finally, i'm back!
this always happens, when i'm too 'busy'. (actually, i also dunno what i'm busy with...) my blog will be 'abandon'! okay lah, it's not very true. just that there's really nothing much exciting that i wanna blog about.. so i'll let my blog lives in its peacefulness. haha. or rather, to be truthful, i'm just plain lazy. haha!
school is kinda killing me already, way tooooo much readings to do! but okay, i'm seeing it positively! i'll survive! woohoo. and after i'm done with this post, i'll go back to do my readings! i just hope i dont doze off when i'm at the first page!
i miss poly days, really. i miss my awesome project mates, i miss those stayovers to chiong for projects. i miss ambassadors. uni life is kinda different, but i'm adapting quite well so far, thankfully! (: and i kinda like uni tutorials. heh!
so i went for an interview today, and i'm glad i did overcome something that i thought i won't be able to. i'm glad that i've uphold my principles of work is work, friends are friends. i need to give myself a pat on my shoulder! haha.
i was reading on socialisation and defining the self, some sociology thingy, and the book was saying that people go through one significant event during their adolescents' life to make them shape their self and learn about their self. I can say, this is very true.
And coincidentally, this point came across my mind during the interview just now, when i was trying hard to answer a question. Positions doesn't matter to me anymore, cause i've already have my fair share and fair taste of being in 'power', thus the chance should be given to someone else to try. i don't believe in hogging on to the 'power'. then again, i would want to contribute, cause i know i might be of some help and i'll definitely do my best.
i finally came to a conclusion that: i'll embrace whatever that is given to me, cause i believe there's always a reason behind it. this statement has been true, at least for me. i respect peoples' decisions, and i'll definitely do my best to show them that their decisions were the correct ones. i'm glad i've thought of it this way ever since i was going to year 2 in poly.
i have to thank cheryl hoon for this. really. cause it really changed my life, and it was definitely one of the significant events in my life. (: i'm still ever grateful to you. (:
okay, more light-hearted stuffs! (:
i'm baaaaack to work for raffles hotel mooncakes again this year! 4th year! woohoo. time really flies. i miss 07/08 operation! but okay lah, so far, it's been quite okay. there're alot of newbies (seriously miss our 07/09 team! best working buddies lah!), some of them are quite nice.. so yea. have to be patience with them and teach them. haha. i'm looking forward to the upcoming roadshows!! woooohooo~
then then, on 20.09.09, gonna attend friends' wedding dinner! :) i'm definitely gonna do a post on this, so i shan't elaborate much now! so excited! haha.
alrighty, i need to continue with my readings! =/
before i go off, photo of the month of august!

i love this photo. it has this very family-ish feel and old school kind of feel. okay, i tweaked the colors to sepia.
blue sector first outing after ndp! i enjoyed their company (:
these people really make me relax and happy. (well, minus the stupid stress part of the outing.)
i'm seeing most of them again next week! woohoooo~ looking forward too! but i'm actually killing myself cause i've a 35% test one day after the outing! =/