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Thursday, 25 September 2008
fun but tiring day.

a day spent happily. and tiring-ly.

went over to wendy's house in the morning.

the famous four three baked bacon and mushroom rice, and then we played wii.

i'm too tired to upload photos. shall update soon!
ohno. one more post awaiting to be updated.

sleeping time. i need to wake up very early to do my ambs stuffs and then go for work!
ohyay. F1 here i come. $$ go into my bank! hahah!

smiled at 11:47:00 pm

many posts to be posted.

i fought a battle with wordpress just now and that's why my post came late.
support redcamp5 blog okay! i took about 3hours in total to figure out how to use wordpress, wrote the post and published it finally! hooray to myself! :D

i still prefer blogger. :D

I apologise for not updating the many things that had happened and memorable events. partly cause i'm lazy (HOHOHO) and partly cause there are too many photos awaiting for me to sort out and resize to post here. I still have many posts yet to be posted.

1) Taiwan trip!!!
2) 5 months on the hill.
3) URTO after-thoughts.
4) Mooncake Operation 2008
5) Mooncake team chalet
6) Ahdu's and YuChih's Birthday
7) Wendy's Birthday
8) Mine and liangyu's birthday celebration

don't think i can complete all by this week. though i aimed to. hahah. most probably will be working for F1 under RH, but still havent receive any phone calls yet! BAAAAH. if i'm working for F1, then fri,sat and sunday will be GONE. no time to blog. be a lil' more patient yea. the posts will definitely be up before i start school. hahhaha.

going to wendy's house later to bake and to wii. need to sleep now if not i'll be late!!

smiled at 1:54:00 am

Saturday, 20 September 2008

many things happened. been a busy and great week.
not really in the mood to blog now cause it's freaking 4am.
will update soon with many photos. :)

just wanted to rant.
why can't people check their emails frequently and reply. just need to click the reply button, type YES or NO and press the send button will do. what is so difficult about that?
if you dont read mails frequently, fine. so you do have a handphone.
so what's the point of having a handphone when you don't pick up calls or reply to msges? let say you're busy and you missed the call. okay, fine. miss call from the same number many times and this will tell you that person is looking for you quite urgently right. so why can't you just call back? okay, if you're a person who don't like to call back, what about sms-es? sms stays in your phone till the minute you delete it. maybe you are occupied with something or your phone wasn't with you the whole day..the next day you'll still see the sms right. it's just sooner or later . so what is so difficult about replying sms-es?

so irritated at this point in time. hello. just reply okay and stop making life difficult for the others. if you happen to be guilty of one of the scenarios i've mentioned above, please for goodness sake, CHANGE. i will appreciate that deeply.

smiled at 3:55:00 am

Sunday, 14 September 2008

mooncake operation 2008 officially ended.

well. not much feelings. don't know why. haha. still miss last year's one.
this year's last day was totally sian. haha.
though operation ended quite successfully, and i did have fun while working, i still kinda regretted. it's a long story lah. christine too. hahaa :D
maybe next year we go join lawrence.. provided if he still wants us. :P

been a very tiring 3/4 year for me.
attachment then mooncake. almost 12 working hours each day.
can kill.
if not for my taiwan trip to catch some fresh air and relax, i think i'll have a serious breakdown. haaahaa.

then now it's preparation for redcamp and then the last semester. seems like i'll live a hectic life this year. it's okay. i like to be occupied with stuffs anyway :D

but i wanna take a break first. need to recharge. sleep at home for one week and switch off my phone and live in my own little world. that will be so nice. hahaha. but... dont think it will be fulfilled. it's okay though. red camp oh red camp!!! i'm so excited!! :D

k lah. need to sleep liao. tmr got meeeeting and interview. woooo. :D back to school. wheee.
then going to RH to get my mooncakies and RCA for appreciation dinner.
busy week again.
mooncake chalet on tues.. F1 training on wed. RC5 filming on thurs. amb zoo outing on fri. pre-bday celebration with ly on sat. RC5 filming on sun.
lalala. totally booked. :P

oh. anyone craving for damn nice chocolate truffles, do tell me! ;)

smiled at 11:59:00 pm

Saturday, 13 September 2008

one more day and i'll be done with mooncakes!

it's an off day for me tmr.. and supposedly today is the last day of work for me.. but i requested to work on sunday which is the last day of the operation and say hoe agreed. wooo. it's gonna be damn fun on sunday! :)

for once, i don't feel any sadness for having to leave some place/some thing. i'm glad. like seriously GLAD. really. cause i have too much things waiting for me to do. and i dont like to leave them dangling. by right, i shouldn't even be working for mooncake. but anw, i've gain alot of valuable 'lessons' from mooncake this year.

tmr is outing with roadsters. woo. :) mission is to find little miss short shirt. hahahaha.


smiled at 3:43:00 am

Thursday, 11 September 2008



i'm not crazy.

the movie is damn hilarious lah. seriously.
if you need a good laugh, go watch Wall-E.

went to watch with the roadsters gang today after work.
that little robot is so damn cute!!!!
my laughing partner ms desiree and i laughed like mad lah. laugh non-stop..laugh until my stomach damn pain. but it's really damn funny. okay..maybe we're too tired and we just laugh at the slightest thing we can laugh at. hahahahahaa.
what a good movie to distress. and it's only 6bucks cause charleston paid using NETS. wooo. 6bucks to distress..quite cheap lah!

