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Thursday, 31 December 2009
goodbye 2009; hello 2010!! (:

almost coming to the end of an awesome year(:
thus, it's reflections time!

(haha. i realised i don't have much creativity! looking at my last year's end year post, i've used the same title and i've used the word awesome too. lol)

2009 has been a happening year for me. i've met wonderful people; accomplished things that i've never thought i could be able to; experienced many new things; graduated from the most wonderful poly and embarked on the university journey...

many thoughts along the way, some dilemmas faced, tough decisions to be made.. but overall thankfully, it's still smooth sailing and there weren't much ups-and-downs. (:

i've always wanted to write a "graduation speech".. so here it goes to close my poly life chapter which concluded on a happy note.

entering ngee ann mass comm has been my dream since secondary 2. don't ask me why. i don't know too! haha. it's just some instincts thingy. i worked hard for it, but still i couldn't get direct admission thanks to my lousy english. alright, it wasn't that lousy, but lousy enough not to get admission to mass comm by looking at the grade.

JC was never my choice, and again, i have no concrete explanations for this also. everything is based on my own instincts. haha. I was lucky enough (maybe fated) to be granted an interview for mcm. and i made it. that was one of the happiness day of my life when i found out i'm accepted!

since then, i told myelf, i have to work hard and prove that i can do it. i have to make full use of this rare opportunity. i didn't think much about going to university after graduation back then. just wanted to do well, graduate and start working. i knew the chances of going into uni for a poly student is never high.

there were disappointments along the way, when i didn't score well. when i see others got into director's list and i didn't. but it was also these disappointments that made me strive harder to achieve better results. i know i cannot let down the panel of interviewers who decided to grant me the scholarship. i know i cannot let myself down.

there are some special people whom i really want to express my heartfelt graditute... they've helped me out of good will for my coursework. & if not for them, i might not even be where i am today. (:

- Liang Wen.
Thank you for agreeing to act for 7749 when i expected that you'll reject. It was one of the most memorable times in my poly life.

- Justin Luck (Quinn)
Thank you for agreeing to be my TV production guest when many rejected us when they knew it's for schoolwork and we can't afford to pay much. Thank you for all the effort you've put in for the show and introducing me to the world of magic. I'm glad that we're still keeping in touch! (:

- Rastus
Thank you for agreeing to host for the production & your time and effort put in! I'm really thankful that you agreed almost immediately!

- Jones
Thank you for coming down to be my radio guest despite your busy schedule. It was one unbelievable "achievement" of myself, i didn't know where i got the guts from that time to ask you about it. haha. From a C+ for Radio Prod 1 to an AD for Radio Prod 2.. you deserved the credits partly, because the guest played a crucial role too. I should really have recorded down the interview! & yours & Damon's free renting of Artchemist's room for my advertising shoot. (:

- Chengfeng
Thank you for taking such wonderful photos for my advertising project that earned us a good grade and many compliments!

- Jessica
Thank you for modeling for our advertising ads! (:

- JiaXi
12am and we're recording some Chinese commercials. I'll never forget this! Thank you for your help, your voice and your time!

Of course, i'm thankful to my family for their constant support. Especially mummy, who helped me acted in 7749! (debut acting man! main cast somemore. haha!) and helping me with all those sewing for AWARE's project and advertising projects! & daddy, who also acted in 7749 also!

I hope i've done you all proud. (:

Poly life won't have been so fulfiling and enriching without one important thing - Ambassadors. Once an NP Ambassadors, always an NP Ambassadors! (: Thank you Adrian for the guidance, my fellow exco 08/09 for the support and the senior exco 08/09 for letting me beam with pride and happines when i say that the senior exco has been the best committee i've ever worked in. (:

Ambassadors is my life during poly years. To be honest, not during year 1 though. But it's better to be late than never. I looked forward to school especially in my last semester, because of Ambassadors. I found the passion, i served with pride and honour. We did RED Camp 5 and OH09. We did it. The passion in me will never die!

