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Tuesday, 28 April 2009
thank you!

just feel happy that i'm being remembered.. :)

thank you wilson, one of my fav juniors! my phone is really cranky, not that i purposely wanna hung up on you even though i couldn't recognise ur voice. haha!

i'll promise i'll go back soon. yes, so what if that place doesn't belong to anymore. It once belonged to me, and that's enough! :)

smiled at 1:47:00 am

cchms <3

many emotions.

i'm msning with pearly and i realised.. how much i miss CCHMS days.. i miss the 2.4km run (oh! it was stroll for us though) around the school campus, i miss eating in classroom, i miss walking in to school and enduring the yucky smell from the canel every morning.. i even miss taking 31 (HEH. not gonna tell you why!)... and i miss... the sch uniform! hahah.

really miss chungcheng days alot. we're all so innocent and pure back then.. dont need to think so much.. everyday just study and play.. think of olevels.. and tt's it. we don't even know how harsh and cruel the society is.. we don't have to face much reality... it's really good to be young..really.

the friendship made were still kept intact though we've not meet up much after we graduated. hahaha. but well, we know we're always there for one another.

i miss my drama days alot. those were the happiest days in my life.. fulfing my little dream, stepping on the esplanade's stage and having my own production.. working together with a bunch of awesome people who shares the same passion.. cdc comm 04/05 i really love you guys! :)

been three years.. suddenly thought of the song 约定 by 光良.. hahaha. though no link lah.. can i just go back to my cchms days please...

to everyone i've known during my cchms days, i hope you're doing well now! take care! :)

smiled at 1:23:00 am

Saturday, 25 April 2009
SIFF Sliver Screen Awards 2009

Last assignment for SIFF.. and the lucky me was assigned to cover the sliver screen awards! (:
zomg. i saw so many talented people there!! which really.. makes me wanna film.
this peter guy (apparently super famous american independent film-maker) was there too! swimming lessons, the 5 stories thingy, and mdm chan won awards. i'm so happy for them (:

angmoh pai came to perform too..jim lim's live was AWESOME! ehh, he's my idol k. hahaha. I bashfully asked to take a photo with them after interviewing them. HEH! i wanted to take a photo with jim during CSS finals, but was just too humji to do so. lol. :) hahahaha, if one day i happen to meet both of them togehter, i think jim will know the reason why this young lady like like him alot. HAHAHA. well... :D


okkk. i really wanna blog about this but i'm damn tired now. will be back tmr! :)

smiled at 2:48:00 am

Thursday, 23 April 2009
zac efron!

watched 17 again!
zac efron is CHARMING! :)
i was telling the girls, if only in real life i can know someone like him.. hahaha.
ohwell, maybe i do know someone along the line! HAHA.

work.. is... kinda boring, yet tiring! seriously. it's not my type of job lah.. but i'll endure. :) i learnt new stuffs though.colleagues are quite nice and there's this temp girl who's leaving soon, who's damn nice to me. sigh! i wonder how would my days like when she leaves. =/

tmr is SIFF's awards ceremony! looking forward!

smiled at 11:26:00 pm

Tuesday, 21 April 2009
shout out loud.

Ananda Everingham! (:
i saw him today at SIFF!!! HOTTIE! haha.

it's freaking 2.43am now, and I just got back from SIFF not long ago. had a nice chat with wendy today. I'm really gonna miss you loads when you're in aussie! Who's gonna talk to me about filming! =/

first day of work at SSC was okok. can't share much cause everything is Private&Confidental. But it just makes me feel so movitated to really start my running. hahahahah. i quote SSC's vision "A sporting Singapore! Our way of life!" :)
ahh! need to work later! =/ omg. no time to sleep!

