so.. it's the last day of 2008.
well, 2008 has been a great year for me. :)
minus the fact that my lappy charger decided to die on me yesterday, and i have to spend $152 to get a new charger that i'm only gonna use for 3 months! well, new year present to myself lo.
i'm happy but sad at the same time.
sad things first.
1.why is jean danker and andie chen going to TP instead NP open house?! they graduated from NP leh! sigh. but i know it's not up to them to decide lah.
2. i keep seeing alot of TP ads, but i dont really see NP ads around. :(
3. don't think jones they all got invited, maybe they did, but they turned down? in the end, the person that i dont like is coming down instead. so annoying!
4. i really dunno what to do to these people. i feel so useless. but really, what can i do? i know there's something that i can do and i will do it. but please don't force me to do that. don't try me. i bite.
now..happy things! :D
HEH HEH! Campus superstar 12 finalists is coming to NP with the hosts!!! and.... one of the host is... YUAN SHUAI! hahaha, i can't wait to see how he's progress since URTO ended. It's kinda cool lah, to meet the interview you see once every week for almost 3 months again. I hope i have time to run off and say hi to him(he better rmb me!). wahahaha. OHMAN. i should so do an interview with him right! BUT, i'm on duty! hmmmmm.
really, it'll be just so nice to see these URTO ppl again..brings me back my super memorable experiences.
dearest ahbeng keyboardist, marko shi is trying to 闯出一片天 in taiwan now! I'm really happy for him lah.. i salute people who pursue their dreams and live their passion. And he's like with INK now (no more cute guy simon inside! HA) but i think he's still in MARCH also. all these musicians ah, have very complicated identity. HAHAAH. no matter which band he's in, i'm fully supportive of him. i always believed that one day, he'll become a famous musician. hehheh, he's from NP lehhhh! WOOO right! I hope he'll do well in taiwan!
few hours later, i'm going over to vera's house for countdown party! :) looking forward. but i feel guilty also, cause flora,freda and liangyu are steamboating at flora's house for the countdown.. and it's been very long since i last met them. i've been spending a lot of time recently with the ambs though. sigh. but since vera asked first, i should just go lah. i know i can always countdown with my dear friends next year, or the next next year or the next next next year!
okkkie. getting sleepy!
i'll blog more later! :)
this week has been CRAZY.
IMC almost killed me.
Post red-camp is finally like completed! WOOO!
i really really wanna thank all these awesome SLs who helped out. I'm gonna list them one by one, since it's my last post-RC and these people made it damn memorable for me!
from my beloved vikings:
Chun Yang
Jin Rong
from the fabulous centurions:
Xin Hui
Wei Xuan
Last but not least...
omg. we're so efficient and awesome people. and smart at smuggling whole chicken into Macs. HAHAHA. i'm really glad i have the chance to work with these two wonderful girls. I just knew that we can do it cause we're fast workers!
more about the super memorable PRC (post red-camp lar!) activity tmr! i'm damn damn tired now cause i went over to vera's house to bake yesterday night (till like 4am!) and had very little sleep. i need to sleep like NOW!
smiled at 12:55:00 am
xmas party
mobbers @ orchard
<3 Ambassadors.
smiled at 3:05:00 am
Saturday, 20 December 2008
335th post. hoho.
335th post!
decided to make this post a little livelier with some photos. :D
On thurs day, i finally met up with my ex-colleagues! there's an official opening of WARAKU curry restaurant at the central on that day and the media was invited, so my colleagues asked me along too. I managed to catch a glimpse of chengxi (it was really just a glimpse!) on the buffet show before i left house. supposed to meet them at 8.30pm but i was running late cause i die die also wanna see chengxi on tv, be it it's only one second. (and damn annoying cause they had 3 segments for the show and suay suay his was the last segment). HAHA. hey! he used to be my idol okay! when i was in sec 4 and they had this star idol competition thingy, i super support him one leh!
those were the days. heh..