Batam trip was fun! Ambassadors are loved. Each and everyone of you whom i've met in Ambassadors, you've made a difference in my life, be it a little one, or a major one. It has really groomed me a lot; i learnt; i grew. Thank you cheryl hoon for giving me the chance and believing in me. If not for you, i might not be who am i now. I'm always thankful to you. always. & those who've believe in me, i hope i didn't let you guys down. (:

The wonderful polytechnic memories are never completed without the awesome people i've met there.

To my year one gang: Charlene, Yi Song, Kelda, Sarah, Geraldine, Carolyn
Though we might not hang out together now, but i'm still ever glad and grateful to have known you guys and spent my year 1 with you all. (:

SHEAN (v1) - Stef, Elaine, Amelia & Nikk
I didn't expect us to be working that well together at the start, honestly! But it turned out really great! Advertising days are missed. Those nights, those chionging and the little conflicts we had. haha. It was one of the best projects ever. really.

Chloe & Berenice - Though we're year 1 classmates, but we didn't talk much. I'm glad we gotta work together in our final semester! The stayovers at Chloe's house and her gigantic cat.. the fighting of who gets to sit at the front seat of Chloes' cute mini cooper.. the lays' vinegar chip.. the days are so missed!

Elaine, Eunice, Wendy - Qingdao trip kinda brought us together yea? (: Wendy, i still remember we starting talking to each other because of daoyou! haha. Elaine, i don't know how we started talking and ended up doing almost all our year 2 projects together! haha. From newspaper project, TV prod, magazine, MRM.. almost all the projects.. 3 of us did together. the stay overs to choing at wendy's house, and the eating of bachormee at 3am.. those were the days man. Eunice, i honestly can't remember how exactly did we become friends (must be cause of Elaine i think!) but tourism and WISP classes with you around were fun. I still remember you think that our tourism lecture is very nice!

Nisha - I knew you cause of radio in year 1! the "scary" experience we had in the daws. haha. & you happened to be elaine's friend too.. tt's how we all became "connected"! haha.

Jalyn - Okayy. i'm really very sorry! =/ i can't remember how i got to know you! (must be cause of Elaine again i think!) but the bitching of snorlax will always be remembered! *evil grins*

All of you have spiced up my poly life in one way or another.. and of course those whom i've been classmates or project mates with (:

I treasure this friendship alot; and i'm ever glad that we're still meeting up occassionally after we graduate. (: love you girls. <3


After graduation, was a few months spent at Singapore Sports Council. It wasn't really a lot of work to do, i did complain that work was boring... i guessed it's cause that's what i'm not suited for. well, at least i did experience and learn something new! Thank you Samuel & Chenyen for making the temp job more lively and fun. & also to all the colleagues there who've made my stay a more enjoyable one. (: i miss excerising at least once a week! :P

2009 is also the year which i start to feel more belonging-ness to indoor stadium. Worked more, learnt more and knew more people (: I'm really happy there. I enjoy working there a lot (:

2009 is also a special year cause i finally participated in NDP! It was something that i've always wished i can do...and i finally did it this year! The volunteering experience is definitely a once in a lifetime experience. Learnt alot along the way; got to know alot of wonderful people too. Thank you blue sector volunteers, (too many to name one by one liao!), my leaders - David, Melinda, Xue Yi, Eugenia, Fiona & Yihan, my SOIC- Victor, Lionel, Daniel & ahtham (: BLUE SECTOR FTW! :D

& also to group 5. TRUST! (: i'll never forget that! maurice, wenqi, caroline: i'm glad we're like volunteering for marathons together now! :D

zhiheng & khengleng: it's really fated that i got to know you guys since we're not in any same group at all! But i'm realy glad to know you guys! Aiyah, it's not very me to get mushy-mushy here.. just want to let you both know that i really treasure this special friendship! (:

mel, zh, kheng: even though we only knew each other for like almost 5- 6months, to me, it seems that we've known each other forever. (good or bad! haha) my 20th birthday is definitely one of the best and sweetest. (: it's weird how we kinda clique.. haha. one of the greatest thing that happened to me in 2009, is knowing the 3 of you. honest. (: may our weird friendship goes on & on!