I'm really thankful for all the concerns, thank you. I'm really ok. :) Just felt that i've done so much for the organisation in the backend although I'm not the most outspoken and eloquent, and i really really cared and it's not because I'm trying to butt in or what, i just wanted the best.. if not seriously, why would i waste my time and effort to care. I'm just trying to help out in any ways i can, it's not that i don't respect or i still think that the place is mine. I've already let go long time ago.. but I'll always be there as a helping hand. I just feel so.. unappreciated suddenly. Like all my concerns efforts are being seen as trying to still dominate or something. please understand where i'm coming from. sigh. Anyway, this is life. Not everyone will appreciate what you've done for them. But listen friends, i appreciate you for being a part of my life!! <3

smiled at 2:37:00 am

Monday, 20 April 2009

I'm starting work in like a few hours time! i hope the people are nice! (:

alrighty. i need to sleep now. cannot be late on my first day of work!
it has been a great weekend!

smiled at 1:54:00 am

Sunday, 19 April 2009

back from weisong,sisong concert!

i'm supposed to be writing my review now..
BUT.. i just can't concentrate and i wanna scream OMG.OMG.OMG.OMG.O!M!G!

just got a call from chloe.. AND AHHHHHHHHHH!!! (details would not be leaked here. sorry! i'm not sharing details! journalist's ethics! heh!) i so need to talk to chloe like right now! haha.

it's like so coincidental! how can the world be soooo small?! hahaha. but i'm like soooo happy because *i cannot say the reason cause against journalist's ethics. hahaha.*.

one day, i'm SURE i'll get talk to him again. then i'm gonna ask him about it. Give me 4 years, i WILL become a real journalist and meet you once again! WOOHOO. or maybe.. if it's fated, i'll talk to you like SOON! i just knew he's genuine nice person. my instincts seldom fail me! yay! 2nd album in progress!



had been a rollercoast week, a blessing in disguise week and an awwwweesome week!
ok. right now i really need to finish my review, then i'll be back to blog!

smiled at 1:45:00 am

Friday, 17 April 2009

the kiasu me went back to school today to collect more graduation invite cards. :D
i will miss ngee ann lots. seeing the campus so lively today (cause everyone is like having orientation!) reminded me of RED Camps and Open House.. i LOVE ngee ann!

no SIFF today. tomorrow will be a busy day! :)
i seriously enjoy being busy.. i think when i'm super packed with stuffs, i'm more productive. haha.
i'm starting work on mondayyyy! WOOO. be happy for me. i found a job FINALLY.

okk. i really need to get off the internet NOW and study. wish me luck! need to wake up so early tmr.

tmr is the day i've been waiting for since two months ago!

smiled at 10:46:00 pm

SIFF - Day 3

Day 3 of SIFF and i was asked quite last minute to take over someone for duty.
luckily i'm jobless now. haha.

today's film was the covert, a thai documentary. it's about this thai woman who is a buddhist, whom converted to a muslim as she married a muslim guy. It's a true story.. the woman is a friend of the director. I actually liked the documentary..it's very very real.. and it kinda breifly talked about muslim culture. Maybe it wasn't as deep enough, or like it's a very one sided thingy (cause majority of the time, the woman is expressing her thoughts).. some of the filmgoers didn't really like it. I thought it was quite an interesting idea though.. and it gives just an insight about thailand and muslim culture.

Interviewed the director after that.. (felt so shiok! cause it's like back to my internship days!) and he said that what inspired him to make documentaries is that he has a question, and he wants to seek the answer for the question... and that once he starts, he'll never stop. totally loved that sentence.

After watching this film, i'm more determined to reproduce my 7749 somedays! Cultural stuffs! :) I think i'm quite into this whole culture and religion thingy.. sidetrack abit.. mr felix tan is going to do some islamic studies... which is like damn cool!

I need to meet budding film makers or like enthusiats.. reproduce my 7749! hahahha. I think film makers are interesting.. i won't mind talking to a film maker for one whole day... they must have alot to share.

maybe the next upcoming SIFFs, i'll volunteer to help in their committee or something. I'm totally into filming.. and i need to meet people who share the same passion!! :)

smiled at 1:57:00 am

blessing in disguise week! :)

I officially announce this week as the
"Blessing in disguise" week :)

I'm like soooooooooo happy today. happiest day of my slacking life so far. haha. if you know, you know :) if you don't, then aha.. just feel happy for me lah! :)

THANK YOU MS CHNG! I'm really very very very grateful! :)

I am feeling ever thankful after this BID week. I sincerely wanna thank all these wonderful people whom have helped me in one way or another during my awesome mcm days. you guys have really been such a great help for my academic works and i really appreciate it alot. :)