4 more days. tmr is the last day of roadshow.

honestly i can't wait for mooncake to be over, cause i really have sooooo much stuff to do. it's not that i dont enjoy working, but i need time to clear some stuffs before the hellish last semester starts.

i still owe many people photos ah. sorry! i'll send you all asap!! :D

k. need to sleeep. though i'm so hyper! but sayhoe warns us not to be late. so i'll be damn early tmr. muahahahaa. i think i'm gonna laugh during my sleep later.

smiled at 12:37:00 am

Tuesday, 9 September 2008
mooncakes oh mooncakes!

5 more days.
and mooncakes will wave goodbye to me. haahah.

this year's mooncake operation seems to really pass in a whiz. so many things to blog about and so many things to bitch about too. wahahhaa.

ytd was one of the days which the roadshow team clocked out the earliest cause we're heading to have sakae supper buffet! :D

it's like a tradition for roadsters to have sakae buffet. okay well, not exactly a tradition lah. but cause we had one last year, this one also must have one. it's supposedly to be a celebration for the end of mooncake operation but since our dearest ivan is going to the army straight after operation ends, so we decided to have it on an earlier date.

eat until i damn full. hahahah.

wasn't really feeling well ytd. had an headache and slight fever, throat a little sore, shoulders ached like hell, but still went ahead with the supper. if not next time no chance already mah. haa. reached home ate panadol, throat medicine, ask mum to help me massage and then sleep right away. dont even have the energy to check emails.

two more days left for roadshow. tmr i'm going with jonathan's team. my ex-teamleader. wooo. hahahaah.

i think i'll probably miss this year's operation too. though it really sucks like hell at times and there are still some people whom i really can't stand, but at least i've met some new people who are nice and fun to work with.. like my manager mr ng say hoe, desireeeeeeeee my laughing partner, and muscleman charleston.

alright. i'm going to mooncake land to have a great chat with champange truffle. :D
WAHAHAHA. i'm going crazy!!!!!!

oh before that! today ended work early too, to meet up with the ark gang to 'make-up' for the farewell dinner for YC. my buddy is going china for ard 4 mths in 4 days time. damn sad. chengyao also going. there goes two of my beloved buddies who will always be there to listen to my craps and rantings. =(

i have many mooncake photos to upload. but bluetooth is not working! BLEAH.

smiled at 11:08:00 pm

Monday, 8 September 2008

attended my sort-of-distant cousin's wedding today.
and then i found out..his wife and him are from NP too!
muahaa. world is so small. and they actually first met each other way back in NP without knowing. :)

i like attending weddings. cause the atmosphere is so happy and everyone is wearing a smile. seeing the newly wed couples so sweet tgt makes me happy too.

it suddenly came across my mind that, while two individuals become a married couple and many people are there to celebrate this happy occasion, the same time, there may be a married couple having quarrellings and filing for divorce.

i'm just wondering, when a married couple decided to file for divorce, will they ever think back
about that special night when they walked down the aisle, receiving many well wishes from their family members and friends and both of them were so happy and felt blessed? will they thought of the happy moments they had shared? and now, what had happened to make them wanting to separate their paths?

but well, there are many reasons that may lead to a divorce.. and no couple will exactly think that they will divorce when they walk down the aisle right..

anyway, what i feel is that..

people always only tend to think about negative things when they meet a bad situation. they will never think about happy things that happened. that's human nature. so, think positively in a bad situation! it helps to make the situation better and perhaps you'll see another way out of it.


mooncake operation 08 is ending in a week's time. it's my off day today and i practically slept the whole day lah. so damn tired! one more week, and i'll be done! :) it will then be back to school. WOO!

went to taka mooncake fair ytd with desiree and ivan. so many mooncakes! had a great discovery that there's this mooncake from XXX company that tastes almost the same as our champange truffle. ARGH. how can this be!!

i dont think i'll blog much the next few days. will be dead tired after work i guess. i still haven't blog about my taiwan trip and my attachment! >.<

tmr going to MINDEF! WOOO. my favourite place! :D

sleeeeping time!

smiled at 12:32:00 am

Friday, 5 September 2008

this is my 301st post! wahhaa!