those weekly-turned-almost daily outings were loved and remembered. though some of us might not be that close now.. but i still wanna say, i do treasure the times together and thank you for being a part of life. (: it was the first time that i stepped onto pulau ubin's land! first birthday chalet, first time gg to henderwaves.. and plenty of jump shots everywhere! (:

and.. i met someone who has the same birthday as me finally!! :D

ndp memories always stay deep down in my heart <3

it was a tough decision, to go to NTU or NUS. in the end, i chose NUS.. partly owing to the advice that marvin gave. (: thanks marv! one semester down, 6 more to go! i'm pretty satisfied with my first sem's grades.. though i know i can score better.. need to work even harder! NUS is the correct choice; i'm happy there; i learnt new things; i met an awesome tutor - daniel; made a few cute friends whom i know we'll stay in touch even though we might not be in the same classes or even majors. still searching for buddies who will go through the last few years of schooling together, and im glad i've already found one - jean! (: & darren, you should really come join us at SW to pull up ur grades. haahah! Ralentine mates, you guys are not forgotten too! Kinda sad that i've to miss outings with them cause it's either Chingay or some other stuffs i have that clashes =/

the friendship with my awesome ark buddies are still ever strong, even though we rarely meet up together nowadays. am i'm thankful and glad for that (: & i know it will continue to get stronger (: spent xmas with them and am going to countdown to 2010 with them toooo. special dates are reserved are you all, cause you all have an important place in my heart! (: (:

i think i might have missed out alot of things.. cause i need to rush off to steamboat at flora's house already! so i'm ending this post here as of now (:

Have a great last few hours of 2009 & may 2010 be yet another AWESOME year!! (:

many many loves!! <3 <3 <3

smiled at 5:35:00 pm

Friday, 25 December 2009
merry christmas! (:


blogging live at my aunt's house now! my sister and cousins asleep already, i'm only the sole survivor. lol.

it's become a tradition kinda thingy to spend xmas eve baking at my aunt's, then having family gathering over a feast on xmas day! uncle will cook chili crabbbb. woo!

spent the day baking and baking! from cheese brownies to butter cookies to chocolate chip butter cookies to chocolate brownies. (: when i retire, and if i have the money, i wanna open a bakery! (that was laura's and nikk's plan too. hahaha.)

i'm in a super high and happy mood. i don't know why! maybe cause.. my little christmas wish is kinda granted! :D woohoo!

gonna attend flora, freda, hengjing and huishan's chalet later tonight! they're celebrating their 10 years of friendship! damn cute lah! (: finally gonna meet up with my ark buds after such a looooong time! looking forward!

2009 has been pretty great so far! hopefully the few days left don't ruin my quite awesome 2009!

there's only a little regret and a big question mark left for 2009, if not it'd have been a prefect year. i'm not decided if i want to get the mystery solved before 2009 ends. well...

anyway, i'm just damn damn damn glad that i've kinda fulfilled my promise! :D


smiled at 2:33:00 am

Wednesday, 23 December 2009
Jones 另一种温暖 (:





说老实话,第一次看到了,觉得有点失望。怎么没有电视上那么帅!哈哈~ 不过他彬彬有礼的,让我印象深刻。而且访问是越聊越轻松,越愉快。有问必答。慢慢的,“刀”和“冷”不见了,取而代之的是“温和”,“亲切”,“友善”,“真实”,“很冷~”(他还蛮好笑的)。我记得当时他说自己“不善言语”,一直觉得会不会因为是这个原因,使他“消失”了4年!



我还记得那时很“疯”他。去签名会啦,只要他有表演都会去捧场,还到机场送机。ok拉,当时我才16岁!年少无知。 哈哈!在我眼里,他就象个大哥哥一样。现在不会这么觉得了啦,因为老了。 想起以前所做过的事,觉得很好笑!丢脸就还好了,因为是一段蛮可爱的回忆!