LiangWen, Jerry, AhDu, Jones, Damon (& Artchemist!), Chengfeng, Jessica, Quinn, Rastus, Aunty Ximei, Chengyao, YuChih, Jia Xi, Cheryl Hoon, Raphael...
and the many people who did countless of surveys for me!
(i'll 'give my speech' after my graduation. hahaha)

Need to study for btt now! :) tata!

smiled at 1:22:00 am

Thursday, 16 April 2009
SIFF - Day 2

today was my first day of voluntary filming for SIFF.

covered the singapore short films finalists screening..
like these three films the best:
1. Swimming lessons (totally... AWESOME!)
2. Madam Chan (Looveeee it!)
3. 5 films in an anthology of a film a month (at first i didn't quite get it.. but after a while.. the whole idea behind this film is simply amazing!)

I think there are two more screenings.. catch them if you're free..

The Arts House - Screening Room

18th Apr, 11:30am, 25th Apr, 4:30pm

actually to be honest, i don't quite get some of the films..heh. i hoped the above films will win awards!

revived my passion for filming and scriptwriting..
one day. one day, i'll take part in a film competition!
seriously wanna remake my 7749. i'm sure someone s0mewhere will like it and will appreciate it! hahaha.


smiled at 1:09:00 am


i surrender to fate already. haha.
not fated with jam hsiao. hahahaah.
most prob no hope to watch weisong sisong concert le. sighhhh. =/
i'll still try to win tickets from 933! hah.
wish me luck! or like anyone want me do reviews also can!

i won't buy the tickets no matter what. i'm a rationale person! haa!
well.... unless you tell me.. jones is performing.. then i'll consider! or rather i'll definitely get the cheapest ticket just to hear him live!

why. why. why.
why must indoor do this to me?! dammmn suay seriously.
i totally dont get it.. many others dont get it too. i think something fishy is going on.
suan le. it's all fated!

smiled at 1:01:00 am

Tuesday, 14 April 2009
bad luck.

seems like things are not going well for me this week...


seriously, how can this be?!?!?!?!?!

nevermind, blessing in disguise.. blessing in disguise..

i need to search for tickets now. my ahteng!! ahhh!

smiled at 1:32:00 pm

Monday, 13 April 2009
podcasting! :D

heehee. did my very first podcast that could be heard by millions of netizens (HAHAHAHA. yes, i exaggerated.) that was the thing that i was editing like crazy ytd night.

it's in chinese though.. so for those who're free and feel like laughing at how loserish i sounded, and can understand chinese, click here! :)

ohhh, and i went to cover Campus Superstar 3 ytd.. had an encounter with mr yoga lin (ahem. my favourite boy) again..will blog about it soon.

adding on to morning post: i just knew it's a blessing in disguise. i know. woo.

smiled at 4:20:00 pm

crap company.

you won't believe how annoyed i am at this moment.
supposed to go for my job orientation today. or rather, i went.
despite sleeping very late last night, i woke up excitedly and energetically at 7.30am cause i'm all ready to start my working life. (yes, if you know me well, i wouldnt be blogging at such a early time!)
took the bus and reached the bus stop near the company 15 mins before the reporting time.. only to receive a call to say "oh! i'm so sorry. we've to postpone the orientation to wednesday cause something cropped up."

WHAT CRAP. seriously. when don't you just call me earlier so that i'll just go back to sleep and don't waste my time and money? luckily i stay quite near.. what about those who stay far away or like took a cab down?

I'm very pissed. Just don't like people to give me last minute this and that. ohwell, i can understand that maybe something really crop up lah. but seriously, the first impression of the company is gone.

i'm telling myself maybe it's a blessing in disguise cause perhaps later i would get calls for other jobs and i would definitely go for the interviews and forget about this one. i'm not self consoling, but really..somehow just got the feeling that it's a blessing in disguise..and i'm already half disinterested in this job already.. if not for money (oh. dunno if eventually will they pay anot. later they say, oh sorry. something's wrong with our finance dept., we cannot pay you.) and to kill time, i won't even agree to this job.

pray for me that i'll get a new job soon and get many calls today! :)
working on something quite interesting. heh. update later!