Reached there and we waited for like almost half an hour to get inside!
argh.. i could have finished watching the show!! (when ning called me in the morning and told me that we're meeting at 8.30pm i was like...........there goes the buffet show. but well, colleagues are more impt! wahaha)
It's just so nice to catch up with them. Been 4 mths since i left (and i know i'm being missed! WAHHAHA) and it was quite a long time ago since we met. I seriously miss working at xin.sg, not because i get to 'brush shoulders' with artistes, but because of some of the people there- namely miss chng and mr ho. :D
anyway, the restaurant is kinda cute. the food was not bad. i have to give credits to the marcomm people and the PR people. i think they did a good job in the whole packaging of the restaurant and the PR people were awesome when they handle the VIPs (which is us!)
their menu
the 'table mat' which is a calendar!
It really seems like they are marketing it to kids though.. more like a place catered to families. They have different kinds of curry also, from non spicy one to very spicy ones.
This is just a portion of whatever they sell in the restaurant. looks good right! yummmmy.
What makes me really happy was.... MR SANTA! :D this cute little mascot knows how to 自high very well. and just nice, me and ning were dressed in green and red. MR SANTA was really damn cute lah! how can we not take a photo with him!
it's christmas! :D
The PR said that cause Mr Curry is too big and therefore he's now on the ship making his way to singapore, that's why MR SANTA is there to replace him first. But due to space constrain, MR SANTA had to hype people out from the outside (well, he's kinda fat! but it's how santas should be right!)
poor MR SANTA standing outside!
MR SANTA is behind his long lost cousin, HOHO. (wahahahah!)
kinda lazy to blog about the food though i took photos. heh. it was really not bad lah. the greatest disappointment was the green tea shake. i wonder if they really put green tea inside man! maybe i'll blog about the food next time when i feel like it. heh.
so... we chatted over dinner. talked about many many things. kinda sad to know what's happening there now. don't think it's nice to discuss it over here (later they sue me for breach of confidence. hahaha!), but i just wanna say that someone is gonna regret for the decision made.
i think it's a gift for me to be able to see things in a different light and most of the time, i'm quite accurate when it comes to judging a person. some things just can't be explained. because i'm young, people may think i'm immature in my thinking or just sprouting some nonsense. whatever lah. don't believe i can't help it also what. i am still confident of my judgments!
anyway, i do hope that things will get better there. i even thought of going back to xin.sg to work after this semester ends till uni starts (that is provided i can get into uni!). but now, don't even need to think already. sigh. (there goes the interview that i so wanted to do with yuanshuai and zhenhuan!)
We wanted to go kbox k till close but ning has an assignment the next day so the plan was canceled. hahaaha. i still rmbed that time we went to K to celebrate the end of URTO for me. :D
i already plan for the next meeting liao. heh heh. we shall have the fantastic prawn noodles at pek kio market! i've been craving for that since like dunno how many weeks ago! and also.. definitely to K! (maybe we can try teo heng this time. cheaper! and definitely got those weird songs that hoho likes. wahahaha.)
Ok.. this has been a long post! I wanted to also blog about Fahrenheit's concert but shall keep it for the next post cause... i need to sleep! it's xmas party tmr and i'm meeting sam and gang in few hours time to start preparations! ooomggg. excited! :D
smiled at 2:23:00 am
Wednesday, 17 December 2008
a busy holiday.
i submitted the RC5 article.
i seriously hope that it'll be published. my last few contributions to NP already.
and now, i have one more article to do for NP also. the interviewee sounds like an interesting person anw.. :D
last weekend was spent awesomely. :)
i shouldn't go into details. those who know will know :D
hahaha. awaiting for our edwards yea. *winks*
i'm looking forward to this weekend! in fact from tmr onwards!
finally gonna meet my ex-colleagues tmr night. WOOO.
then friday is Fahrenheit's concert. well, not that i'm a big fan of them. but hey! it'll be aesthetically pleasing. HAHAHA.
sat is ambs Christmas party!! WOOLALA.
and then sunday is mobbers @ orchard!
so many things happening! busy busy holiday.
it would be the best holiday if there's no projects on hand!
okk. i'm going back to do research for project work. i shall try to accomplish as much work as i can this week..cause from next week onwards, OPEN HOUSE here i come! :D
ahh.and also meet-ups with my dear ark gang :D
smiled at 10:32:00 pm
go for your dreams
so.. it's gonna be term break soooon! :)
it's been a crazy week.
firstly, many thanks to the people whom i've suddenly msn-ed on tuesday night and asked a super random question. IMC interim is finally over. I think i'll miss working with my groupmates when the project is over.
