sat was a busy & tiring day, but i had lots of fun. :)
started the day at 8am, and ended at 1midnight. one weekend gone. but it's definitely a memorable one! :)
so morning till late noon, i was at NDP leaders' training. for the very first time, i met like other 70+ ushers who could be potential leaders. what really made me damn happy was that jietong, sylvester and chunyang were there also!! :) which means, there could be a chance that i would be able to work together with them again. i really made me very very happy. secondly, i realised, majority of the ushers are from NP! WOOOHOOO. makes me feel like home. :) and i heard that subsequent trainings will be held in my beloved campus. lalala.
we had games in the morning, followed by lunch, then it was something exciting - using dominos to construct a picture . it's the first time in my life dealing with real dominos. always see on tv programmes, but had never handons before.. i had a great time with my awesome group mates. :)
presenting our final masterpiece (our theme is race):

intially i was kinda sian before i went for the training cause i dont know anybody there! but my group people are like so friendly and easy to talk to (and must be because we have something in common - NP students!), and it just took us a awhile to warm up and it seems like we've known each other for so long! i met wenqi, who is also a SIS usher. so coincidental! :) world is small.
word for the day:
as defined by maurice (what a special but weird name! hahaha):
Respect one another
Understanding fellow ushers as well as the public
Sensitive towards each other
Taking initiative to do our best
that will be our own NDP ushers' team motto. lol
honestly, leader or not, it doesnt matter to me. i would rather work with this bunch of people (group 5 FTW!) and not be a leader. cause we'll definitely spilt up if we're all selected. results will be out in a few hours time.. so shall see how it goes. like i always say, whoever deserves it, shall get it :) [good luck lah, rice! you'll make a fun leader!]
i'm really looking forward to NDP trainings! just pray that whichever sector i'll end up in and the people whom i'll be working with will be like group 5's people. :)
(and yes, the training made me miss ambassadors life even more. i like big group activities.)
sadly, i didnt get to see the dominos fall cause i left earlier to go work for aaron kwok's concert!!
OMG! THE CONCERT WAS AWESOME! oklah, though 80% of the time i can't understand what he's singing cause it's in cantonese, but the 450degrees stage alone amazed me to the max! plus, he's so damn charming, can sing and can dance supberly well. it's a very very good concert, definitely worth paying to watch. and i realised right, he's one of the very few artistes whom don't need any LCD lyrics screen on the stage. he totally had NONE! (memory very good sia). can sing and dance at the same time and didnt even wear a harness and he's like a spiderman on the 450degrees revolving stage.. I TOTALLY SLATUES HIM TO THE MAX. :) (go youtube find video, i'm sure you'll be awed like crazy)
coincidentally, suxian (my hill's ex-colleauge) was at the block which i was doing plan A. had a nice little chat with her :) glad to know that she's doing well now.. i always feel that it's a pity she decided to take a break from the journalist's life. things happen for a reason bah. nice senior pengloy allowed us to choose our own gate. i dont know why, i just walked to that gate. :) ohwell, but if i was at the other end, it'll be another story totally. heh heh. fated de lah.
i feel so motivated to learn a cantonese song after yesterday's concert! heh. shall go find now! :) and then sleeeep. sigh. back to another boring working day. =/
nights! :) (and good luck to all the potential leaders! :) )