如今,那个16岁的小妹妹已经长大了,进入了2字头;而当时那个26岁,有些害臊,冷漠的摇滚小巨人,也多跨入了3字头,变得更大方,也更有魅力!真的,这是真心话!哈哈~ (我觉得其实Jones看起来比实际年龄年轻!)

为什么他消失了那么久,我却没有把他遗忘。 因为我深信有一天,他会回来的!而这一天,我等到了。



期待你的第二张专辑,我永远的偶像! :D



smiled at 1:45:00 am

Saturday, 19 December 2009

back! (:
[really back in a sense, cause came back from HK this week]

into the 3rd week of holidays! damn fast =/

so yea.. i went to macau & hongkong with family, cousins and aunty! dad's company's retreat kinda thing. (: not bad. but i still prefer taiwan! haha. just don't like the way hongkong tour guides are like so...市侩!and that 女人街's shop seller that cheated me! ARGH!!

macau's tour guide was damn nice thou! reminded me of my qingdao tour guide! heh.

on the whole, the trip wasn't that bad lah. still enjoyed it~ cause it was a family trip and my two younger cousins came along. fun! :D disneyland was the best man!! the fireworks are... O_O! damn damn awesome!!

the trip came at the right time. i really needed a break from everything. and it's time to relax after mugging so hard for a month! kinda wished that the trip was longer, so i can fully recharge myself.. anyone wants a short getaway to msia? i still feel like getting out of singapore for awhile. haha. cause this trip was like damn packed in a sense.. go with tour group.. so everything packed packed packed, didn't really like nuaaa and chill completely. haha.

many things happened this december! (:

firstly... and most importantly!! jones sang a theme song for chn U's telemovie. showing this sunday 9.30pm, catch it k! (at least hear the song. haha!) am damn glad. cause it's like FINALLY. the song is being broadcasted on 933 quite frequently, but i still haven't manage to hear it! not fated ahhhh. :( but heard part of it on a blog.. damn nice, as always! (:

i was really feeling damn happy for him when i knew he's in the midst of preparing his 2nd album! super excited to hear his new songs! it's been four years..going to five soon! i think it's gonna be weird that if he's gonna have an autograph session and i go queue to get his signature. HAHAHA. but i'll still do it anyway! fangirl number 1! lol.

can i make a pre-xmas wish/new year wish now? i wanna interview him again when he releases his 2nd album! (thou i also think it's gonna be kinda weird also! but professionalism!) someone, grant my wish please!!

anticipating the day to come and i know the day is coming quite sooooon. wooohoo. after waiting for sooooo loooooooooong... but after so many years, i'll still support him all the way! :D it's very heartening to see that there are still fans around the world waiting for him to 'reappear' again. everytime i randomly come across their blogs and posts, just can't help but to comment and share with them his updates and the happy news. 希望我小小的举动,可以帮到他。 加油咯,翁骏维 :P

after the happiness, comes some emo reflections.. okay lah.. not emo emo per se, but have been thinking quite alot these few days and especially today. i don't want to think that you're hinting and implying some thing, but somehow, i knew you are. if that's the case in the first place, why did you even make this decision? i don't like the feeling of i'm a "die die no choice" option.

it wasn't my choice in the first place. i should have just be firm. sometimes, i asked myself. why am i doing this? am i happy? i don't know and i don't want to know also. maybe it was a wrong decision from the start. but whatever it is, i live up to what jones said before: "there's no regrets in my dictionary. once i've decided, the only path is to go forward, and there's no turning back."

just wanted a place to pour out all my accumulated feelings. wait till the day i cannot take it anymore, don't blame me if i say anything nasty. ask yourself, what have you done? talk, yes. action? no. and don't always take me as an excuse and as if everything is my fault and i'm supposed to answer for it. and you said you don't doubt me, but are you sure you're not doubting me? if so, why did you keep saying those things? seriously, sometimes i think there's a need for you brush up your communication skills.