i still love preschi. i already thought of who to invite for the final project. HOHO. i hope they'll be free and agree to help out.
i realised that i haven't really been spending time with my friends this semester, it's really more of ambs..ambs..and ambs. and then.. ta-da. Open house is coming up next! so... it'll still be ambs..ambs.. and ambs! but honestly, i'm really glad that i've found some nice friends there :)
not that i've forgotten about my other friends! i still love you guys lots okay! i will find time!
so tuesday was preschi test and we ended class earlier. and finally! i got to see the show that zhenhuan and yuanshuai are hosting now. i feel so happy for them. though ya lah, they are not really my friends, but the fact that i kinda went through the whole competition with them and see how they have grown and improved, i have to say, i'm really very proud of them. :) give them some time and some chances, i'm sure they'll do well! I have the confidence in them. it's very heartening to see how people work so hard towards their dreams and they managed to kinda fulfill their dreams.
I used to think how cool would it be if i go back to xin.sg in the future to work and then attend a drama press conference and the main cast is yuanshuai or zhenhuan.. it's like.. you see the person work all his way up.. and the best thing is, you'll be able to see if the person have changed. I really really hope that if one day, either of them or even any of the URTO ppl become popular celebs or something, they won't change that much. i seriously miss all these people and the weekly interviews. hahahaha. because of work, i can't be that friendly and go around hala-ing with them.. cause you know, have to be professional what. deep in my heart, i salute these people for their courage and determination. :)
one last thing before i go to sleep:
people, go for your dreams! :)
smiled at 2:13:00 am
the day started quite well today. :)
it was photoshoot in the afternoon for IMC and then followed by dinner with lovely people :)
though work is piling up like crazy and i've two tests coming up, one graded interim presentation and another interim presentation, i'm still in super happy mood today. HEH.
IMC shoot went well today. even though it's just mock-ups but i think it's cooool. :D looking forward to the real shoot! and once again, chengfeng had agreed to help out! WOOOO.
just got back home not long ago..despite knowing that i should be at home preparing for the tests cause i'm running out of time, but i've decided to have a dinner with the lovely people (and well, also to discuss stuffs over dinner). It's been a long time since i've dinner with them. I've always wanted to like ask them out, but am worried that no one will turn up.. HAHA. i really hope even after we graduate, we'll have dinner and catching up session once in a while. :)
i'm looking at some photos taken during attachment period. just heard some not so good news from a colleague. i really wanna meet up some of these people i've known cause of attachment
during the holidays! misses those days a lot a lot.
alrighty, i need to mug!
smiled at 1:47:00 am
a nice day.
i guess i'm really suffering from RCWS. HAHA.
finally met up with the lovely people after 2 weeks. the feeling was SO GOOD.
it was just a simple dinner, but i really enjoyed the company.

i remembered cheryl telling me something along this line: the only thing i look forward to school is ambs.
and i think that's really true for me now.
maybe i haven't really been spending much time with ambs for the past 5 semesters, that's why i really hope to spend more time with everyone in ambs before i graduate.
and surprising, i never thought i could click well with some of them. but i did. heh. :)
really people,
always treasure what you have at the moment before it's too late to regret. Open House is coming! excited yet kinda sad. cause it'll be my last official event. and since it's my last event, i'm gonna make sure that it'll be a blast! i know that the coming weeks will be packed and tiring with projects and OH trainings, but i'm all prepared and ready to face the challenge. i really want the best for OH even if it means sacrifising my holidays. i really don't mind. That'll be my last contribution to the school. And yes, i definitely love ngee ann lots.
Ambs aside :)
happy birthday to jiaxi and chengxi!
from the deepest bottom of my heart, i thank these two nice dudes for all the help they have given me during my attachment period. :) it's not everyday that you meet nice and outgoing interviewees, so i'm really thankful.
all the best for your future endeavors. and hopefully somedays i'll see both of you act in dramas :)
smiled at 11:55:00 pm
Thursday, 4 December 2008
4 mths ago.
