld call them ex-colleagues now. hahahha. i haven't had the time to blog about hotpot.. i'll upload photos and blog about it soon.
HAHAAH. everything is SOON.. k lah i promise.. will really be sooooon. since now my IAP is OFFICIALLY OVER!! but then..... i'm starting raffles mooncakes soon. wahahaha. but it's okay, i'll still find time to blog! i got so many stuffs to share.. :D
transferring and compiling my taiwan photos now..
waseh. i really miss taiwan!! shall go there again next week!
smiled at 11:22:00 pm
要在和他们碰面之前..心里其实有一点紧张..毕竟那么久没见面了..很害怕我们都变成陌生人了,没有什么可以聊的..不过我的紧张是多余的啦!!老朋友..真的是老朋友啦..不管多久没有见面,还是依然有一种默契存在...聊着聊着我们聊到了以前的事..哇真的很想念那时侯..非常非常想念..这一次也好像是我们四个人第一次的outing..哈哈哈!虽然以前也没有说很close啦,只是坐很靠近而已..所以话也比较多..感觉上我们是很好的朋友啦~感觉上~哈哈哈..but ok..我们其实是。哈哈哈哈..我看今天育龙说的话,比他两年在班上说的话加起来,还多!突然觉得我好像才刚刚真的认识这位朋友!哈哈~henry,还是一样的lame也很entertaining!and my dear bro 其实是非常地幽默 and lame. really 不敢相信~ 哈哈哈.. 跟他们聊天,很开心,很轻松...我很久没有在一个group里很少说话..通常我的话最多啦..因为我比较entertaining. 哈哈哈~ 不是啦,就每个人都很安静咯..所以我都是那个努力在搞气氛的人..不过今天我终于不用搞气氛了!听他们的谈话,是非常的entertianing! 会觉得大家又聚在一起的感觉其实很好..尽管有几秒是安静的,但我们都知道,我们正在享受大家又聚在一起的感觉..有时候不需要用言语也可以表达很多很多..
kbox soon! =)
smiled at 1:41:00 am
wednesday. baaa.
the day which i'm gonna be super busy.
actually already plan to go K then go hotpot with my colleagues.. since it's a rare opportunity that both qingning and hoho off together!
wed is also the only day that my sec sch classmates are free.. once this week is over, everyone will be so busy with their own life again... NS, overseas exchange, studies.. and i dont know when we can meet up again. it's been three years since i last saw them.. and suddenly have the urge to meet them up.. 人老了,开始回忆往事..开始念旧...hahaha.. just happened that i rcved yulong's msg few days ago and i decided that it's time that we REALLY meet up.. if not we drag drag drag..we'll never meet up. just like our escape trip. arrgghh.
so now.. the plan is omit k, just go hotpot.. and at an earlier time.. so after that i'll go meet my sec sch friends.. i'm sorry qingning and hoho! i hope u all understand!! i love u guys always.. hahahah! thanks for being accommodating :D
i'm kinda excited to meet my old friends.. three years liao.. wonder if our 默契 is still there anot... wonder if we can still clique or not.. hahahaa..honestly speaking, i'm a little nervous! scared later will 冷场... omg. i better go and read up some jokes beforehand ... so i can tell them when there's really nothing to say...
oh before that. i still need to complete the damn final report. which i'm left with the new skils learnt part. arrrrrggggghhhhhh!!
smiled at 11:06:00 pm
before superband results show is aired...
lastest news! :D
杂叭琅 和三月 got into the next round!!!!
happpy happpy!!
marko and huishan jiayou sia! =)
oh!! and derrick's new album has got two songs written by marko! coooool.
*i'm stuck with my final report. dunno what to write. that's why i keep updating my blog. HAHAHA.
smiled at 11:16:00 pm
why is wednesday the only day that everyone is free????!?!?!?!??!!
how am i suppose to split myself up?
dont let me make choices again.
i'm really very sick of it.
smiled at 8:21:00 pm
someone once told me:
once you make a choice, you must not regret.
I hope i'm not regretting it.
I knew that things will change this year and i can't expect it to be the same as last year. Learn to adapt.. learn to adapt... But what makes work fun and enjoyable is the atmosphere, somehow i felt that the atmosphere is abit weird this year. Where's all those energy and where's the spirit to fight fight fight all the way? I can't feel that. and i'm sad.