smiled at 9:29:00 am

Tuesday, 7 April 2009
haapppy! :D

7april09 is a happy day! :D

unexpected things happened! when dad told me that i've got letter, i was damn excited but nervous also! after opening it, it's like the most unexpected thing that I'll see.

direct admission! WOO. :)
i wanted it so much (but i'm not very sure if i still want it that much now..) and i thought i'll never get it.. but!! WOOOHOOOO.

but now, it's decision making time. sigh. well, it's happy worries anyway! :)

mini celebration for me tmr. hahahaha. self-declare celebration. shopping + movie! watching "the unborn" sia.. great guts i've got! haaa. i'm humji, but i still wanna watch leh. and i wanna watch finish all the movies related to the ring! thanks man, mr danny boey. you make me fall in love with horror movies though i'm scaredddd.

alright. need to study for btt now! I NEED TO PASS! (with full marks! LOL)

smiled at 11:54:00 pm


went for a job interview today...
i'm gonna work soon! (I HOPE!)
macpherson there was FLOODED like crazy lor.
first time, i need to walk in flood. my feet were soaked. i can feel water in my shoes lor..not a nice feeling! esp when you have to rush to an interview! baaaah.

SIFF is coming soon too...
gonna be a volunteer this year! (many thanks to wendy!) i hope i have time to commit man..
i wanna meet royston tan and boo junfeng! :)

i think my sixth sense is like...getting better and better. well, maybe it's not sixth sense..it's just that whatever i'm thinking will like come true? i dunno how to explain ..maybe i have some kind of supernatural powers. HAHAHAHAH.

alright, the almost fully rotten me is gonna play games now. bye!

smiled at 12:55:00 am

Monday, 6 April 2009

Oasis concert today.
and i saw the both nice and ugly side of people(well, a certain race, but i shouldn't say here) just in few hours.

nice patrons who will smile & say thank you after you tear off their tickets and some even asked how's your day and address you by your name. :)

nasty and ugly patrons who kept insisting of going to the standing pents when their tickets were not in that area and it's as if it's my freaking fault that they bought the tickets wrongly. wth.

rude patrons screaming at me, splattering their disgusting saliva all over my face(YUCKS! YUCKS! YUCKS!) and commented that singapore is the only country that doesnt allow to people to move down to the standing pents. HELLO. no ticket no talk. this is singapore. HAHAHA. but well, i really wonder how does stadiums in other countries function.

really is wanna vomit blood at some patrons. but what to do! we're professional, we can take everything in well.

didn't really watch the concert.. the music was damn loud and it's quite irritating to the ears cause it's way tooooo loud! (even coldplay wasn't that loud!) i only knew one of their songs (and after googling..) which is called "don't look back in anger" or better known as "so sally can wait".

coldplay still the best! WOO.

smiled at 12:10:00 am

Sunday, 5 April 2009
the place.

suddenly misses the place alot.
and all the memories flooded back.
i hope you're still doing well now... still pursuing your dreams (though i dunno what's your dreams. hahaha).. i know you'll do well in life. i know.. :)

till we meet again.
take care!

smiled at 4:15:00 am


Cheer chen's concert.
not bad. just that encored too many times already. haha.
this girl can really sing, and is damn talented!
admires her.

finally ate xinwang's tauhuay today! WOO.
always always wanted to eat, but every time, they will say don't have cause too late already. boo. but finally! i ate it today after work! woohoo. ok lah, comparable with rochor's one..but rochor's one definitely still the best! i mean the one at selegie road... the original one.. though sometimes really cannot stand their rudeness and their customer service sucks to the core (i've been there thrice, and thrice i wasn't treated nicely!) ..but the tauhuay there is like heaven! the cold one. wooo.

the one beside it (think it's called beancurd city or something like that) has better service but i still prefer the other shop one.. but well, both are definitely better than my house market here one! hahhah. the apparently very famous yonghe doujiang at geylang is so-so only.. the youtiao there rocks though! i read that there's another rochor beancurd at geylang lor 39 and it's the best rochor beancurd! shall try it somedays!

totally loveeeee tauhuay. :D

smiled at 3:20:00 am

Thursday, 2 April 2009
i need a job!

I NEED A JOB! (for 4 months!)

Any job lobangs, please please please tell me!

I'm rotting at home. urgh.

smiled at 3:48:00 pm