4 months ago.
i 'graduated' from the hill.
why do i feel that i'm much happier when i'm on my attachment?
it's not that i'm not happy now. i'm glad to go back to school.
but... somehow, i felt happier during attachment though work was really crazy and mad.
maybe everyday was an exciting day back then. you don't know what will happen. call it 'suay' or lucky if you're suddenly informed on the day itself that you have to go out to do an interview. or every morning you check the schedule and you suddenly see you have interviews lining up for you in the upcoming days (and you'll grin to yourself if the celeb you'd be interviewing is someone you like;P )
being attached to the newsroom has definitely taught me to be efficient and serious with work. although i'm under the entertainment side, we still practice these values.
and that's why you will see my black face more often nowadays. i am aware that i'm showing my black face more than i showed it two years ago. but i really can't be bothered if you wanna bitch about me behind my back. work is work. at least show that you care for your work and you're serious about it. If you can't be efficient, i don't blame you.
you may think i've changed after my attachment. yes, i indeed have changed. or perhaps you don't really know me well enough at all.
to those of you whom i've never showed black face to you the past one or two years but i'm suddenly showing it: don't worry. the problem doesn't lie with you.
if you know me well, you know me well. :)
how i wish that time would just stop at 2nd aug 08.
smiled at 11:21:00 pm
Wednesday, 3 December 2008
too quiet?
i was just thinking, are those quiet people really quiet cause they got nothing to say?
I came to the conclusion that this is not true.
I finally understood how those 'seen as quiet' people felt. and hello. if you think i'm quiet and not expressing my thoughts, you're wrong. it's just.... i don't know how to phrase it.
what's the use of our voice and mouth? it's for us to talk and express ourselves.
the point is whether you're given a chance to talk anot. whether people give you the opportunity to talk instead of them just going on and on and expressing their own ideas and forgot about your existence.
i remembered, i have a 'quiet' friend, well, everyone felt that he's super quiet and introvert. even his best friend felt so. everyone felt that he should talk more. but the fact is, no one gives him the chance to express himself and talk. maybe that is also one of the good 'problem' when you have friends who talks alot and are very expressive. happened that one night i was talking to him, and he actually got ALOT of share. he was talking non-stop and i'm quite surprised by that.
sometimes, it's just good to listen to others and give people chance to speak their mind.
i'm glad i manage to find this balance. :)
smiled at 6:27:00 pm
just had the first preschi assessment.
i am happy with my results though i know i could have gotten a better grade.
i have to be honest that i didn't really put in a lot of effort in preparing cause there is so much work to do for IMC and PR. It's my fault anw, so i'm not complaining. I'm just contented with i've gotten :)
2 months after school start, 2+ more months to graduation.
What mr kwek said today really gave me a sudden splurge of motivation to work hard and put in my best efforts for the upcoming weeks.
I have never regret taking preschi. yes, i'm a cheena pok and many people must be thinking that i took preschi so i can kinda slack and ace or something. how i really wish i can ace it. I just simply want to learn the correct way of presenting and have something to look forward to every week for the semester in school.
Mr Kwek said today that there is one of the MCM top student that he had taught before..and the top student said during his/her graduation speech that getting a "B" from mr kwek is much more precious than getting an "A" for any subject.
Mr Kwek was my radio teacher last year. He's such a nice and flexible teacher. One of the reasons i took preschi is because of him. He allowed me to do my final radio presentation in Chinese, outside class time, and even came back during the holidays to let me make up me for the first assignment that i missed it because of Pre-U sem. Seriously respect him alot and he's one of the nicest lectures i've met in NP. I knew that getting an "A" from him is not easy, i still remembered how nervous i was before i did my final radio presentation. Till today, i can still remember vividly every details of what happened on that day.
And of course, i have to thank mr jones ong for helping out. I don't know if he's part of the reason that contribute to my "A".. (hehheh. he IS a celebrity lor. and he got his own songs okkk. haha!). Whether he is or not, i really put in a lot of effort in preparing the interview and everything. I kinda screwed up at the end, and i thought my A would therefore be gone.. BUT i was so happy when shake msged me when i was sending my guest down that i got an A. The feeling was indescribable. Maybe getting As is not such a big deal to you, but from a student who got a C+ for Radio Prd 1, it really meant a lot. It's the first time since i stepped into mcm that i finally felt my hard work got recognised.
I got the precious A from mr kwek before , and i'm sure i can do it again for preschi! HUI MEI IS GONNA WORK DAMN HARD FOR PRESCHI. DETERMINED.
smiled at 11:20:00 pm