The Batam Experience
09 March 2009
I bet that's what many of us who went for the trip will name our blog post, facebook photo album - "the batam experience".
HAHAHA. I don't know who started this batam experience thingy, but well, it sounded nice. So i'm gonna use it. No copyright. HAHA. :)
Finally, I went on a overseas trip with ambs! I was looking so forward to the kluang trip last year, but thanks to yang zong wei, i'd to back out last minute. How annoying was that!
This time round, i successfully went to batam with 28 ambs + 2 corpcomm officers! WOOO. Many thanks to thoma & sean chi who planned this. :)
The day started out with all of us gathering at 7.20am at harbourfront mrt control station. (Well, of course, some were late! ) Walked over to the cruise center and met princess vera halfway. She was saying we're damn loud. I had to agree. We're all excited what!
Boarded the ferry at 8.40am and we took around one hour to reach there. It's still 8.40am when we reached there though. Cause batam time is one hour behind ours. The ride was quite bumpy, and it started drizzling halfway. When we reached there, it's still drizzling. (of all days! arghh!!)

Hopped on the coach, met our indonesia tour guide whom we secretly mocked his unique diction. (i'm sorry! but i really can't help it! I quote from matt who quoted from him: "In the traditional show, you'll see them peel coconuts with their tits." He meant teeth lah!!!)
It's still raining quite heavily, and we're on our way to the paintball venue. And the venue was..... a JUNGLE!
Vera was damn funny. When the S'pore tour guide told us on the boat that we'll be going to a jungle to play paintball, vera was damn shocked and she said super loudly: "What! I didn't sign up for this!" Should have captured a photo of her facial expression. damn hilarious.
The rain kinda stop when the first two teams went into the battlefield. Syad and candy were awesome man! The whole experience there was quite interesting too. We're in a jungle, we wore army suits (for the first time & perhaps the last time also in my life! WOO) and we had guns! :D I guess that's the closest girls can experience what's like for NS. My team even came up with a strategy for the war lah, but well, we lost in the end. hahahaaha.
Honestly, i don't like really the game. Kinda pointless. HAHAHA. but well, it's quite fun cause of the people and i kinda enjoyed it. and it's definitely memorable. cause when it's my team's turn to go into the battlefield, it started raining again. heavily. we're all drenched, the mask was damn foggy and we couldn't really see clearly. my team mates even shoot at each other because of that. HAAHAHAH. it's quite funny lah. and matt was the best. he didn't even know that the game ended! He's still in the battlefield when the guy announced that the game was over and we all left the battlefield. He's totally engrossed in the game. I guess he's the only one concentrating hard. hahahaa.

I bet for many of us, we wanna get it over and done with and get out of the field cause the rain was really heavy. Plus all the muddy soil clinging on to our nice shoes, tasting rain water and even our own clothes under the army suit was soaking wet already. What an experience man! I will really really never forget! And i squatted until my legs are very painful now. argh.
If you ask me to play again, i'll most probably say yes. provided it's not raining! hahaha.
Some of the girls even changed on the bus during the journey to our lunch venue. all cannot take it already. hahaha. well, they came up with some clever ways to change on the bus! ambs are smart :D
Before we had our lunch, we shopped at this local products store which was just outside our lunch place. everyone shopped like auntie and uncles lah. brought so many snacks. but omg. the dried jackfruit is reallllly damn nice!!!!
Lunch was ok. It's at this apparently very famous seafood restaurant called Golden Prawn 933. (I goggled & did some homework before i went for the trip!) Really, it's just so-so only. The crab wasn't really fresh(my uncle's one is still the best!), the prawns are like what my mum usually will cook (& my mum can cook even better than that!). The fried sotong, steam fish and kangkong was nice though. esp the steam fish... awesome!!!