I hope things will turn out fine... but at least, i still have my bunch of super fun and hardworking friends with me to go through this together.
team shorties finally reunite again. :)
smiled at 8:05:00 pm
i ended work at 12.02am. and it marks the very very very last day of my internship. i'm so not going there back again! HAAHAA. yesterday was supposedly the last day, BUT there's so much work to i gotta go back today to finish. =(
yes. i definitely am!
it's just soooo shiok to complete everything that i'm supposed to do and leave the place happily.
i can like float out of the place man. no more burden anymore. wolalala~
do i miss the place?
i dont know actually. haha. cause when i stepped out of the entrance today, i'm SUPER HAPPY. HAHAA. not a slight tinge of sadness of what. eh but no lah. i'll definitely miss the place. just gimme two days and i'll start missing work, start missing my colleagues, start missing the place. that's very me-ish. HAHA. but then just that right at this very moment, i'm happy more than sad. i felt so accomplished when i thought back of the past five months.
intern wong will report to you about her amazing internship in the next few days and upload many many photos. keep a lookout for it! :D
right now, it's final report that's killing me..!
smiled at 2:46:00 am
sec sch mates.
been a very long time since i meet up with my sec sch mates..
honestly speaking, i'm only very in touch with yuchih. muahahah.. the rest is once in awhile will talk on MSN or sms... for the past 2+ years, only meet some of them up before... but it's like super rarely lah. everyone is so busy with their own stuffs! ok, i know tt's an excuse lah. hahaa. but.. it's the thoughts that counts lah. we all know we live in each other's hearts! HAHAHA. :D
i received an sms from my sec sch mate today saying my sister is with him. i tot i saw wrongly. that sms did came as a surprise lah.. cause really unexpected..and i even thought my phone got problem.the name appeared wrongly or something. (cause it did really happen to my old phone!) the world is indeed small.....anw, i'm super thankful to this friend of mine...story will continue later..hahaha.
but first.... show you my super ugly sec school photo which is actually quite cute :D
henry. yulong. me!!. yuchihsuddenly misses my sec sch days so much. missed the times we always secretly eat at the back of the class, missed those times where the three of them will like doze off during lessons and i gotta find ways to wake them up discreetly! missed the days that we'll just talk crap , humour ourselves and laugh at super lame jokes contributed by henry. missed the days where we bought a super big watermelon and eat at the locker area. missed the days where there's someone whom i can bug to teach me Amaths and physics. HAHAHA!
anw, yulong aka 4 years old (he's 7 years old now. muahahah) is the one whom msged me today. he has a nickname called 四岁的 cause that time we all felt that he's like a little kid..super boyish.. so we called him 四岁的! i dont rmb why we specifically chose 4 though! yc, u rmb?? but his young kid is damn good in maths and sciences...cause he PRC
scholar mah..muahahaha. and that time my amaths and physics was damn lousy.. amaths was a super huge headache to me..but he's smart and he knows like everything! so i'll always go bug him to teach me. cause basically my tchs weren't very good also. he's damn patient and nice lah.. will always help me with those annoying questions.. quite a rare PRC scholar. hahaha. we used to sms each other to keep ourselves awake throughout the night to study. okay. but that wasn't really efficient. cause we spend more time like sms-ing instead of studying. HAHAAH. but yea, he's always there to encourage the stupid us who sucks in Amaths. quite a rare and nice friend to have lah. and he did save me a lil cause in the end i managed to get an A2 for amaths, which i was so damn happy!! :D

dont ask me why we can't just have a proper photo taken. hahaha. cause i think that time we felt that these poses were cute. :P i rmbed this two pics were taken on the last day we're seating tgt..cause tch changed our seats! she must be damn jealous why the four of us always enjoying and look so happy at the back. hahahaha. oh, and henry looks damn cute in the photos! hahaha. i wonder how he'd change now. but i think he's still as lame as last time, if not even lamer. hahahah. i wonder did my dear brother get 帅er!hahahah...
we're such lousy godsiblings, we didn't even meet up these 2+ years! i was quite surprised when my sis asked him he if knows hui mei and he said "she's my godsister." HAHAHA. i think my sister was shocked too cause she didn't know i had such a talented godbrother. WAHAHHA. but anw, i also dunno how we ended up becoming godslibings. oh! and i was quite surprised that my sis recognised him..which i dunno how she managed to!
anw, we're finally gonna meet up reaaaaal sooooon! and i'm looking very very forward to our first meeting after almost 3 years! must make this outing works!!! :D
i miss all my 3/4 gracians too. hope all of u are doing fine! :)
esp wengseng! hope he didnt get into any trouble. muahahaha!

smiled at 12:59:00 am
不过....他真的是“无法归类”..因为他似乎好像活在很多人的影子下!罗志祥、吴克群、牛奶,甚至林宥嘉,还有吴尊!(他的侧面真的有一点像吴尊。不是开玩笑的哦。),在他的身上都可以看到这些人的一点影子。是好,还是坏?Derrick 真的应该去展现他自己的D式风格。 but anyway, 这个小孩真的很有诚意。or maybe 新歌手都是这样的。可能以后红了就不同了哦!但我觉得他应该不会啦。所以请大家应该好好支持他啦~!
smiled at 11:53:00 pm
MR XX谈他的恋情: “很少有对方跟我们男生讲说你的笑容吸引了我。”
难道跟他说这句话的人,不是女生.... =P
管他是男是女啦,不过我真的是可以被一个人的笑容吸引住。你看品冠的笑容啊,哇!超级吸引人的咯!=D 呵呵~ 不过就算是女生我也会跟她讲她的笑容很美。Like我很喜欢flora的笑容,超美的!
笑一个吧! =)
smiled at 12:31:00 am