damn damn tired. haven't been sleeping much these few days.. attending workshops in the morning then rushing to work till midnight for 4 consective days really kills.
but i'm happy though. :)

ytd the speaker asked a very interesting question which really struck hard upon me.
i'm successful, when i'm ____________.
fill in blank.
actually, i don't know what to fill in. to many people, success is when you earn like tons of money. i don't deny i view success in that way too. HAHAHA. in this world, everything is about money. i have to accept the fact.

i've been thinking about this blank these two days. and i realise, i have an answer for this stage of my life.
i'm successful, when i give my best in every thing i do and in return, i gain contentment and achievement.

happiness is one key thing in my life. :)
i view happiness and harmony very importantly. nobody wanna work for something they won't feel happy working for.

and that's the case for RH mooncakes. i am happy when i work there. i enjoy my work and the company i had.

though i had more than 10 bruise... cuts on the fingers lah.. blue-black all over my arms and legs lah.. have to work long hours and is desperately lacking of sleep, but i'm really enjoying it.

sometimes, it's not really solely about money too. I could have jolly well get a temp job that can pays as high as up till 10 bucks per hour, but i chose to sell mooncakes at not a very high pay. And i think most of the other hotels and restaurants' pay is higher than RH.

but one thing that i realised is the RH team is way more team-spirited as compared to other hotels/restaurants. i've been to many roadshows and i see how each team operated. i dare say that we're one of the best team with good teamwork and efficiency and we're damn service-oriented. haahahahaah!

pay is one thing. the people you're working with is another thing. let me choose among the two, i rather choose to have good colleagues than a higher pay. that's a typical libra. hahaha. we value relationships alot.

no doubt that i've met colleagues whom i dont really like..but after some time, i'm getting use to their 'patterns' and 'styles' and i know how to 'deal' with them and communicate with them. we still all work well as a team at the end of the day.

this year's mooncake operation has taught me a very valuable skill in life. that is to understand different people, accept the differences and tolerate in a very short time.

i think somehow i'll miss mooncake 08 too! 8 more days! :)

i got photos to share! but... bluetooth not working again. argh. post some other days!

seriously in need of sleep now! WOO.

smiled at 1:59:00 am

Wednesday, 3 September 2008

baaaah. just finished replying all the emails that i should reply.
damn it. i'm missing out so much on RC5. :(

i'm lack of sleep and totally drained out of energy. studying and working at the same time really sucks big time. i almost dozed off during the workshop i had the past two days. it's not boring, just that i'm really way too tired.

the workshop is super interesting and engaging. i dont regret signing up man, though i have to rush here and rush there and make myself so tiring.

work is ending in 11 days. woo. kinda glad actually. cause i really need time to do my amb stuffs and have a good rest.

today was a damn siao day for me, desiree, ivan and charleston. we practically went crazy in QC while packing mooncakes. laughed like crazy and non-stop. these are times when work become fun instead of a chore. liking some of the new people i've met and they make good colleagues! :)
oh. and i went for typhoid vaccination today. baaaa.

there's really so much things to blog about but i really need sleep. tmr is another workshop day. but yes! i'm gg to roadshow after workshop! OHYEAH. i can see lawrence again. wahahaha!

smiled at 1:55:00 am

Monday, 1 September 2008
mooncake nightmare.

interesting weekends for me.
at least i didnt spend like both days looking at mooncakes. haa.

met up with my dear friends yesterday and had a great dinner and great talk. was supposed to be a farewell dinner for yuchih but that girl missed her flight back home! like WTH right! and didn't even informed us. argh.

work is getting more tiring and tiring each day... i just sat at command center to do tabulations for orders for like 6 hours and i was so damn tired already. haa. i think i didn't fully replenish my energy. i'm getting old liao. went up to NBR to do closing...and like wth can.. to phrase it in a very negative way, it's like clearing up ppl's shit. but aiyah, just get over it lor. work is like that what. help one another lor. do account till almost 11.45pm then finish. i think i can really go be an accountant liao. i salute mr jonathan. haaaa. he's SMART though he's irritating. and it's VERY irritating. HAHA. but when it comes to micros stuffs and accounting, he's like a little smart at it.

many things happening this year. i just felt that i have the responsiblitly to help out and contribute to the team cause i'm experienced. to me, even if it's part time job, i'll wanna do it well. but now i think i'll like going over the extend liao. do until i am so damn tired. hahaha. but it's gonna end soon so well, just continue to pia for the next two weeks lor. and then it will be redcamp 5 next on the list! :D

i like being busy lah. though now i really feel like sleeping for one whole week and lazing around doing nothing. i'm a weirdo. wahaa.

i'm getting more and more crazy liao due to my lack of sleep. haaa. so now i'm gonna sleep and hopefully be on time for TDP workshop tmr. 4 days of workshop. arghh. missed out my 4 roadshows. damn sad. but then studies is definitely more impt than work! i work, because of the people there..if not i'd rather relax at home! i'm a person who values friendships, not that you all dont know! :P

mooncake nightmare!! WOO.

smiled at 12:30:00 am