don't worry about me though, i'm good at enduring all sorts of nonsense. i'm good at it. (: super. but really, i don't think you want to try me. everyone has different ways of doing things, doesn't mean this is your style, and then i have to follow. accomodate, understand? (: i'll finish this for sure, i won't give up halfway. i live up to my principles. think positive. yes. just that my smile won't be that genuine anymore. i'll do for the sake of doing. and that's it. complete my task and go! :D

okay enough of making my blood pressure high. (:

back to happier things! currently working for cirque on ice for SIS. interesting event! the performers are damn cool! but sometimes, feel quite worried for them cause if there's a mistake, it may cause a huge injury. heard that some of the skaters performed for DOI this year also! DOI.. memories man..memories.. (:

starting to feel the belonging to SIS from the start of the year..like after 2 years.. i like going to work, makes my happy weirdly. guess it was because of DOI and AVIVA. those seasonal events.. and now.. cirque on ice, another seasonal event. people there are generally nice and friendly and fun! as long as i can help, i'll go down and help. money is not the issue, happiness and enjoyment are (:

alrighty, i guess it's been a long post! need to catch some sleep. 8 hours of cirque of ice tmr!
misses my polymates and ark budds.. meet up sooooon! <3

smiled at 9:50:00 pm

Thursday, 3 December 2009

i am back! :D
goodbye mugging days; hello busy holidays!
can't believe i just spent like almost a month mugging almost every day & i actually did it! no outings, no surfing net the whole day. wah, now thinking back, i wondered how did i pull it thru man. lol. guess this is uni life.. embrace it, embrace it :D

super random,but since i'm talking about school, i just once again wanted to say how blessed i'm to have such a super awesome & amazing sociology tutor. prays hard daniel will get considered for the best teaching award. he totally deserved it! (:

so...after almost 3 weeks of "jail", met up with my "family" once i'm released from "jail". haha. though only for short while, but really felt great to see them again after so long! haha. we're quite used to meeting each other very often.

i need to meet up with my ark buddies sooooooon! damn long never catch up =/ misses them loads. damn saddening, now we take turns to have exams! sigh! looks like the earliest we'll get to meet is christmas le.. without some of us though. wonder when will we all have like a big reunion. haha.

anyway, it was vivo's 3rd anniversary and they had fireworks for the celebration. mel damn resourceful! :D

i've always like fireworks. beautiful things. but only for an instance. but the enjoyment and thrill i got out of seeing them always make me super happy (:

heng was saying something like "烟火就像爱情一样,美丽但却短暂"... i remember hearing this sentence from somewhere else also. nice sentence, 但我宁愿我的爱情不要像烟火!haha! i rather let fireworks remind me of F4's song <烟火的季节>! (:

the fireworks reminded me of ndp days... for 4 consective weekends, i got to see them close up. the feeling was damn shiok seriously for a fireworks fan like me. haha. brought back so much memories.. all the wonderful memories.. bits & pieces and little things that made my ndp09 volunteering experience lifetime memorable. (well, this vivo's one was way nicer than ndp's one though! ) and yea, that's why i titled this post as 触景生情.

really... memories just started flooding back unconsciously while i'm admiring the fireworks.. some things, can't be said out using words & i choose to keep this feeling inside my heart (: i knew one day i would be able to grow out this, and laugh off when i think back. in fact, i'm already starting to grow out of it! :D

Chirstmas's in the air! (: i feel the xmas-i-ness! haha. super in festive mood. :D we attempted to take a photo with the gangitic xmas tree at vivo's rooftop. sad ah, kheng not here today!

then it was to durian moussssee. :D after such a long time! it still tasted ever so nice though!

okaay, can feel i'm gonna blackout soon. have been awake since 7am! but well, guess this is the most post-exam syndrom. haha!

ending this post with a damn cute photo of the day!

ahboy, you're sooooo cute! (okay, but this photo is decieving, don't trust what i say! HAAH!)

smiled at 1:51:00 am