We had coconuts, and their coconuts are really HUGE. Jeremy got a super huge one lah. It was so big that there wasn't enough space for them to place it on the table for us cause still got the dishes. They had to place it on the other table and when we need to drink, we'll walk over to the other table. I wanna complain though!! Some of our coconuts have no flesh inside at all!! damn sad =/

After lunch, some of us when for massaging, while the rest visited the batam shopping center. OMG! TIMEZONE IS FRIGGING CHEAP THERE! I got my wish granted. WOO. i had always wanted to go to cheap arcades (genting's arcade will be awesome!) and play like crazy after exams, and i did it yesterday!! :D Went to timezone straight away once we reached there with xiangwei, jeremy, ning, clement, cheryl, candy.
A game there cost like 30 - 50 cents sin lah! cheap! And for the first time in my life, i played the basketball shooting game alone. and for at least 4 times! Clement, Cheryl, Candy (wah.. all the Cs. i just realised!) and we were kinda competing against each other. hahaha. damn funny. the girls stood on stools cause we're too short. LOL. And hor, the arcade games got give tickets one! i missed this kind of arcades hahaahah.

we exchanged for sharpeners so everyone can get one. (damn loserish i know. but we lost alot of our tickets! =/) we were late because we wanted to finish all the credits in the card. oppps.

We then went to this kueh lapis's actually a house i think.. didn't manage to see them make kueh lapis cause they finished making all our orders already. we got to taste like a super small piece of kueh lapis each though. being the nice me, i bought some back for my family. it's quite nice lah.

oh.. and we saw this on our way to the keuh lapis place! what a huge satellite!

Before heading to our final destination, we went to a Polo Ralph "Laurauch" shop. (I told you, we'd an awesome tourguide!) Things there were way cheaper than singapore's one, but i heard that you can get even cheaper polo stuffs in wait till i visit HK then i shall splurge! (And i did splurge in Batam. HAHA. we all did.) Instead of shopping, some of us took a few awesome photos beside the shop while waiting for the rest to do their shopping.

Then... the most exciting & tiring part of the trip.. was shopping at megamall, which was our last stop. It's like playing some amazing race lah. We're only given about 50 mins to shop can. And we had alot of rupiah left. Macham like millionaires like that. Seriously, you go there and you'll feel that you're freaking rich! We practically ran in the shopping mall. People looked at us like we're some crazy tourist. Some of them who didn't want to shop went to A&W (and they stole the mugs back! ARGH! never steal for me!!)
I wasted the first 20 minutes walking/running around. didn't get anything. xiangwei wanted to get earphones so we went to some supermarket which looks like giant. didn't manage to get in the end, cause the cashier said they dont sell. i bet it's more like she didn't understand what we're saying! We then decided to spend our last 30 minutes in batam eating A&W and buying JCo donuts (cheap ah!)...
but then...... we saw this awesome store that sell a lot of nice clothes. So.. being girls, we went in, grabbed alot of clothes and started trying on them. seriously, they are nice and unique man. not to forget, they're kinda cheap too!! 20 minutes and i bought 3 dresses and 1 pair of shorts. and i only spent around S$50? how cool is this! I swear it's the first time i ever changed so quickly and decided to get something so quickly! what to do! no time! and.. spent until not enough money in the end. HAHAHAHA. but i super don't like shopping in a rush man. argh.
Dabao A&W and JCo donuts and it's time to go back to Singapore. Seriously, not enough time man! (And we're late again. haah. the tourguide had to stand beside us when we're queueing to pay for the donuts, so he could rush us. he's pissed lor, i can tell. But then again, it's not our fault! the cashier was soooo slow! if not we'd have been on time!)
I missed A&W lots man. but i didnt get to eat their icecream waffle and drink their rootbeer float in mugs. SADNESS. To think that we're saying that's the main aim of our trip. baaah. girls.. just cannot help it when we see nice clothes. haah. (Oops! I forgot to take pics of the A&W!)
The ferry trip back to singapore was much better than the morning one. The weather was nice and there's like sea breeze(or rather strong wind! haha). shioook to the max! It wasn't as bumpy as the morning trip.
We took a group photo after we reached harbourfront and then some of us went for dinner/supper together at Mac. (They called it MacD in indonesia. so cute man!)
Awesome trip with awesome company. Totally enjoyed the trip. =) I wont say i miss batam, but more of I miss batam trip with the ambs. I guess the destination doesn't really matter, it's the company that really matters! Sad to say, it'd be my last trip with the ambs. But well, we created our Batam experience together, and memories will always stay! :)